cmGrPlot.c Added global wext assertion for HLines and VLines

Esse commit está contido em:
kevin 2012-11-02 19:05:38 -07:00
commit f1e70ee42a

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@ -346,6 +346,17 @@ void _cmGrPlotObjGetVExt( cmGrPlotObj_t* op, cmGrVExt_t* vext )
cmGrVExt_t wext;
cmGrObjH_t oh = cmGrObjParent(op->grObjH);
// TODO: Put a check somewhere which can report an error
// message when the parents world extent is not yet set.
// Horz and Vert lines depend on the their parent's
// world extents being set first. There is no automatic
// way to set the parent world extents because we don't
// know the range of values which the data set will cover.
// Any number picked could result in a range much to large
// thereby leaving the data invisible. It therefore must
// be up to the application to set a good range.
assert( cmGrVExtIsNotNullOrEmpty(&wext) );
vext->loc.x = op->typeId==kHLineGrPlId ? wext.loc.x : op->vext.loc.x;
vext->loc.y = op->typeId==kVLineGrPlId ? wext.loc.y : op->vext.loc.y;