cmPrefs.c/h Renamed 'Scalar' func's., Fixed bug in cmPrefsCreateXXX()

This commit is contained in:
kevin 2012-10-31 18:01:51 -07:00
vanhempi b108da1911
commit 67f462a501
2 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 117 lisäystä ja 46 poistoa

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@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsInitialize( cmPrH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* fn, cmPrefsOnChangeFunc
goto errLabel;
if( cmJsonCreateObject( p->jsH, NULL ) != kOkJsRC )
if( cmJsonCreateObject( p->jsH, NULL ) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPrRC,"The JSON root object could not be created.");
goto errLabel;
@ -335,6 +335,12 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsFinalize( cmPrH_t* hp )
bool cmPrefsIsValid( cmPrH_t h )
{ return h.h != NULL; }
const cmChar_t* cmPrefsFileName( cmPrH_t h )
cmPr_t* p = _cmPrefsHandleToPtr(h);
return p->fn;
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsRC( cmPrH_t h)
{ return cmErrLastRC(&_cmPrefsHandleToPtr(h)->err); }
@ -665,7 +671,7 @@ const cmChar_t* cmPrefsStringDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmCh
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool* retValPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsBoolRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool* retValPtr )
unsigned id;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
@ -675,7 +681,7 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool*
return cmPrefsGetBool(h,id,retValPtr,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned* retValPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsUIntRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned* retValPtr )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
@ -691,7 +697,7 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigne
return rc;
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int* retValPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsIntRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int* retValPtr )
unsigned id;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
@ -701,7 +707,7 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int*
return cmPrefsGetInt(h,id,retValPtr,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float* retValPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsFloatRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float* retValPtr )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
@ -717,7 +723,7 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float*
return rc;
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double* retValPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsRealRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double* retValPtr )
unsigned id;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
@ -727,7 +733,7 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double*
return cmPrefsGetReal(h,id,retValPtr,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarString( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t** retValPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsStringRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t** retValPtr )
unsigned id;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
@ -996,30 +1002,71 @@ cmPrRC_t _cmPrefsSetValues( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const bool* bvp, const int*
return _cmPrefsSetValues2( p, np, bvp, ivp, rvp, svp, eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const bool* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBoolArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const bool* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
{ return _cmPrefsSetValues(h, id, vp, NULL, NULL, NULL, eleCntPtr ); }
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const int* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetIntArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const int* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
{ return _cmPrefsSetValues(h, id, NULL, vp, NULL, NULL, eleCntPtr ); }
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const double* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetRealArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const double* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
{ return _cmPrefsSetValues(h, id, NULL, NULL, vp, NULL, eleCntPtr ); }
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t** vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetStringArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t** vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr )
{ return _cmPrefsSetValues(h, id, NULL, NULL, NULL, vp, eleCntPtr ); }
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool val )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, bool val )
unsigned n = 1;
return cmPrefsSetBoolArray(h,id,&val,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetUInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned val )
unsigned n = 1;
int ival = (int)val;
return cmPrefsSetIntArray(h,id,&ival,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, int val )
unsigned n = 1;
return cmPrefsSetIntArray(h,id,&val,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetFloat( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, float val )
unsigned n = 1;
double dval = val;
return cmPrefsSetRealArray(h,id,&dval,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, double val )
unsigned n = 1;
return cmPrefsSetRealArray(h,id,&val,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* val )
unsigned n = 1;
return cmPrefsSetStringArray(h,id,&val,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool val )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
return kVarNotFoundPrRC;
return cmPrefsSetBool(h,id,&val,&n);
return cmPrefsSetBoolArray(h,id,&val,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned val )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned val )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
@ -1027,20 +1074,20 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned va
return kVarNotFoundPrRC;
int ival = (int)val;
return cmPrefsSetInt(h,id,&ival,&n);
return cmPrefsSetIntArray(h,id,&ival,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int val )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int val )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
return kVarNotFoundPrRC;
return cmPrefsSetInt(h,id,&val,&n);
return cmPrefsSetIntArray(h,id,&val,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float val )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float val )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
@ -1048,27 +1095,27 @@ cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float val )
return kVarNotFoundPrRC;
double dval = val;
return cmPrefsSetReal(h,id,&dval,&n);
return cmPrefsSetRealArray(h,id,&dval,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double val )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double val )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
return kVarNotFoundPrRC;
return cmPrefsSetReal(h,id,&val,&n);
return cmPrefsSetRealArray(h,id,&val,&n);
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarString( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t* val )
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetString( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t* val )
unsigned id;
unsigned n = 1;
if((id = cmPrefsId(h,pathStr,true)) == cmInvalidId )
return kVarNotFoundPrRC;
return cmPrefsSetString(h,id,&val,&n);
return cmPrefsSetStringArray(h,id,&val,&n);
@ -1168,7 +1215,7 @@ cmPrRC_t _cmPrefsCreateJsonNode(
// we have followed 'pathString' to the last node which already
// exists in the JSON tree - now we must new JSON nodes to reflect
// exists in the JSON tree - now we must create new JSON nodes to reflect
// the remaining path elements
for(; i<pathCnt; ++i)
@ -1225,23 +1272,31 @@ cmPrRC_t _cmPrefsCreateJsonNode(
unsigned nxtId = p->id;
// create a pref node to associate with this new level
if((pnp = _cmPrefsCreateNode(p, jsPairNodePtr, pnp->pathPtr )) == NULL )
if((pnp = _cmPrefsCreateNode(p, jsPairNodePtr, pnp==NULL ? NULL : pnp->pathPtr )) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNodeCreateFailPrRC,"Creation failed for the '%s' element of the preference node '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(pathEleStr),cmStringNullGuard(pathString));
goto errLabel;
// always leave internal nodes with id=cmInvalidId, leaf node id's will be set below
p->id = nxtId;
pnp->id = cmInvalidId;
pathEleStr += strlen(pathEleStr) + 1;
assert( pnp != NULL );
// if an preference variable 'id' was given then set it here
if( id != cmInvalidId )
if( id == cmInvalidId )
pnp->id = _cmPrefsCalcNextAvailId(p);
if( _cmPrefsIdToNodePtr(p, id, false ) != NULL )
cmErrWarnMsg(&p->err,kDuplicateIdPrRC,"The preference variable id '%i' is used by multiple preference variables including '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(pathString));
cmErrWarnMsg(&p->err,kDuplicateIdPrRC,"The preference variable id '%i' is used by multiple preference variables including '%s'.",id,cmStringNullGuard(pathString));
pnp->id = id;
@ -1462,19 +1517,19 @@ void _cmPrintNodes( const cmPrNode_t* np )
sr = 44100;
n = 1;
cmPrefsSetInt(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/srate",true), &sr, &n);
cmPrefsSetIntArray(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/srate",true), &sr, &n);
cmPrefsGetInt(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/chNames/array",true), &sr, &n );
printf("sr:%i %i\n",sr,n);
int sarr[] = {10,11,12,13 };
n = sizeof(sarr)/sizeof(sarr[0]);
cmPrefsSetInt(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/chNames/array",true), sarr, &n);
cmPrefsSetIntArray(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/chNames/array",true), sarr, &n);
cmPrefsGetInt(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/chNames/array",true), sarr, &n );
printf("array:%i %i %i %i n=%i\n",sarr[0],sarr[1],sarr[2],sarr[3],n);
int tarr[] = {20,21 };
n = sizeof(tarr)/sizeof(tarr[0]);
cmPrefsSetInt(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/chNames/array",true), tarr, &n);
cmPrefsSetIntArray(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/chNames/array",true), tarr, &n);
cmPrefsGetInt(h, cmPrefsId(h,"cfg/chNames/array",true), tarr, &n );
printf("array:%i %i n=%i\n",tarr[0],tarr[1],n);

