cmProc4.h/c: Initial completetion of cmScMeas. Removed cmScAlign.
This commit is contained in:
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ void ed_main();
kSmMinIdx, //
kSmSubIdx, // 'substitute' - may or may not match
kSmDelIdx, // 'delete' - delete a MIDI note
kSmInsIdx, // 'insert' - insert a space in the score
@ -220,24 +220,25 @@ enum
// Dynamic Programming (DP) matrix element
typedef struct
unsigned v[kSmCnt]; //
unsigned flags;
unsigned v[kSmCnt]; // cost for each operation
unsigned flags; // cmSmMatchFl | cmSmTransFl
} cmScMatchVal_t;
// List record used to track a path through the DP matrix p->m[,]
typedef struct cmScMatchPath_str
unsigned code;
unsigned ri;
unsigned ci;
unsigned flags;
unsigned locIdx;
struct cmScMatchPath_str* next;
unsigned code; // kSmXXXIdx
unsigned ri; // matrix row index
unsigned ci; // matrix col index
unsigned flags; // cmSmMatchFl | cmSmTransFl
unsigned locIdx; // p->loc index or cmInvalidIdx
struct cmScMatchPath_str* next; //
} cmScMatchPath_t;
typedef struct cmScMatchEvt_str
unsigned pitch;
unsigned pitch; //
unsigned scEvtIdx; // scScore event index
} cmScMatchEvt_t;
// Score location record.
@ -251,8 +252,8 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmScH_t scH; //
cmObj obj; //
cmScH_t scH; // cmScore handle
unsigned locN; //
cmScMatchLoc_t* loc; // loc[locN]
unsigned mrn; // max row count (midi)
@ -275,17 +276,17 @@ cmRC_t cmScMatchFree( cmScMatch** pp );
cmRC_t cmScMatchInit( cmScMatch* p, cmScH_t scH, unsigned maxScWndN, unsigned maxMidiWndN );
cmRC_t cmScMatchFinal( cmScMatch* p );
// Returns cmEofRC if scLocIdx + locN > p->locN - note that this is not necessarily an error.
// Returns cmEofRC if locIdx + locN > p->locN - note that this is not necessarily an error.
// The optimal path p_opt[] will only be updated if the edit cost is less than min_cost.
// Set min_cost to DBL_MAX to force p_opt[] to be updated.
cmRC_t cmScMatchExec( cmScMatch* p, unsigned scLocIdx, unsigned locN, const unsigned* midiPitchV, unsigned midiPitchN, double min_cost );
cmRC_t cmScMatchExec( cmScMatch* p, unsigned locIdx, unsigned locN, const unsigned* midiPitchV, unsigned midiPitchN, double min_cost );
typedef struct
unsigned locIdx; // location assoc'd with this MIDI evt (cmInvalidIdx if not a positive-match)
unsigned cbCnt; // count of times this event has been sent via the callback
//unsigned cbCnt; // count of times this event has been sent via the callback
unsigned mni; // unique identifier for this event since previous call to cmScAlignReset().
unsigned smpIdx; // time stamp of this event
unsigned pitch; // MIDI note pitch
@ -296,40 +297,47 @@ cmRC_t cmScMatchExec( cmScMatch* p, unsigned scLocIdx, unsigned locN, const
unsigned locIdx;
unsigned mni;
unsigned smpIdx;
unsigned pitch;
unsigned vel;
unsigned flags;
} cmScMatcherResult_t;
typedef struct
struct cmScMatcher_str;
typedef void (*cmScMatcherCb_t)( struct cmScMatcher_str* p, void* arg, cmScMatcherResult_t* rp );
typedef struct cmScMatcher_str
cmObj obj;
cmScMatch* mp;
unsigned mn;
cmScMatcherMidi_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[mn]
cmObj obj;
cmScMatcherCb_t cbFunc;
void* cbArg;
cmScMatch* mp;
unsigned mn;
cmScMatcherMidi_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[mn]
cmScMatcherResult_t* res; // res[rn]
unsigned rn; // length of res[]
unsigned ri; // next avail res[] recd.
double s_opt; //
unsigned missCnt; // count of consecutive trailing non-matches
unsigned esi; // index into loc[] of the last positive match.
unsigned mni; // track the count of MIDI events since the last call to cmScMatcherReset()
unsigned mbi; // index of oldest MIDI event in midiBuf[]; 0 when the buffer is full.
unsigned begSyncLocIdx; // start of score window, in mp->loc[], of best match in previous scan
unsigned stepCnt; // count of forward/backward score loc's to examine for a match during cmScMatcherStep().
unsigned maxMissCnt; // max. number of consecutive non-matches during step prior to executing a scan.
