cmScore.h/c Many changes added cmScoreLoc_t based data struct and functions.
The cmScoreLoc_t based functions still need to be debugged. See note on _cmScoreInitLocArray().
@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ enum
kMidiFileIdColScIdx= 0,
kTypeLabelColScIdx = 3,
kDSecsColScIdx = 5,
kDSecsColScIdx = 4,
kSecsColScIdx = 5,
kPitchColScIdx = 11,
kBarColScIdx = 13,
kSkipColScIdx = 14,
@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ typedef struct
cmScCb_t cbFunc;
void* cbArg;
cmChar_t* fn;
cmScoreLoc_t* loc;
unsigned locCnt;
} cmSc_t;
cmScEvtRef_t _cmScEvtRefArray[] =
@ -176,6 +180,11 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScFinalize( cmSc_t* p )
if( cmCsvFinalize(&p->cH) != kOkCsvRC )
return rc;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->locCnt; ++i)
@ -188,7 +197,7 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseBar( cmSc_t* p, unsigned rowIdx, cmScoreEvt_t* s, int* barNum
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSyntaxErrScRC,"Unable to parse the bar number.");
s->type = kBarEvtScId;
s->dsecs = 0;
s->secs = 0;
s->barNumb = *barNumb;
return kOkScRC;
@ -201,7 +210,8 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseNoteOn( cmSc_t* p, unsigned rowIdx, cmScoreEvt_t* s, int barN
const cmChar_t* sciPitch;
cmMidiByte_t midiPitch;
const cmChar_t* attr;
double dsecs;
double secs;
double durSecs;
if((sciPitch = cmCsvCellText(p->cH,rowIdx,kPitchColScIdx)) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSyntaxErrScRC,"Expected a scientific pitch value");
@ -210,8 +220,8 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseNoteOn( cmSc_t* p, unsigned rowIdx, cmScoreEvt_t* s, int barN
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSyntaxErrScRC,"Unable to convert the scientific pitch '%s' to a MIDI value. ");
// it is possible that note delta-secs field is empty - so default to 0
if((dsecs = cmCsvCellDouble(p->cH, rowIdx, kDSecsColScIdx )) == DBL_MAX) // Returns DBL_MAX on error.
dsecs = 0;
if((secs = cmCsvCellDouble(p->cH, rowIdx, kSecsColScIdx )) == DBL_MAX) // Returns DBL_MAX on error.
flags += kInvalidScFl;
if((attr = cmCsvCellText(p->cH,rowIdx,kSkipColScIdx)) != NULL && *attr == 's' )
flags += kSkipScFl;
@ -230,14 +240,19 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseNoteOn( cmSc_t* p, unsigned rowIdx, cmScoreEvt_t* s, int barN
flags += kDynScFl;
// Returns DBL_MAX on error.
if((durSecs = cmCsvCellDouble(p->cH, rowIdx, kDSecsColScIdx )) == DBL_MAX)
durSecs = 0.25;
s->type = kNonEvtScId;
s->dsecs = dsecs;
s->secs = secs;
s->pitch = midiPitch;
s->flags = flags;
s->dynVal = dynVal;
s->barNumb = barNumb;
s->barNoteIdx = barNoteIdx;
s->durSecs = durSecs;
return rc;
@ -248,6 +263,7 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseFile( cmSc_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
int barEvtIdx = cmInvalidIdx;
int barNumb = 0;
double secs;
double cur_secs = 0;
if( cmCsvInitialize(&p->cH, ctx ) != kOkCsvRC )
@ -295,23 +311,29 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseFile( cmSc_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
case kBarEvtScId:
// parse bar lines
case kBarEvtScId: // parse bar lines
if((rc = _cmScParseBar(p,i,p->array+j,&barNumb)) == kOkScRC )
barNoteIdx = 0;
barEvtIdx = j;
p->array[j].index = j;
case kNonEvtScId:
// parse note-on events
case kNonEvtScId: // parse note-on events
if((rc = _cmScParseNoteOn(p, i, p->array + j, barNumb, barNoteIdx )) == kOkScRC )
secs = p->array[j].dsecs;
secs = p->array[j].secs;
if( p->array[j].secs == DBL_MAX )
p->array[j].secs = cur_secs;
if( cmIsFlag(p->array[j].flags,kSkipScFl) == false )
p->array[j].index = j;
@ -319,16 +341,24 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseFile( cmSc_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
// Returns DBL_MAX on error.