Näytä tiedosto

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ extern "C" {
bool cmPrefsIsValid( cmPrH_t h );
const cmChar_t* cmPrefsFileName( cmPrH_t h );
// Return last RC.
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsRC( cmPrH_t h);
@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ extern "C" {
// On input *'eleCntPtr' must contain the number of elements in the buffer pointed to by 'vp'.
// On return *'eleCntPtr' contains the actuall number of elements returned by the function.
// Set *eleCntPtr to 1 for scalar a values.
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsGetBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, bool* vp, unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsGetInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, int* vp, unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsGetReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, double* vp, unsigned* eleCntPtr );
@ -76,12 +79,12 @@ extern "C" {
const cmChar_t* cmPrefsStringDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t* dfltVal );
// Get a scalar value.
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsScalarString( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t** retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsBoolRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsUIntRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsIntRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsFloatRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsRealRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double* retValPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsStringRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t** retValPtr );
// Simplified array interface - check cmPrefsRC() for errors
@ -108,17 +111,24 @@ extern "C" {
// 3) For scalar (non-array) variables *eleCntPtr must be set to 1.
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const bool* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const int* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const double* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t** vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBoolArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const bool* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetIntArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const int* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetRealArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const double* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetStringArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t** vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetScalarString( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t* val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, bool val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetUInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, int val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetFloat( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, float val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, double val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double val );
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetString( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t* val );
// Create a new preference variable and set it's value to 'val'.
// If a variable with the same path and type already exists and kForceValuePrFl is set then update it's value to 'val'.
@ -126,6 +136,10 @@ extern "C" {
// If a variable with the same path but a different type exists then an error is returned.
// The 'id' argument is optional. If 'id' is set to cmInvalidId then the
// variable will be automatically assigned an id. The value of the
// automatically assigned id can be found from the path string
// via cmPrefsId()
// Set kForceValuePrFl
enum { kForceValuePrFl=0x01 };
@ -144,6 +158,8 @@ extern "C" {
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateStringArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t** val, unsigned eleCnt );
bool cmPrefsIsDirty( cmPrH_t h );
// If 'fn' is NULL then the filename passed in cmPrefsInitialize() is used.
cmPrRC_t cmPrefsWrite( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );