cmData.h/c : More changes - that won't fully compile.
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ extern "C" {
kFloatDtId, // 10
kDoubleDtId, // 11
kStrDtId, // 12 zero terminated string
kBlobDtId // 13 application defined raw memory object
kBlobDtId, // 13 application defined raw memory object
kStructDtId // 14 node is a pair,list, or recd
} cmDataTypeId_t;
@ -425,341 +426,6 @@ extern "C" {
cmData_t* cmDataInsertChild( cmData_t* parent, unsigned index, cmData_t* p );
#ifdef NOT_DEF
typedef enum
kNullDtId = kMinValDtId,
kMaxValDtId = kConstStrDtId,
kUCharPtrDtId = kMinPtrDtId, // cnt=array element count
kMaxPtrDtId = kVoidPtrDtId,
kListDtId = kMinStructDtId, // children nodes are array elements, cnt=child count
kPairDtId, // key/value pairs, cnt=2, first child is key, second is value
kRecordDtId, // children nodes are pairs, cnt=pair count
kOptArgDtFl = 0x80000000
} cmDataFmtId_t;
kDynObjDtFl = 0x01, // object was dynamically allocated
kDynPtrDtFl = 0x02 // ptr array was dynamically allocated
typedef struct cmData_str
cmDataFmtId_t tid; // data format id
unsigned flags; //
struct cmData_str* parent; // this childs parent
struct cmData_str* sibling; // this childs left sibling
unsigned cnt; // array ele count
char c;
unsigned char uc;
short s;
unsigned short us;
int i;
unsigned int ui;
long l;
unsigned long ul;
float f;
double d;
cmChar_t* z;
const cmChar_t* cz;
void* vp;
char* cp;
unsigned char* ucp;
short* sp;
unsigned short* usp;
int* ip;
unsigned int* uip;
long* lp;
unsigned long* ulp;
float* fp;
double* dp;
struct cmData_str* child; // first child (array,record,pair)
} u;
} cmData_t;
typedef unsigned cmDtRC_t;
extern cmData_t cmDataNull;
bool cmDataIsValue( const cmData_t* p );
bool cmDataIsPtr( const cmData_t* p );
bool cmDataIsStruct( const cmData_t* p ); // is a pair,list or record
bool canConvertType( cmDataFmtId_t srcId, cmDataFmtId_t dstId );
bool willTruncate( cmDataFmtId_t srcId, cmDataFmtId_t dstId );
bool canConvertObj( const cmData_t* srcObj, cmData_t* dstObj );
bool willTruncateObj(const cmData_t* srcObj, cmData_t* dstObj );
// Get the value of an object without conversion.
// The data type id must match the return type or the
// conversion must be an automatic C conversion.
char cmDataChar( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned char cmDataUChar( const cmData_t* p );
short cmDataShort( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned short cmDataUShort( const cmData_t* p );
int cmDataInt( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned int cmDataUInt( const cmData_t* p );
long cmDataLong( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned long cmDataULong( const cmData_t* p );
float cmDataFloat( const cmData_t* p );
double cmDataDouble( const cmData_t* p );
cmChar_t* cmDataStr( const cmData_t* p );
const cmChar_t* cmDataConstStr( const cmData_t* p );
void* cmDataVoidPtr( const cmData_t* p );
char* cmDataCharPtr( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned char* cmDataUCharPtr( const cmData_t* p );
short* cmDataShortPtr( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned short* cmDataUShortPtr( const cmData_t* p );
int* cmDataIntPtr( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned int* cmDataUIntPtr( const cmData_t* p );
long* cmDataLongPtr( const cmData_t* p );
unsigned long* cmDataULongPtr( const cmData_t* p );
float* cmDataFloatPtr( const cmData_t* p );
double* cmDataDoublePtr( const cmData_t* p );
// Get the value of an object with conversion.
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetChar( const cmData_t* p, char* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetUChar( const cmData_t* p, unsigned char* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetShort( const cmData_t* p, short* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetUShort( const cmData_t* p, unsigned short* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetInt( const cmData_t* p, int* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetUInt( const cmData_t* p, unsigned int* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetLong( const cmData_t* p, long* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetULong( const cmData_t* p, unsigned long* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetFloat( const cmData_t* p, float* v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetDouble( const cmData_t* p, double* v );
// Returns the pointer - does not copy the data.
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetStr( const cmData_t* p, char** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetConstStr( const cmData_t* p, const char** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetVoidPtr( const cmData_t* p, void** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetCharPtr( const cmData_t* p, char** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetUCharPtr( const cmData_t* p, unsigned char** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetShortPtr( const cmData_t* p, short** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetUShortPtr( const cmData_t* p, unsigned short** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetIntPtr( const cmData_t* p, int** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetUIntPtr( const cmData_t* p, unsigned int** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetLongPtr( const cmData_t* p, long** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetULongPtr( const cmData_t* p, unsigned long** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetFloatPtr( const cmData_t* p, float** v );
cmDtRC_t cmDataGetDoublePtr( const cmData_t* p, double** v );
// Set the value and type of an existing scalar object.
