#include "cmPrefix.h" #include "cmGlobal.h" #include "cmRpt.h" #include "cmErr.h" #include "cmCtx.h" #include "cmMem.h" #include "cmLinkedHeap.h" #include "cmMallocDebug.h" typedef struct cmLhBlock_str { char* basePtr; // base of block char* nextPtr; // next avail location in block char* endPtr; // one past end of block struct cmLhBlock_str* prevBlkPtr; // backward block link struct cmLhBlock_str* nextBlkPtr; // forward block link unsigned freeCnt; // track orphaned space that is unavailable for reuse } cmLhBlock_t; typedef struct { unsigned dfltBlockByteCnt; // size of each block in chain cmLhBlock_t* first; // first block in chain cmLhBlock_t* last; // last block in chain cmMmH_t mmH; } cmLHeap_t; cmLHeapH_t cmLHeapNullHandle = { NULL }; cmLHeap_t* _cmLHeapHandleToPtr( cmLHeapH_t h ) { cmLHeap_t* lhp = (cmLHeap_t*)h.h; assert( lhp != NULL); return lhp; } cmLhBlock_t* _cmLHeapAllocBlock( cmLHeap_t* lhp, unsigned blockByteCnt ) { // note: the entire block (control record and data space) is allocated // as one contiguous chunk of memory. cmLhBlock_t* lbp = (cmLhBlock_t*)cmMemMallocZ( sizeof(cmLhBlock_t) + blockByteCnt ); // setup the new block lbp->basePtr = (char*)(lbp+1); lbp->nextPtr = lbp->basePtr; lbp->endPtr = lbp->basePtr + blockByteCnt; lbp->prevBlkPtr = lhp->last; lbp->nextBlkPtr = NULL; // link the new block into the chain if( lhp->last != NULL ) lhp->last->nextBlkPtr = lbp; else { assert( lhp->first == NULL ); lhp->first = lbp; } lhp->last = lbp; return lbp; } void* _cmLHeapAlloc( cmLHeap_t* lhp, unsigned dataByteCnt ) { void* retPtr = NULL; cmLhBlock_t* lbp = lhp->last; unsigned allocByteCnt = dataByteCnt + sizeof(unsigned); // go backwards down the chain looking for the first block with enough // free space to hold the allocation (we go backward under the assumption // that the last block is most likely to have available space) while( (lbp != NULL) && ((lbp->endPtr - lbp->nextPtr) < allocByteCnt) ) lbp = lbp->prevBlkPtr; // no space large enough to provide the requested memory - allocate a new block if( lbp == NULL ) lbp = _cmLHeapAllocBlock(lhp, cmMax( lhp->dfltBlockByteCnt, allocByteCnt )); assert( lbp != NULL ); // store the sizeof the allocation at the beginning of the allocated block *(unsigned*)lbp->nextPtr = allocByteCnt; // the returned block ptr begins just after the block size retPtr = lbp->nextPtr + sizeof(unsigned); lbp->nextPtr += allocByteCnt; return retPtr; } void* _cmLHeapAllocCb(void* funcArgPtr, unsigned byteCnt) { cmLHeap_t* p = (cmLHeap_t*)funcArgPtr; assert( p != NULL ); return _cmLHeapAlloc(p,byteCnt); } cmLhBlock_t* _cmLHeapPtrToBlock( cmLHeap_t* lhp, const void* dataPtr ) { if( dataPtr == NULL ) return NULL; cmLhBlock_t* lbp = lhp->first; // locate the block containing the area to free while( (lbp != NULL ) && (((char*)dataPtr < lbp->basePtr) || ((char*)dataPtr >= lbp->endPtr))) lbp = lbp->nextBlkPtr; return lbp; } bool _cmLHeapFree( cmLHeap_t* lhp, void* dataPtr ) { if( dataPtr == NULL ) return true; /* cmLhBlock_t* lbp = lhp->first; // locate the block containing the area to free while( (lbp != NULL ) && (((char*)dataPtr < lbp->basePtr) || ((char*)dataPtr >= lbp->endPtr))) lbp = lbp->nextBlkPtr; */ cmLhBlock_t* lbp = _cmLHeapPtrToBlock(lhp,dataPtr); // the pointer must be in one of the blocks if( lbp == NULL ) return false; unsigned* allocPtr = ((unsigned*)dataPtr)-1; unsigned dataByteCnt = *allocPtr - sizeof(unsigned); // the data to be freed is at the end of the blocks space ... if( dataPtr == lbp->nextPtr - dataByteCnt ) lbp->nextPtr = (char*)allocPtr; // ... then make it the space to alloc else lbp->freeCnt += *allocPtr; // ... otherwise increase the free count // freeCnt tracks unused space that is not at the end of the block and therefore cannot be reused. // if all the space for this block has been freed then the // next space to allocate must be at the base if( lbp->freeCnt == lbp->endPtr - lbp->basePtr ) lbp->nextPtr = lbp->basePtr; return true; } bool _cmLHeapFreeCb(void* funcArgPtr, void* ptr) { cmLHeap_t* lhp = (cmLHeap_t*)funcArgPtr; return _cmLHeapFree(lhp,ptr); } cmLHeapH_t cmLHeapCreate( unsigned dfltBlockByteCnt, cmCtx_t* ctx ) { cmLHeapH_t h; cmLHeap_t* lhp = cmMemAllocZ( cmLHeap_t, 1 ); // We are not going to defer freeing each allocation because it will result in using // a lot of memory. Commenting out this line however would result in // checking all allocations for corruption during cmLHeapDestroy(). // This may be a good way to hunt down subtle memory corruption problems. // See cmLHeapDestroy() and cmLHeapClear() for kDeferFreeMMFl related // items. unsigned mmFlags = cmClrFlag(ctx->mmFlags,kDeferFreeMmFl); if( cmMmInitialize(&lhp->mmH,_cmLHeapAllocCb,_cmLHeapFreeCb,lhp,ctx->guardByteCnt,ctx->alignByteCnt,mmFlags,&ctx->rpt) != kOkMmRC ) return cmLHeapNullHandle; lhp->dfltBlockByteCnt = dfltBlockByteCnt; _cmLHeapAllocBlock( lhp, lhp->dfltBlockByteCnt ); h.h = lhp; return h; } void cmLHeapDestroy( cmLHeapH_t* hp ) { if( hp==NULL || hp->h == NULL ) return; cmLHeap_t* lhp = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(*hp); // check for corruption if( cmIsFlag(cmMmInitializeFlags(lhp->mmH),kDeferFreeMmFl)) cmMmReport(lhp->mmH, kSuppressSummaryMmFl | kIgnoreLeaksMmFl | kIgnoreNormalMmFl ); cmMmFinalize(&lhp->mmH); cmLhBlock_t* lbp = lhp->first; while( lbp != NULL ) { cmLhBlock_t* t = lbp; lbp = lbp->nextBlkPtr; cmMemFree(t); } cmMemPtrFree(&hp->h); } void* cmLHeapAllocate(cmLHeapH_t h, void* orgDataPtr, unsigned eleCnt, unsigned eleByteCnt, unsigned flags, const char* fileStr, const char* funcStr, unsigned fileLine ) { return cmMmAllocate(_cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h)->mmH,orgDataPtr,eleCnt,eleByteCnt,flags,fileStr,funcStr,fileLine); } cmChar_t* cmLHeapAllocStr(cmLHeapH_t h, void* orgDataPtr, const cmChar_t* str, unsigned charCnt, unsigned flags, const char* fileStr, const char* funcStr, unsigned fileLine ) { if( str == NULL ) return NULL; unsigned n = charCnt + 1; cmChar_t* cp = cmLHeapAllocate(h, orgDataPtr, n, sizeof(cmChar_t), flags, fileStr, funcStr, fileLine ); strncpy(cp,str,n); cp[n-1] = 0; return cp; } void cmLHeapFree( cmLHeapH_t h, void* dataPtr ) { cmLHeap_t* lhp = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); cmMmFree(lhp->mmH,dataPtr); } void cmLHeapFreeDebug( cmLHeapH_t h, void* dataPtr, const char* fileName, const char* funcName, unsigned fileLine ) { cmLHeap_t* lhp = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); cmMmFreeDebug(lhp->mmH,dataPtr,fileName,funcName,fileLine); } void