Commit Graph

  • 71e9fdd169 cmXScore.h/c : Improved comments. cmXScoreTest() now calls cmXScoreGenEditFile() when editFn arg is given and the associated file does not exist. kevin larke 2017-04-15 12:27:27 -0400
  • 98cef5668f Merge branch 'master' of kevin 2017-04-15 11:20:22 -0400
  • 00728f26af cmDspPgmKrChain.c : Added TODO on crash bug - but didn't fix it! kevin 2017-04-15 11:17:30 -0400
  • e426f5dbd1 Merge branch 'master' of kevin larke 2017-03-19 10:33:23 -0400
  • 59dbe1df10 cmScore.c : Changed invalid MIDI velocity from fatal error to a warning. kevin larke 2017-03-19 10:33:11 -0400
  • 79c4326782 cmDspPgmKrChain.c : Added the cmKr2 based version of the transform chain. kevin larke 2017-03-19 10:28:32 -0400
  • dc5bd41378 cmDspKr.h/c, cmDspBuiltIn.c : Added cmKr2 (modeless version of cmKr). kevin larke 2017-03-19 10:27:11 -0400
  • 002ca3507b cmProc2.h/c : Added cmSpecDist2(). kevin larke 2017-03-19 10:26:01 -0400
  • 970a6fb36c Merge branch 'master' of kevin 2017-02-26 14:10:58 -0500
  • bbcd065cb1 cmDspPgmKrChain.c : Fixed 'Min Wet' to default to 0.0 (was set to 1.0) kevin 2017-02-26 14:10:17 -0500
  • 5272aaeb52 cmXScore.h/c : Added cmXScoreGenEditFile(). kevin 2016-09-21 19:18:01 -0400
  • 1b2054bf10 cmScoreMatchGraphic.c : Changed score0.css to cmScoreMatchGraphic.css. kevin 2016-09-21 19:16:54 -0400
  • 8e4f32c0c1 cmXScore.h/c : Moved edit file processing into cmXScoreInitialize(). kevin 2016-09-15 18:28:30 -0400
  • 85878f995b cmXScore.c : Minor improvements and bug-fixes for _cmXsMeasComplexity() kevin 2016-09-15 18:00:04 -0400
  • 7eac59b3ca .gitignore : Ignore .DS_Store. kevin 2016-09-15 16:57:06 -0400
  • b43b6af509 cmSvgWriter.c : Removed pan-zoom code from HTML header. kevin 2016-09-15 16:55:58 -0400
  • cc334c8d7f cmXScore.c : Added cmXsComplexity_t related functions and added complexity measure output to MIDI file SVG plot. kevin 2016-09-15 16:55:14 -0400
  • a37e2e2c71 cmMidiFile.h/c : Added cmMidiFileGenSvgFile() kevin 2016-09-14 18:11:30 -0400
  • 88fdfd998d cmSvgWriter.c : Improved formatting of HTML content. kevin 2016-09-14 18:11:00 -0400
  • 780abd5e74 cmMidiFile.h/c : Added cmMidiFileNoteTimeDensity(). kevin 2016-09-14 15:47:13 -0400
  • 19b90719aa cmMidiFile.c : Removed UID return value from cmMidiFileInsertTrackMsg(). kevin 2016-09-14 15:15:48 -0400
  • d14744ed4d cmXScore.c : Removed use of MIDI file event UID's. kevin 2016-09-14 15:15:04 -0400
  • bd63a0eeeb cmScore.h/c : Added cmScoreReport(). Added 'section' number to report output. kevin 2016-09-14 13:47:19 -0400
  • 1a042843c8 cmXScore.c : Added error checking to section marker text-to-number conversion. kevin 2016-09-08 16:17:15 -0400
  • 84c5097a8d cmXScore.h/c : Added 'tied_dur' field to cmXsNote_t for use in determining the length of a MIDI note events. kevin 2016-09-07 17:36:15 -0400
  • 3ef0c6fd3a cmMidiFile.h/c : In cmMIdiFileInsertTrack???() return the 'uid' of the new event record. kevin 2016-09-07 17:35:01 -0400
  • 1da843a380 cmXScore.c : Added 'silent' note dynamic category. Fixed bug in cmXScoreReorder() where last measure was not processed. kevin 2016-08-31 18:13:58 -0400
  • 382b9a9d2e cmScore.c : Added 'silent' note category to _cmScDynRefArray[]. kevin 2016-08-31 18:09:50 -0400