unsigned scanCnt; // count of time scan was executed inside cmScMatcherStep()
double s_opt; //
unsigned missCnt; // count of consecutive trailing non-matches
unsigned esi; // index into loc[] of the last positive match.
unsigned mni; // track the count of MIDI events since the last call to cmScMatcherReset()
unsigned mbi; // index of oldest MIDI event in midiBuf[]; 0 when the buffer is full.
unsigned begSyncLocIdx; // start of score window, in mp->loc[], of best match in previous scan
unsigned stepCnt; // count of forward/backward score loc's to examine for a match during cmScMatcherStep().
unsigned maxMissCnt; // max. number of consecutive non-matches during step prior to executing a scan.
unsigned scanCnt; // count of time scan was executed inside cmScMatcherStep()
} cmScMatcher;
cmScMatcher* cmScMatcherAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmScMatcher* p, double srate, cmScH_t scH, unsigned scWndN, unsigned midiWndN );
cmRC_t cmScMatcherFree( cmScMatcher** pp );
cmRC_t cmScMatcherInit( cmScMatcher* p, double srate, cmScH_t scH, unsigned scWndN, unsigned midiWndN );
cmRC_t cmScMatcherFinal( cmScMatcher* p );
void cmScMatcherReset( cmScMatcher* p );
bool cmScMatcherInputMidi( cmScMatcher* p, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned status, cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 );
bool cmScMatcherInputMidi( cmScMatcher* p, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned status, cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 );
// Slide a score window scanCnt times, beginning at 'bsi',
// looking for the best match to p->midiBuf[]. The score window
@ -350,142 +358,57 @@ cmRC_t cmScMatcherStep( cmScMatcher* p );
cmRC_t cmScMatcherExec( cmScMatcher* p, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned status, cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 );
kSaSubIdx, // 'substitute' - may or may not match
kSaDelIdx, // 'delete' - delete a MIDI note
kSaInsIdx, // 'insert' - insert a space in the score
// Dynamic Programming (DP) matrix element
typedef struct
unsigned v[kSaCnt]; //
bool matchFl; // if this is a substitute; is it also a match?
bool transFl; // if this is a substitute; is this the second element in a reversed pair?
} cmScAlignVal_t;
// List record used to track a path through the DP matrix p->m[,]
typedef struct cmScAlignPath_str
unsigned code;
unsigned ri;
unsigned ci;
bool matchFl;
bool transFl;
unsigned locIdx;
struct cmScAlignPath_str* next;
} cmScAlignPath_t;
// Score note event record
typedef struct
unsigned mni;
unsigned scEvtIdx;
unsigned locIdx;
unsigned smpIdx;
unsigned pitch;
} cmScAlignScEvt_t;
unsigned vel;
} cmScMeasMidi_t;
// Score location record.
typedef struct
unsigned evtCnt; //
cmScAlignScEvt_t* evtV; // evtV[evtCnt]
unsigned scLocIdx; // scH score location index
int barNumb; // bar number of this location
} cmScAlignLoc_t;
typedef struct
unsigned locIdx; // location assoc'd with this MIDI evt (cmInvalidIdx if not a positive-match)
unsigned cbCnt; // count of times this event has been sent via the callback
unsigned mni; // unique identifier for this event since previous call to cmScAlignReset().
unsigned smpIdx; // time stamp of this event
unsigned pitch; // MIDI note pitch
unsigned vel; // " " velocity
} cmScAlignMidiEvt_t;
unsigned bsei; // begin score event index
unsigned esei; // end score event index
unsigned bsli; //
unsigned esli; // end score loc index
unsigned bli; //
unsigned eli; //
} cmScMeasSet_t;
typedef struct
unsigned locIdx; // loc[] sync. location
unsigned smpIdx; //
unsigned mni; // MIDI event unique index
unsigned pitch; // MIDI event pitch which may not match the score event pitch
unsigned vel; // " " velocity
bool matchFl;
bool transFl;
bool foundFl;
} cmScAlignResult_t;
cmObj obj;
cmScMatch* mp;
unsigned mi; // next avail recd in midiBuf[]
unsigned mn; // length of of midiBuf[]
cmScMeasMidi_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[mn]
typedef void (*cmScAlignCb_t)( void* cbArg, unsigned scLocIdx, unsigned mni, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel );
unsigned sn; // length of set[]
cmScMeasSet_t* set; // set[sn]
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmScAlignCb_t cbFunc; //
void* cbArg; //
cmScH_t scH; //
double srate; //
unsigned locN; // length of loc[]
cmScAlignLoc_t* loc; // loc[locN] score array
unsigned rn; // length of midiBuf[] (mn+1)
unsigned cn; // length of score window (scWndN+1)
unsigned mn; // length of midiBuf[] (rn-1)
cmScAlignMidiEvt_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[ mn ]
unsigned mbi; // index of first element in midiBuf[] - this is required because the MIDI buf fills from the end to the beginning
unsigned mni; // index of event in midiBuf[p->mn] - increments on each note inserted into midiBuf[] - zeroed by cmScAlignReset().