secs = cmCsvCellDouble(p->cH, i, kDSecsColScIdx );
secs = cmCsvCellDouble(p->cH, i, kSecsColScIdx );
if( secs != DBL_MAX )
cur_secs = secs;
// the bar lines don't have times so set the time of the bar line to the
// time of the first event in the bar.
if( barEvtIdx != cmInvalidIdx && secs != DBL_MAX )
assert( p->array[ barEvtIdx ].type == kBarEvtScId );
p->array[ barEvtIdx ].dsecs = secs;
p->array[ barEvtIdx ].secs = secs;
// handle the case where the previous bar had no events
if( p->array[ barEvtIdx-1].type == kBarEvtScId )
p->array[ barEvtIdx-1].secs = secs;
barEvtIdx = cmInvalidIdx;
@ -347,6 +377,76 @@ cmScRC_t _cmScParseFile( cmSc_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
return rc;
// This function does not currently work because there is no
// guarantee that all the time values (secs field) have been filled in
/// with valid times and that all event records have a valid 'type' id.
cmScRC_t _cmScoreInitLocArray( cmSc_t* p )
cmScRC_t rc = kOkScRC;
double minDSecs = 0;
unsigned barNumb = 0;
if( p->cnt==0)
return rc;
p->locCnt = 1;
// count the number of unique time locations in the score
int i,j,k;
double secs = p->array[0].secs;
for(i=0; i<p->cnt; ++i)
assert( p->array[i].secs >= secs );
if( p->array[i].secs - secs <= minDSecs )
p->locCnt += 1;
secs = p->array[i].secs;
// allocate the loc. array
p->loc = cmMemAllocZ(cmScoreLoc_t,p->locCnt);
// fill in the location array
for(i=0,k=0; i<p->cnt; ++k)
j = i+1;
assert(p->array[j].secs > p->array[i].secs );
// get the count of events at this location
while( j<p->cnt && p->array[j].secs - p->array[i].secs < minDSecs )
p->loc[k].evtCnt = j-i;
p->loc[k].evtArray = cmMemAllocZ(cmScoreEvt_t*,p->loc[k].evtCnt);
// fill in the location record event pointers
for(j=0; j<p->loc[k].evtCnt; ++j)
p->loc[k].evtArray[j] = p->array + (i + j);
if( p->array[i+j].type == kBarEvtScId )
barNumb = p->array[i+j].barNumb;
// fill in the location record
p->loc[k].secs = p->array[i].secs;
p->loc[k].evtIdx = i;
p->loc[k].barNumb = barNumb;
i += p->loc[k].evtCnt;
return rc;
cmScRC_t cmScoreInitialize( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmScH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* fn, cmScCb_t cbFunc, void* cbArg )
cmScRC_t rc = kOkScRC;
@ -360,6 +460,10 @@ cmScRC_t cmScoreInitialize( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmScH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* fn, cmScC
if((rc = _cmScParseFile(p,ctx,fn)) != kOkScRC )
goto errLabel;
// See note at function
//if((rc = _cmScoreInitLocArray(p)) != kOkScRC )
// goto errLabel;
p->cbFunc = cbFunc;
p->cbArg = cbArg;
p->fn = cmMemAllocStr(fn);
@ -416,6 +520,24 @@ cmScoreEvt_t* cmScoreEvt( cmScH_t h, unsigned idx )
return p->array + idx;
unsigned cmScoreLocCount( cmScH_t h )
cmSc_t* p = _cmScHandleToPtr(h);
return p->locCnt;
cmScoreLoc_t* cmScoreLoc( cmScH_t h, unsigned idx )
cmSc_t* p = _cmScHandleToPtr(h);
if( idx >= p->locCnt )
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidIdxScRC,"%i is an invalid index for %i location records.",idx,p->locCnt);
return NULL;
return p->loc + idx;
cmScRC_t cmScoreSeqNotify( cmScH_t h )
cmScRC_t rc = kOkScRC;
@ -707,3 +829,111 @@ void cmScoreTest( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
// 1. Fix absolute message time which was incorrect on original score file.