  • d17b30831d cmXScore.h/c : Added _cmXScoreProcessOverlappingNotes(). kevin 2016-08-31 13:38:38 -0400
  • bea6d07568 cmSCoreMatchGraphic.c : Removed printf() from _cmScoreMatchGraphicInsertMidiMsg(). kevin 2016-08-31 13:38:07 -0400
  • 227bf8954b cmMidiFile.c : Added _cmMidiFileInsertEotMsg(). Fixed bug where _cmMidiFileTrk.cnt was not incremented in cmMidiFileInsertTrkMsg(). kevin 2016-08-30 16:46:35 -0400
  • 4d6bff0ecf cmScoreMatchGraphic.c : Removed call to cmMidiFilePrintMsgs() from cmScoreMatchGraphicUpdateMidiFromScore(). kevin 2016-08-30 16:44:38 -0400
  • ee9ba9270e cmMidiScoreFollow.h/c : Added filename parameters to cmMidiScoreFollowMain(). kevin 2016-08-30 16:43:54 -0400
  • ca40492412 cmSvgWriter.h/c : Added calls to use svg-pan-zoom.js to HTML header. kevin 2016-08-24 18:39:03 -0400
  • 4ac92aef52 cmXScore.c: _cmXScoreSetAbsoluteTime() is now automatically called from _cmXScoreSort(). kevin 2016-08-24 18:38:04 -0400
  • 1d1681eefd cmDspKr.c : In _cmDspTimeLineRecv() allow the selected time line object to be a kMidiEvtTlId type. kevin 2016-08-24 13:59:52 -0400
  • caffeb4b0a cmTimeLine.c : _cmTimeLineObjAtTime() changed such that when an object contains the search point that the returned object also contains the search point. The returned object will be the one containing the search point whose begin or end point is closest to the search point. kevin 2016-08-24 13:59:03 -0400
  • bd1d645e81 cmSvgWriter.c : Added _cmSgWriterFlipY(). kevin 2016-08-17 18:58:42 -0400
  • be6dc19ade cmXScore.c : Added _cmXScoreGraceInsertTimeXXX(). kevin 2016-08-17 18:58:21 -0400
  • fdfe4d404a cmScore.c : Added _cmScFreeSectList() to fix memory on free when CSV parse fails. kevin 2016-08-17 18:58:00 -0400
  • 9bc41724d6 cmMidiFile.c : _cmMidiFileLinearize() now immediately clears mfp->msgVDirtyFl to avoid problems in 'kc'. kevin 2016-08-03 19:19:24 -0400
  • b66c936a99 cmXScore.c : Added explicit variable for grace note duration. kevin 2016-08-03 17:10:31 -0400
  • d2a3d0d32e cmXScore.c : Completed 'add' and 'subtract' based grace note positioning. kevin 2016-08-03 17:03:17 -0400
  • 83734d9949 cmXScore.c : Added code to parse grace note group information during 'reorder' processing. Added _cmXScoreProcessGraceNotes() to position grace notes. kevin 2016-07-27 19:05:42 -0400
  • 49943bd43e cmMidiFile.h/c : Completed cmMidiFileInsertTrackMsg() and added _cmMidiFile_t.msgVDirtyFl and associated processing. kevin 2016-07-27 19:03:42 -0400
  • 198aa41b98 cmProc4.c : Fixed bug in _cmScModulatorReset() where the selected entry group was always the first entry group. kevin 2016-07-23 13:07:27 -0400
  • c69942fb96 cmTextTemplate.c : Changed cmTextTemplateTest() to use cmFsMakeUserDirFn() to make platform independent. kevin 2016-07-20 19:18:36 -0400
  • bf8f641d22 cmMidiFile.h/c,cmMidiFilePlay.c : Added cmMidiFileCreate(), cmMidiFileInsertTrack???Msg(). Removed cmMidiFileIsNull() and _cmMidiFileMalloc(). kevin 2016-07-20 19:17:44 -0400
  • 9036de70ba cmXScore.h/c : Added cmXScoreProcessPedals() and _cmXsWriteMidiFile(). kevin 2016-07-20 19:16:00 -0400
  • 38cdd3012b cmXScore.h,c : Began MIDI output file generation coding. Added _cmXsWriteMidiSvg(). kevin 2016-07-14 19:08:13 -0400
  • a4ed9ba98b cmMidi.h/c : Added cmSciPitchToMidiPitch(). kevin 2016-07-14 19:07:20 -0400