cmLHeapFreePtr( cmLHeapH_t h, void** ptrPtr ) { assert( ptrPtr != NULL ); cmLHeapFree(h,*ptrPtr); *ptrPtr = NULL; } void cmLHeapFreePtrDebug( cmLHeapH_t h, void** ptrPtr, const char* fileName, const char* funcName, unsigned fileLine ) { assert( ptrPtr != NULL ); cmLHeapFreeDebug(h,*ptrPtr,fileName,funcName,fileLine); *ptrPtr = NULL; } unsigned cmLHeapDefaultBlockByteCount( cmLHeapH_t h ) { cmLHeap_t* p = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); return p->dfltBlockByteCnt; } unsigned cmLHeapGuardByteCount( cmLHeapH_t h ) { cmLHeap_t* p = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); return cmMmGuardByteCount( p->mmH ); } unsigned cmLHeapAlignByteCount( cmLHeapH_t h ) { cmLHeap_t* p = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); return cmMmAlignByteCount( p->mmH ); } unsigned cmLHeapInitializeFlags( cmLHeapH_t h ) { cmLHeap_t* p = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); return cmMmInitializeFlags( p->mmH ); } bool cmLHeapIsValid( cmLHeapH_t h ) { return h.h != NULL; } void cmLHeapClear( cmLHeapH_t h, bool releaseFl ) { cmLHeap_t* p = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); // If we are deferring freeing memory until the heap is destroyed // then we cannot clear the block list in this function. // If the block list was cleared here then later calls to _cmLHeapFreeCb() // would fail because the pointers to the deferred allocations // would no longer exist in any of the blocks. if( cmIsFlag(cmMmInitializeFlags(p->mmH),kDeferFreeMmFl)) return; cmLhBlock_t* bp = p->first; while( bp != NULL ) { bp->nextPtr = bp->basePtr; bp->freeCnt = bp->endPtr - bp->basePtr; cmLhBlock_t* nbp = bp->nextBlkPtr; if( releaseFl ) cmMemFree(bp); bp = nbp; } if( releaseFl ) { p->first = NULL; p->last = NULL; } } bool cmLHeapIsPtrInHeap( cmLHeapH_t h, const void* ptr ) { cmLHeap_t* lhp = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); return _cmLHeapPtrToBlock(lhp,ptr) != NULL; } cmMmRC_t cmLHeapReportErrors( cmLHeapH_t h, unsigned mmFlags ) { cmLHeap_t* lhp = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); return cmMmReport(lhp->mmH, mmFlags ); } void cmLHeapReport( cmLHeapH_t h ) { cmLHeap_t* lhp = _cmLHeapHandleToPtr(h); cmLhBlock_t* lbp = lhp->first; unsigned i; for(i=0; lbp != NULL; ++i ) { printf("%u : %li available %i free\n", i, lbp->endPtr-lbp->nextPtr, lbp->freeCnt ); lbp = lbp->nextBlkPtr; } printf("\n"); } void cmLHeapTestPrint( void* userPtr, const char* text ) { fputs(text,stdin); } void cmLHeapTest() { int i = 0; int n = 5; unsigned guardByteCnt = 8; unsigned alignByteCnt = 16; unsigned mmFlags = kTrackMmFl; // | kDeferFreeMmFl; cmCtx_t ctx; cmCtxSetup(&ctx,"Heap Test",cmLHeapTestPrint,cmLHeapTestPrint,NULL,guardByteCnt,alignByteCnt,mmFlags); cmLHeapH_t h = cmLHeapCreate( 16, &ctx ); void* pArray[ n ]; cmLHeapReport(h); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { unsigned byteCnt = (i+1) * 2; printf("Allocating:%li\n",byteCnt+sizeof(unsigned)); pArray[i] = cmLHeapAlloc(h,byteCnt); cmLHeapReport(h); } for(i=n-1; i>=0; i-=2) { printf("Freeing:%li\n",((i+1) * 2) + sizeof(unsigned)); cmLHeapFree(h,pArray[i]); cmLHeapReport(h); } cmLHeapReportErrors(h,0); cmLHeapDestroy(&h); }