// 2.
void cmScoreFix( cmCtx_t* ctx )
const cmChar_t* mfn = "/home/kevin/src/cmgv/src/gv/data/ImaginaryThemes.mid";
const cmChar_t* crfn = "/home/kevin/src/cmgv/src/gv/data/mod0a.txt";
const cmChar_t* cwfn = "/home/kevin/src/cmgv/src/gv/data/mod1.csv";
cmMidiFileH_t mfH = cmMidiFileNullHandle;
cmCsvH_t csvH = cmCsvNullHandle;
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t** msg = NULL;
double secs = 0.0;
int ci,mi,crn,mn;
bool errFl = true;
unsigned handCnt = 0;
unsigned midiMissCnt = 0;
if( cmCsvInitialize(&csvH,ctx) != kOkCsvRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmCsvLexRegisterMatcher(csvH, cmCsvLexNextAvailId(csvH), _cmScLexSciPitchMatcher ) != kOkCsvRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmCsvParseFile(csvH, crfn, 0 ) != kOkCsvRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmMidiFileOpen(mfn,&mfH,ctx) != kOkMfRC )
goto errLabel;
mn = cmMidiFileMsgCount(mfH);
msg = cmMidiFileMsgArray(mfH);
crn = cmCsvRowCount(csvH);
// for each row in the score file
for(ci=1,mi=0; ci<crn && cmCsvLastRC(csvH)==kOkCsvRC; ++ci)
unsigned id;
// zero the duration column
if( cmCsvCellPtr(csvH, ci, kDSecsColScIdx ) != NULL )
cmCsvSetCellUInt( csvH, ci, kDSecsColScIdx, 0 );
// get the MIDI file event id for this row
if((id = cmCsvCellUInt(csvH,ci,kMidiFileIdColScIdx)) == UINT_MAX)
// this is a hand-entered event - so it has no event id
for(; mi<mn; ++mi)
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* m = msg[mi];
assert( mi+1 <= id );
secs += m->dtick/1000000.0;
if( mi+1 != id )
if( m->status == kNoteOnMdId && m->u.chMsgPtr->d1>0 )
// this MIDI note-on does not have a corresponding score event
cmCsvSetCellDouble( csvH, ci, kSecsColScIdx, secs );
if( m->status == kNoteOnMdId )
cmCsvSetCellDouble( csvH, ci, kDSecsColScIdx, m->u.chMsgPtr->durTicks/1000000.0 );
if( mi==mn)
printf("done on row:%i\n",ci);
if( cmCsvLastRC(csvH) != kOkCsvRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmCsvWrite(csvH,cwfn) != kOkCsvRC )
goto errLabel;
errFl = false;
if( errFl )
printf("Score fix failed.\n");
printf("Score fix done! hand:%i miss:%i\n",handCnt,midiMissCnt);
@ -34,16 +34,19 @@ extern "C" {
kEvenScFl = 0x01, // This note is marked for evenness measurement
kDynScFl = 0x02, // This note is marked for dynamics measurement
kTempoScFl = 0x03, // This note is marked for tempo measurement
kSkipScFl = 0x04 // this isn't a real event (e.g. tied note) skip over it
kEvenScFl = 0x01, // This note is marked for evenness measurement
kDynScFl = 0x02, // This note is marked for dynamics measurement
kTempoScFl = 0x03, // This note is marked for tempo measurement
kSkipScFl = 0x04, // This isn't a real event (e.g. tied note) skip over it
kInvalidScFl = 0x08 // This note has a calculated time
typedef struct
unsigned type; // Event type
double dsecs; //
double secs; // Time location in seconds
double durSecs; // Duration in seconds
unsigned index; // index of this event
cmMidiByte_t pitch; // MIDI pitch of this note
unsigned flags; // Attribute flags for this event
unsigned dynVal; // Dynamcis value pppp to ffff (1 to 11) for this note.
@ -51,6 +54,17 @@ extern "C" {
unsigned barNoteIdx; // index of this note in this bar
} cmScoreEvt_t;
typedef struct
double secs; // Time of this location
unsigned evtCnt; // Count of events in evtArray[].
cmScoreEvt_t** evtArray; // Events which occur at this time.
unsigned evtIdx; // Index into the master event array
// (p->array[]) of the first event in this loc.
unsigned barNumb; // Bar number this event is contained by.
} cmScoreLoc_t;
typedef void (*cmScCb_t)( void* arg, const void* data, unsigned byteCnt );
typedef cmRC_t cmScRC_t;
@ -77,6 +91,10 @@ extern "C" {
unsigned cmScoreEvtCount( cmScH_t h );
cmScoreEvt_t* cmScoreEvt( cmScH_t h, unsigned idx );
// Access the score location data
unsigned cmScoreLocCount( cmScH_t h );
cmScoreLoc_t* cmScoreLoc( cmScH_t h, unsigned idx );
cmScRC_t cmScoreSeqNotify( cmScH_t h );
@ -104,6 +122,8 @@ extern "C" {
void cmScoreTest( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn );
void cmScoreFix( cmCtx_t* ctx );
#ifdef __cplusplus