  • 7be4937965 cmSvgWriter.h/c, : Initial commit. kevin 2016-07-14 19:06:47 -0400
  • 0204c5084a cmFileSys.h/c : Added cmFileSysMakeDirFn(),cmFileSysMakeUserDirFn(). kevin 2016-07-13 17:39:05 -0400
  • 5cfd2095c7 cmScoreMatchGraphic.c : Fixed cmScoreMatchGraphicTimeLineBars() to find bar locations which were not directly adjacent to note events. kevin 2016-07-13 17:38:41 -0400
  • a0f1db3f3a cmMidiScoreFollow.c : Replace use of cmFsMakeUerFn() with cmFsMakeUserDirFn() in cmMidiScoreFollowMain(). kevin 2016-07-13 17:37:44 -0400
  • 2648eeddef cmDspPgmKrTimeLineLite.c : Added modulator sequence select drop-down menu control. kevin 2016-07-13 16:44:01 -0400
  • 7ff73452e2 cmProc4.h/c, cmDspKr.c : Changed cmScModulator to use entry groups rather than a single entry list. kevin 2016-07-13 16:43:01 -0400
  • 6331cb1753 cmJson.h/c : Added cmJsonMemberAtIndex(). kevin 2016-07-13 16:42:03 -0400
  • a607108e48 cmProc4.h/c : Added the 'exec' entry type to cmScModulator. kevin 2016-07-06 18:55:36 -0400
  • 7e3a3ff0ab cmJson.h/c : Added cmJsonFindPair() and cmJsonMemberType(). kevin 2016-07-06 18:54:43 -0400
  • 3ae46dbb08 Merge with kc changes. kevin 2016-07-06 12:44:43 -0400
  • c3f2a1ff3c cmScoreMatchGraphic.c : Updated comments. kevin 2016-07-06 12:44:24 -0400
  • 32cb6cdc47 cmDspPgmKrTimeLineLite.c : Added dry piano through and dry output gain controls. kevin 2016-07-02 18:11:41 -0400
  • cfd9087598 cmDspPgmKrChain.c : Added modp wet/dry control connection. kevin 2016-07-02 18:10:56 -0400
  • 43d9f36427 cmScoreMatchGraphic.h/c : Initial implementation of _cmScoreMatchGraphicUpdateSostenuto(). kevin 2016-06-29 19:11:17 -0400
  • 67fe7fb2be cmMidiFile.c : Fixed problem where cmMidiFileInsertMsg() did not set d0, and d1. kevin 2016-06-29 19:10:18 -0400
  • 9aae45c663 cmDspPgm.c : Added _cmDspSysPgm_Test_Pedals(). kevin 2016-06-29 16:48:54 -0400
  • 4ee4a5bbe4 cmScoreMatchGraphic.c : Commented out _cmScoreMatchGraphicUpdateSostenuto() pending implementation. kevin 2016-06-29 12:46:22 -0400
  • 2b01371684 cmMidiFile.h/c : Added 'end' field to cmMidiChMsg_t and setting code. Not yet tested. kevin 2016-06-23 19:17:58 -0400
  • de1649b204 cmXScore.c : Fixed sostenuto / damper edits from reorder file implementation. Added processing for ~x sostenuto edit. kevin 2016-06-23 19:16:41 -0400
  • f0b6e55207 cmScoreMatchGraphic.css : Initial commit kevin 2016-06-22 17:12:07 -0400
  • 4eece810a1 cmMidiScoreFollow.c : Changed some file names. kevin 2016-06-22 17:10:46 -0400
  • 10493545b4 cmScoreMatchGraphics.c : Added colored output for damper and sostenuto pedal. kevin 2016-06-22 17:10:03 -0400
  • 5cde332add cmMidiFile.h/c : Added cmMidiFileInsertMsg() Also rearranged code to isolate cmMidiTrackMsg_t allocation. These changes are not yet tested. kevin 2016-06-22 17:08:47 -0400
  • 21d13a94fd cmMidiScoreFollow.c : Add call to cmScoreMatchGraphicUpdateMidiFromScore(). kevin 2016-06-16 18:06:29 -0400
  • 3f3bc296aa cmScoreMatchGraphic.c : Display damper pedal events. kevin 2016-06-16 18:05:41 -0400
  • fc8e338231 cmXScore.h/c : Upateds to include pitch,tie, and pedal edits from reorder file. kevin 2016-06-16 18:04:28 -0400
  • d963fb2b77 cmMidiScoreFollow.h/c, : cmMidiScoreFollow.h/c initial commit. kevin 2016-06-16 12:56:10 -0400