// These functions begin by releasing any resources held by *p
// prior to resetting the type and value of the object.
cmData_t* cmDataSetNull( cmData_t* p );
cmData_t* cmDataSetChar( cmData_t* p, char v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUChar( cmData_t* p, unsigned char v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetShort( cmData_t* p, short v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUShort( cmData_t* p, unsigned short v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetInt( cmData_t* p, int v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUInt( cmData_t* p, unsigned int v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetLong( cmData_t* p, long v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetULong( cmData_t* p, unsigned long v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetFloat( cmData_t* p, float v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetDouble( cmData_t* p, double v );
cmData_t* cmDataSetStr( cmData_t* p, cmChar_t* s );
cmData_t* cmDataSetConstStr( cmData_t* p, const cmChar_t* s );
// Set the type and value of an existing data object to an external array.
// These functions begin by releasing any resources help by *p.
// The array pointed to by 'vp' is not copied or duplicated.
// 'vp' is simply assigned as the data space for the object and therefore must remain
// valid for the life of the object.
cmData_t* cmDataSetVoidPtr( cmData_t* p, void* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetCharPtr( cmData_t* p, char* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUCharPtr( cmData_t* p, unsigned char* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetShortPtr( cmData_t* p, short* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUShortPtr( cmData_t* p, unsigned short* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetIntPtr( cmData_t* p, int* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUIntPtr( cmData_t* p, unsigned int* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetLongPtr( cmData_t* p, long* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetULongPtr( cmData_t* p, unsigned long* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetFloatPtr( cmData_t* p, float* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetDoublePtr( cmData_t* p, double* vp, unsigned cnt );
// Set the value of an existing array based data object.
// These functions begin by releasing any resources help by *p
// and then dynamically allocate the internal array and copy
// the array data into it.
cmData_t* cmDataSetStrAllocN( cmData_t* p, const cmChar_t* s, unsigned charCnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetStrAlloc( cmData_t* p, const cmChar_t* s );
cmData_t* cmDataSetConstStrAllocN( cmData_t* p, const cmChar_t* s, unsigned charCnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetConstStrAlloc( cmData_t* p, const cmChar_t* s );
cmData_t* cmDataSetVoidAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const void* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetCharAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const char* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUCharAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const unsigned char* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetShortAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const short* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUShortAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const unsigned short* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetIntAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const int* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetUIntAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const unsigned int* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetLongAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const long* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetULongAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const unsigned long* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetFloatAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const float* vp, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataSetDoubleAllocPtr( cmData_t* p, const double* vp, unsigned cnt );
// Dynamically allocate a data object and set it's value.
cmData_t* cmDataAllocNull( cmData_t* parent );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocChar( cmData_t* parent, char v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocUChar( cmData_t* parent, unsigned char v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocShort( cmData_t* parent, short v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocUShort( cmData_t* parent, unsigned short v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocInt( cmData_t* parent, int v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocUInt( cmData_t* parent, unsigned int v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocLong( cmData_t* parent, long v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocULong( cmData_t* parent, unsigned long v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocFloat( cmData_t* parent, float v );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocDouble( cmData_t* parent, double v );
// Dynamically allocate a data object and set its array value to an external
// array. v[cnt] is assigned as the internal data space for the object and
// therefore must remain valid for the life of the object.
// See the cmDataXXXAlocPtr() for equivalent functions which dynamically
// allocate the intenal data space.
cmData_t* cmDataAllocStr( cmData_t* parent, cmChar_t* str );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocConstStr( cmData_t* parent, const cmChar_t* str );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocCharPtr( cmData_t* parent, char* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocUCharPtr( cmData_t* parent, unsigned char* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocShortPtr( cmData_t* parent, short* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocUShortPtr( cmData_t* parent, unsigned short* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocIntPtr( cmData_t* parent, int* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocUIntPtr( cmData_t* parent, unsigned int* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocLongPtr( cmData_t* parent, long* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocULongPtr( cmData_t* parent, unsigned long* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocFloatPtr( cmData_t* parent, float* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocDoublePtr( cmData_t* parent, double* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataAllocVoidPtr( cmData_t* parent, void* v, unsigned cnt );
// Dynamically allocate a data object and its array value.
