cmProc2.h/c: Many changes to cmVectArray. Fixed high-pass generation in cmFIR.
This commit is contained in:
@ -176,12 +176,18 @@ extern "C" {
enum { kHighPassFIRFl = 0x01 };
/// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
cmFIR* cmFIRAllocKaiser(cmCtx* c, cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, double passHz, double stopHz, double passDb, double stopDb );
cmFIR* cmFIRAllocSinc( cmCtx* c, cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned sincSmpCnt, double fcHz, unsigned flags );
// Note that the relative values of passHz and stopHz do not matter
// for low-pass vs high-pass filters. In practice passHz and
// stopHz can be swapped with no effect on the filter in either
// case. Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
cmFIR* cmFIRAllocKaiser(cmCtx* c, cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, double passHz, double stopHz, double passDb, double stopDb, unsigned flags );
// Set wndV[sincSmpCnt] to NULL to use a unity window otherwise set it to a window
// function of length sincSmpCnt.
cmFIR* cmFIRAllocSinc( cmCtx* c, cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned sincSmpCnt, double fcHz, unsigned flags, const double* wndV );
cmRC_t cmFIRFree( cmFIR** pp );
cmRC_t cmFIRInitKaiser( cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, double passHz, double stopHz, double passDb, double stopDb );
cmRC_t cmFIRInitSinc( cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned sincSmpCnt, double fcHz, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmFIRInitKaiser( cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, double passHz, double stopHz, double passDb, double stopDb, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmFIRInitSinc( cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned sincSmpCnt, double fcHz, unsigned flags, const double* wndV );
cmRC_t cmFIRFinal( cmFIR* p );
cmRC_t cmFIRExec( cmFIR* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
void cmFIRTest();
@ -783,6 +789,8 @@ extern "C" {
double* dV; // dV[n] vector of doubles
float* fV; // fV[n] vecotr of floats
cmSample_t* sV; // sV[n] vector of cmSample_t
int* iV;
unsigned* uV;
} u;
struct cmVectArrayVect_str* link; // link to next element record
@ -791,23 +799,24 @@ extern "C" {
kFloatVaFl = 0x01,
kDoubleVaFl = 0x02,
kSampleVaFl = 0x04,
kRealVaFl = 0x08,
kIntVaFl = 0x02, // int and uint is converted to double
kUIntVaFl = 0x02 //
kDoubleVaFl = 0x01,
kRealVaFl = 0x01,
kFloatVaFl = 0x02,
kSampleVaFl = 0x02,
kIntVaFl = 0x04,
kUIntVaFl = 0x08,
kVaMask = 0x0f
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmVectArrayVect_t* bp; // first list element
cmVectArrayVect_t* ep; // last list element
cmVectArrayVect_t* bp; // first list element
cmVectArrayVect_t* ep; // last list element
unsigned vectCnt; // count of elements in linked list
unsigned flags; // data vector type (See: kFloatVaFl, kDoubleVaFl, ... )
unsigned flags; // data vector type (See: kFloatVaFl, kDoubleVaFl, ... )
unsigned typeByteCnt; // size of a single data vector value (e.g. 4=float 8=double)
unsigned maxEleCnt; // length of the longest data vector
unsigned maxEleCnt; // length of the longest data vector
double* tempV;
cmVectArrayVect_t* cur;
} cmVectArray_t;
@ -824,7 +833,13 @@ extern "C" {
// Return the count of vectors contained in the vector array.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayCount( const cmVectArray_t* p );
// Return the maximum element count among all rows.
unsigned cmVectArrayMaxRowCount( const cmVectArray_t* p );
// Store a new vector by appending it to the end of the internal vector list.