  • 3acdeb61a0 cmScoreMatchGraphic.h/c : Added cmScoreMatchGraphicUpdateMidiFromScore() to set the MIDI note velocities based on the score velocities. kevin 2016-06-16 12:55:34 -0400
  • 670edcaec7 cmXScore.c : Finalized and debugged _cmScoreReorder() processing. kevin 2016-06-16 12:53:59 -0400
  • 403b85eff4 cmScore.h/c : Added cmScoreIdToEvt() and add 'vel' field to cmScoreEvt_t structure. kevin 2016-06-16 12:51:55 -0400
  • bdc1bdb61c cmMidiFile.h/c : Added cmMidiFileSetVelocity(). kevin 2016-06-16 12:50:43 -0400
  • 2a6739ab0f cmFileSys.h/c : Added 'user' directory prefixed functions for cmFileSysMakeFn() and cmFileSysMakeDir(). kevin 2016-06-16 12:49:56 -0400
  • b1f5026916 cmXScore.h/c : Added dynamics, sostenuto,tick value, and ordering updating from 'reorder' file. kevin 2016-06-09 18:52:29 -0400
  • 4d74abd361 cmDspPgmKrTimeLineLite.c : Added 'meas' to set the start play position from a number box instead of by graphically clicking the score and timeline. kevin 2016-05-23 18:42:51 -0400
  • 068cff567b cmDspClass.h,cmDspUi.c,cmDspKr.c : Added 'meas' inputs to cmDspScore and cmDspTimeline to allow the current score and timeline location to be set programattically. kevin 2016-05-23 18:41:49 -0400
  • 712b804662 cmMsgProtocol.h : Added kProgramDfltDuiId and kAudioSysCfgDfltDuiId. kevin 2016-05-23 18:40:25 -0400
  • ceb627d04d cmGrPlot.c : Fixed an apparent bug in cmGrPlotObjSetStateFlags() where _cmGrPlotObjSetFocus() was only called if the focus flag was already set when it appears it should only called when it is not already set. kevin 2016-05-23 18:39:00 -0400
  • 555ac64cce cmAudDsp.c : Added _cmAdSendProgramDefault(0 and _cmAdSendAudioSysCfgDefault(). kevin 2016-05-23 18:37:36 -0400
  • cf82ed61e1 cmDspPgmKrTimeLineLite.c : Further program simplifications. kevin 2016-05-19 17:16:05 -0400
  • 28a233f26d cmDspPgm.c : Added audio outputs to _cmDspSysPgm_RtRecord(). kevin 2016-05-19 17:15:25 -0400
  • b04159ec47 cmAudioAggDev.c : Added AudioFileDevice and NRT device initialization to cmApAggTest() (Could not get Soundflower and Traveller aggregate device to work.) kevin 2016-05-19 13:42:30 -0400
  • 1091f308c6 cmDspPgm.c : Added _cmDspSysPgm_RtRecord() to record in real-time to a file. kevin 2016-05-19 13:04:01 -0400
  • a39bae3133 cmDspPgmKrTimeLineLite.c : 'recall' button now triggers cross-fade. kevin 2016-05-19 13:03:34 -0400
  • 01a95645b5 cmDspPgmKrChain.c : Fixed bug where measurement -> param mappers had invalid initial value. kevin 2016-05-19 13:02:42 -0400
  • e9dc780429 cmDspBuiltIn.c : Added check for an invalid initial selection value to the MsgList processor. kevin 2016-05-19 13:01:54 -0400
  • 74acab1539 cmMidiFile.c : Finished update to cmMidiFileCalcNoteDurations() to include sostenuto pedal state. kevin 2016-05-19 13:01:13 -0400
  • a5056e4cec cmMIdiFile.c : Fixes to support re-triggering MIDI notes. kevin 2016-05-18 15:26:05 -0400
  • 2bc5274ef3 cmMidiFile.h/c : Added cmMidiFileIsSustainPedal???() and cmMidiFileIsSostenutoPedal???(). Added new version of cmMidiFileCalcNodeDuration() which respects sostenuto pedal. kevin 2016-05-18 13:11:36 -0400
  • cd51601349 cmMidi.h : Added paren's to macro cmMidiIsNoteOff() to clarify precedence. kevin 2016-05-18 13:09:27 -0400