#ifndef cmMath_h #define cmMath_h double cmX80ToDouble( unsigned char s[10] ); void cmDoubleToX80( double v, unsigned char s[10] ); bool cmIsPowerOfTwo( unsigned i ); unsigned cmNextPowerOfTwo( unsigned i ); unsigned cmNearPowerOfTwo( unsigned i ); bool cmIsOddU( unsigned v ); bool cmIsEvenU( unsigned v ); unsigned cmNextOddU( unsigned v ); unsigned cmPrevOddU( unsigned v ); unsigned cmNextEvenU( unsigned v ); unsigned cmPrevEvenU( unsigned v ); // modified bessel function of first kind, order 0 // ref: orfandis appendix B io.m double cmBessel0( double x ); //================================================================= // The following elliptic-related function approximations come from // Parks & Burrus, Digital Filter Design, Appendix program 9, pp. 317-326 // which in turn draws directly on other sources // calculate complete elliptic integral (quarter period) K // given *complimentary* modulus kc cmReal_t cmEllipK( cmReal_t kc ); // calculate elliptic modulus k // given ratio of complete elliptic integrals r = K/K' // (solves the "degree equation" for fixed N = K*K1'/K'K1) cmReal_t cmEllipDeg( cmReal_t r ); // calculate arc elliptic tangent u (elliptic integral of the 1st kind) // given argument x = sc(u,k) and *complimentary* modulus kc cmReal_t cmEllipArcSc( cmReal_t x, cmReal_t kc ); // calculate Jacobi elliptic functions sn, cn, and dn // given argument u and *complimentary* modulus kc cmRC_t cmEllipJ( cmReal_t u, cmReal_t kc, cmReal_t* sn, cmReal_t* cn, cmReal_t* dn ); //================================================================= // bilinear transform // z = (2*sr + s)/(2*sr - s) cmRC_t cmBlt( unsigned n, cmReal_t sr, cmReal_t* rp, cmReal_t* ip ); //================================================================= // Pitch conversion unsigned cmHzToMidi( double hz ); float cmMidiToHz( unsigned midi ); //================================================================= // Floating point byte swapping unsigned cmFfSwapFloatToUInt( float v ); float cmFfSwapUIntToFloat( unsigned v ); unsigned long long cmFfSwapDoubleToULLong( double v ); double cmFfSwapULLongToDouble( unsigned long long v ); //================================================================= int cmRandInt( int min, int max ); unsigned cmRandUInt( unsigned min, unsigned max ); float cmRandFloat( float min, float max ); double cmRandDouble( double min, double max ); //================================================================= bool cmIsCloseD( double x0, double x1, double eps ); bool cmIsCloseF( float x0, float x1, double eps ); bool cmIsCloseI( int x0, int x1, double eps ); bool cmIsCloseU( unsigned x0, unsigned x1, double eps ); #endif