unsigned nsi; // next set index
unsigned nsli; // next score location index
cmScAlignVal_t* m; // m[rn,cn]
unsigned pn; // rn+cn
cmScAlignPath_t* p_mem; // pmem[ 2*pn ];
cmScAlignPath_t* p_avl; // available path record linked list
cmScAlignPath_t* p_cur; // current path linked list
cmScAlignPath_t* p_opt; // p_opt[pn] current best alignment
double s_opt; // score of the current best alignment
unsigned esi; // loc[] index of latest positive match
unsigned missCnt; // count of consecutive trailing MIDI events without positive matches
unsigned scanCnt;
} cmScMeas;
bool printFl;
unsigned begScanLocIdx; // begin the search at this score locations scWnd[begScanLocIdx:begScanLocIdx+p->cn-1]
unsigned begSyncLocIdx; // initial sync location
unsigned resN; // count of records in res[] == 2*cmScoreEvtCount()
cmScAlignResult_t* res; // res[resN]
unsigned ri; //
int stepCnt; // count of loc[] locations to step ahead/back during a cmScAlignStep() operation.
int maxStepMissCnt; // max. consecutive trailing non-positive matches before a scan takes place.
cmScMeas* cmScMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmScMeas* p, cmScH_t scH );
cmRC_t cmScMeasFree( cmScMeas** pp );
cmRC_t cmScMeasInit( cmScMeas* p, cmScH_t scH );
cmRC_t cmScMeasFinal( cmScMeas* p );
cmRC_t cmScMeasExec( cmScMeas* p, unsigned mni, unsigned locIdx, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel );
} cmScAlign;
cmScAlign* cmScAlignAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmScAlign* p, cmScAlignCb_t cbFunc, void* cbArg, cmReal_t srate, cmScH_t scH, unsigned midiN, unsigned scWndN );
cmRC_t cmScAlignFree( cmScAlign** pp );
cmRC_t cmScAlignInit( cmScAlign* p, cmScAlignCb_t cbFunc, void* cbArg, cmReal_t srate, cmScH_t scH, unsigned midiN, unsigned scWndN );
cmRC_t cmScAlignFinal( cmScAlign* p );
void cmScAlignReset( cmScAlign* p, unsigned begScanLocIdx );
cmRC_t cmScAlignExec( cmScAlign* p, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned status, cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 );
bool cmScAlignInputMidi( cmScAlign* p, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned status, cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 );
// Scan from p->begScanLocIdx to the end of the score looking
// for the best match to p->midiBuf[].
// Returns the score location index which best matches the
// first note p->midiBuf[]. The score associated
// with this match is stored in s_opt.
unsigned cmScAlignScan( cmScAlign* p, unsigned scanCnt );
// Step forward/back by p->stepCnt from p->esi.
// If more than p->maxStepMissCnt consecutive MIDI events are
// missed then automatically run cmScAlignScan().
// Return cmEofRC if the end of the score is encountered.
// Return cmSubSysFailRC if an internal scan resync. failed.
cmRC_t cmScAlignStep( cmScAlign* p );
unsigned cmScAlignScanToTimeLineEvent( cmScMatcher* p, cmTlH_t tlH, cmTlObj_t* top, unsigned endSmpIdx );
@ -494,42 +417,6 @@ unsigned cmScAlignScanToTimeLineEvent( cmScMatcher* p, cmTlH_t tlH, cmTlObj_t*
// notes in each marker region and the score.
void cmScAlignScanMarkers( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmTlH_t tlH, cmScH_t scH );
typedef struct
unsigned mni;
unsigned locIdx;
unsigned pitch;
unsigned vel;
unsigned smpIdx;
} cmScMeasMidi_t;
typedef struct
cmScoreSet_t* set; // A pointer to defining score set
unsigned bli; // Begin index into sap->loc[].
unsigned eli; // End index into sap->loc[].
unsigned bmi; // Begin index into midi[].
unsigned emi; // End index into midi[].
double* val; // val[sap->eleCnt]
} cmScMeasSet_t;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmScAlign* sap;
unsigned mn;
cmScMeasMidi_t* midi;
} cmScMeas;
cmScMeas* cmScMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmScMeas* p, double srate, cmScH_t scH );
cmRC_t cmScMeasFree( cmScMeas** pp );
cmRC_t cmScMeasInit( cmScMeas* p, double srate, cmScH_t scH );
cmRC_t cmScMeasFinal( cmScMeas* p );
cmRC_t cmScMeasExec( cmScMeas* p, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned status, cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1, unsigned scLocIdx );
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