// Note that the true type of v[] in the call to cmVectArrayAppendV() must match
// the data type set in p->flags.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendV( cmVectArray_t* p, const void* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendS( cmVectArray_t* p, const cmSample_t* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendR( cmVectArray_t* p, const cmReal_t* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendF( cmVectArray_t* p, const float* v, unsigned vn );
@ -835,45 +850,84 @@ extern "C" {
// Write a vector array in a format that can be read by readVectArray.m.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWrite( cmVectArray_t* p, const char* fn );
// Print the vector array to rpt.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayPrint( cmVectArray_t* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );
typedef cmRC_t (*cmVectArrayForEachFuncS_t)( void* arg, unsigned idx, const cmSample_t* xV, unsigned xN );
unsigned cmVectArrayForEachS( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned idx, unsigned cnt, cmVectArrayForEachFuncS_t func, void* arg );
// Write the vector v[vn] in the VectArray file format.
// Note that the true type of v[] in cmVectArrayWriteVectoV() must match the
// data type set in the 'flags' parameter.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const void* v, unsigned vn, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmSample_t* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const int* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmReal_t* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const double* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const float* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const int* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const unsigned* v, unsigned vn );
// Write the column-major matrix m[rn,cn] to the file 'fn'. Note that the matrix is transposed as it is
// written and therefore will be read back as a 'cn' by 'rn' matrix.
// Write the column-major matrix m[rn,cn] to the file 'fn'.
// Note that the true type of m[] in cmVectArrayWriteMatrixV() must match the
// data type set in the 'flags' parameter.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const void* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmSample_t* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmReal_t* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmReal_t* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const double* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const float* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const int* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const unsigned* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
// Read a VectArray file and return it as a matrix.
// The returned memory must be released with a subsequent call to cmMemFree().
// Note that the true type of the pointer address 'mRef' in the call to
// cmVectArrayReadMatrixV() must match the data type of the cmVectArray_t
// specified by 'fn'.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, void** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, cmSample_t** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, cmReal_t** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, double** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, float** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, int** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, unsigned** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
// Row iteration control functions.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayRewind( cmVectArray_t* p );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAdvance( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned n );
bool cmVectArrayIsEOL( const cmVectArray_t* p );
unsigned cmVectArrayEleCount( const cmVectArray_t* p );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetF( cmVectArray_t* p, float* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetD( cmVectArray_t* p, double* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetI( cmVectArray_t* p, int* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetU( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned* v, unsigned* vnRef );
// Copy the current row vector to v[].
// Note that the true type of v[] in cmVectArrayGetV() must match the data type of 'p'.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetV( cmVectArray_t* p, void* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetS( cmVectArray_t* p, cmSample_t* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetR( cmVectArray_t* p, cmReal_t* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetD( cmVectArray_t* p, double* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetF( cmVectArray_t* p, float* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetI( cmVectArray_t* p, int* v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayGetU( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned* v, unsigned* vnRef );
// Set *resultFlRef to true if m[rn,cn] is equal to the cmVectArray_t specified by 'fn'.
// Note that the true type of 'm[]' in the call to cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualV()
// must match the data type set in 'flags'.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const void* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmSample_t* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmReal_t* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const double* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const float* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const int* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const unsigned* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );
// If a vector array is composed of repeating blocks of 'groupCnt' sub-vectors
// where the concatenated ith sub-vectors in each group form a single super-vector then
// this function will return the super-vector. Use cmMemFree(*vRef) to release
// the returned super-vector.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayFormVectF( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, float** vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayFormVectR( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, cmReal_t** vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayFormVectF( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, float** vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayFormVectColF( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, unsigned colIdx, float** vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayFormVectColU( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, unsigned colIdx, unsigned** vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayTest( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn );
#if CM_FLOAT_SMP == 1
#define cmVectArrayGetS cmVectArrayGetF
#define cmVectArrayFormVectS cmVectArrayFormVectF
#define cmVectArrayGetS cmVectArrayGetD
#define cmVectArrayFormVectS cmVectArrayFormVectD
cmRC_t cmVectArrayTest( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, bool genFl );
// Spectral whitening filter.
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