cmDspPgm.c : Added _cmDspSysPgm_MultiOut() and _cmDspSysPgm_MultiIn().
Esse commit está contido em:
@ -291,6 +291,98 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_PlayFile( cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_MultiOut( cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
double frqHz = 440.0;
unsigned chCnt = 8;
unsigned oneOfN_chCnt = 2;
double offs = 34612504;
cmDspInst_t* aout[chCnt];
unsigned i;
const char* fn0 = "media/audio/20110723-Kriesberg/Audio Files/Piano 3_23.wav";
const cmChar_t* fn = cmFsMakeFn(cmFsUserDir(),fn0,NULL,NULL );
cmDspInst_t* f_phs = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Phasor", NULL, 0 );
cmDspInst_t* f_wt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"WaveTable",NULL, 2, ((int)cmDspSysSampleRate(h)), 1 );
cmDspInst_t* f_mtr = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AMeter", "File Out", 0);
cmDspInst_t* f_rew = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "Rewind", 2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
cmDspInst_t* f_pts = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"PortToSym", NULL, 1, "on" );
cmDspInst_t* f_beg = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "File Begin", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, cmDspSysSampleRate(h)*6000.0, 1.0, offs);
cmDspInst_t* f_nam = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Fname", NULL, 3, false,"Audio Files (*.wav,*.aiff,*.aif)\tAudio Files (*.{wav,aiff,aif})",fn);
cmDspInst_t* s_phs = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Phasor", NULL, 2, cmDspSysSampleRate(h), frqHz );
cmDspInst_t* s_wt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"WaveTable", NULL, 2, ((int)cmDspSysSampleRate(h)), 4);
cmDspInst_t* s_mtr = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AMeter", "Tone Out", 0);
cmDspInst_t* swtch = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"1ofN", NULL, 2, oneOfN_chCnt, 0 );
for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i)
aout[i] = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut",NULL, 1, i );
cmDspInst_t* chck = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Checkbox", "Source", 5, "Tone","file","tone", 0.0, 1.0);
cmDspInst_t** vol = cmDspSysAllocInstArray(h,chCnt,"Scalar", "Gain", NULL, 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 10.0, 0.01, 0.0 );
// check for allocation errors
if((rc = cmDspSysLastRC(h)) != kOkDspRC )
goto errLabel;
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, s_phs, "out", s_wt, "phs" ); // sine phasor -> wave table
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, s_wt, "out", s_mtr, "in" ); // sine wave table -> meter
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, s_wt, "out", swtch, "a-in-1");
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, f_phs, "out", f_wt, "phs" ); // file phasor -> wave table
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, f_wt, "out", f_mtr, "in" ); // file wave table -> meter
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, f_wt, "out", swtch, "a-in-0");
cmDspSysConnectAudio11N1( h, swtch, "a-out", aout, "in", chCnt );
cmDspSysInstallCbN1N1( h, vol, "val", aout, "gain", chCnt );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, chck, "out", swtch, "chidx", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, f_nam, "out", f_wt, "fn", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, f_beg, "val", f_wt, "beg", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, f_rew, "out", f_pts, "on", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, f_pts, "on", f_beg, "send", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, f_pts, "on", f_nam, "send", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, f_pts, "on", f_wt, "cmd", NULL );
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_MultiIn(cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr)
int chCnt = 8;
cmDspInst_t* a[chCnt];
int i;
for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i)
a[i] = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "AudioIn", NULL, 1, i );
cmDspInst_t* mxp = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "AMix", NULL, chCnt+1, chCnt, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
cmDspInst_t* afp = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "AudioFileOut", NULL, 2,"/home/kevin/temp/at/test_in.aif",1);
cmDspInst_t* aop = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "AudioOut", NULL, 1, 0 );
// AudioFileOut needs an open message to create the output file
cmDspInst_t* btn = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Button", "open", 2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
cmDspSysAssignInstAttrSymbolStr(h, btn, "_reset" );
cmDspInst_t* pts = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"PortToSym", NULL, 1, "open" );
cmDspSysConnectAudioN11N(h, a, "out", mxp, "in", chCnt );
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, mxp, "out", afp, "in0" );
cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, mxp, "out", aop, "in" );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, btn, "sym", pts, "open", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, pts, "open", afp, "sel", NULL );
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_GateDetect( cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
bool useBuiltInFl = true;
@ -345,6 +437,11 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_Record(cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr)
cmDspInst_t* txp = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "TextFile", NULL, 2, 1, "/home/kevin/temp/gate_detect.txt");
cmDspInst_t* chp = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Scalar", "Channel", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 7.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// AudioFileOut needs an open message to create the output file
cmDspInst_t* btn = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Button", "open", 2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
cmDspSysAssignInstAttrSymbolStr(h, btn, "_reset" );
cmDspInst_t* pts = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"PortToSym", NULL, 1, "open" );
for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i)
cmChar_t lbl[15];
@ -357,6 +454,9 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_Record(cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr)
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, chp, "out", txp, "in-0", NULL);
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, btn, "sym", pts, "open", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb( h, pts, "open", afp, "sel", NULL );
return kOkDspRC;
@ -2565,6 +2665,8 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_Goertzel( cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
_cmDspSysPgm_t _cmDspSysPgmArray[] =
{ "time_line", _cmDspSysPgm_TimeLine, NULL, NULL },
{ "multi-out", _cmDspSysPgm_MultiOut, NULL, NULL },
{ "multi-in", _cmDspSysPgm_MultiIn, NULL, NULL },
{ "goertzel", _cmDspSysPgm_Goertzel, NULL, NULL },
{ "kr_live", _cmDspSysPgm_KrLive, NULL, NULL },
{ "main", _cmDspSysPgm_Main, NULL, NULL },
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