// These functions dynamically allocate the internal array data space
// and copy v[cnt] into it.
cmData_t* cmDataStrAlloc( cmData_t* parent, cmChar_t* str );
cmData_t* cmDataConstStrAlloc( cmData_t* parent, const cmChar_t* str );
cmData_t* cmDataConstStrAllocN( cmData_t* parent, const cmChar_t* str, unsigned charCnt );
cmData_t* cmDataCharAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const char* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataUCharAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const unsigned char* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataShortAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const short* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataUShortAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const unsigned short* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataIntAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const int* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataUIntAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const unsigned int* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataLongAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const long* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataULongAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const unsigned long* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataFloatAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const float* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataDoubleAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const double* v, unsigned cnt );
cmData_t* cmDataVoidAllocPtr( cmData_t* parent, const void* v, unsigned cnt );
// Structure related functions
// Release an object and any resources held by it.
// Note the this function does not unlink the object
// from it's parent. Use cmDataUnlinkAndFree()
// to remove a object from it's parent list prior
// to releasing it.
void cmDataFree( cmData_t* p );
// Unlink 'p' from its parents and siblings.
// Asserts if parent is not a structure.
// Returns 'p'.
cmData_t* cmDataUnlink( cmData_t* p );
// Wrapper function to cmDataUnlink() and cmDataFree().
void cmDataUnlinkAndFree( cmData_t* p );
// Replace the 'dst' node with the 'src' node and
// return 'src'. This operation does not duplicate
// 'src' it simply links in 'src' at the location of
// 'dst' and then unlinks and free's 'dst'.
cmData_t* cmDataReplace( cmData_t* dst, cmData_t* src );
// Return the count of child nodes.
// 1. Array nodes have one child per array element.
// 2. List nodes have one child pair.
// 3. Pair nodes have two children.
// 4. Leaf nodes have 0 children.
unsigned cmDataChildCount( const cmData_t* p );
// Returns the ith child of 'p'.
// Returns NULL if p has no children or index is invalid.
cmData_t* cmDataChild( cmData_t* p, unsigned index );
// Prepend 'p' to 'parents' child list.
// The source node 'p' is not duplicated it is simply linked in.
// 'p' is automatically unlinked prior to being prepended.
// Returns 'p'.
cmData_t* cmDataPrependChild(cmData_t* parent, cmData_t* p );
// Append 'p' to the end of 'parent' child list.
// The source node 'p' is not duplicated it is simply linked in.
// 'p' is automatically unlinked prior to being appended.
// Returns 'p'.
cmData_t* cmDataAppendChild( cmData_t* parent, cmData_t* p );
// Insert 'p' at index. Index must be in the range:
// 0 to cmDataChildCount(parent).
// The source node 'p' is not duplicated it is simply linked in.
// 'p' is automatically unlinked prior to being inserted.
// Returns 'p'.
cmData_t* cmDataInsertChild( cmData_t* parent, unsigned index, cmData_t* p );
// Pair related functions
@ -814,15 +480,15 @@ extern "C" {
// Var-args fmt:
// <typeId> <value> {<cnt>}
// <contId> {<typeId>} <value> {<cnt>}
// scalar types: <value> is literal,<cnt> is not included
// null has no <value> or <cnt>
// ptr types: <value> is pointer,<cnt> is element count
// struct types: <value> is cmData_t, <cnt> is not included
// array types: <value> is pointer,<cnt> is element count
// struct types: <value> is cmData_t, <typeId> and <cnt> is not included
// Indicate the end of argument list by setting <typeId> to kInvalidDtId.
// The memory for array based data types is dynamically allocated.
cmData_t* cmDataListAllocV(cmData_t* parent, va_list vl );
cmData_t* cmDataListAllocA(cmData_t* parent, ... );
cmRC_t cmDataListAllocV(cmData_t* parent, cmData_t** ref, va_list vl );
cmRC_t cmDataListAllocA(cmData_t* parent, cmData_t** ref, ... );
// Returns a ptr to 'ele'.
cmData_t* cmDataListAppendEle( cmData_t* p, cmData_t* ele );
@ -833,9 +499,6 @@ extern "C" {
cmData_t* cmDataListInsertEle( cmData_t* p, unsigned index, cmData_t* ele );
cmData_t* cmDataListInsertEleN(cmData_t* p, unsigned index, cmData_t* ele[], unsigned n );
cmData_t* cmDataListUnlink( cmData_t* p, unsigned index );
cmData_t* cmDataListFree( cmData_t* p, unsigned index );
// Record related functions
@ -866,7 +529,7 @@ extern "C" {
// Var-args format:
// <label|id> <typeId> <value> {<cnt>}
// <label|id> {<cid>} <typeId> <value> {<cnt>}
// scalar types: <value> is literal,<cnt> is not included
// null type: has no <value> or <cnt>
// ptr types: <value> is pointer, <cnt> is element count
@ -918,7 +581,6 @@ extern "C" {
void cmDataPrint( const cmData_t* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );
void cmDataTest( cmCtx_t* ctx );
#ifdef __cplusplus
Reference in New Issue
Block a user