cmTimeLine.h/c: Added cmTimeLineGenOnsetMarks() and empty shell code
for cmTimeLineDeleteOnsetMarks(). Added marker typeId field to cmTlMarkerTl_t.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,11 +7,13 @@
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmJson.h"
#include "cmText.h"
#include "cmAudioFile.h"
#include "cmMidi.h"
#include "cmMidiFile.h"
#include "cmFileSys.h"
#include "cmTimeLine.h"
#include "cmOnset.h"
// id's used to track the type of a serialized object
@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ typedef struct
unsigned seqCnt;
_cmTlSeq_t* seq; // seq[seqCnt]
const cmChar_t* filename;
cmOnsetCfg_t onsetCfg;
} _cmTl_t;
typedef struct
@ -646,10 +649,7 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlProcMidiFile( _cmTl_t* p, _cmTlObj_t* op, cmMidiFileH_t mfH )
unsigned mn = cmMidiFileMsgCount(mfH);
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t** mapp = cmMidiFileMsgArray(mfH);
unsigned mi = 0;
//double accum = 0;
_cmTlObj_t* refOp = op;
//bool fl = false;
unsigned dtick = 0;
mfp->noteOnCnt = 0;
// for each midi message
@ -658,18 +658,7 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlProcMidiFile( _cmTl_t* p, _cmTlObj_t* op, cmMidiFileH_t mfH )
_cmTlObj_t* meop = NULL;
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = mapp[mi];
dtick = mp->dtick;
//if( fl )
// dtick = 0;
// fl = mp->dtick == 0;
//accum += dtick * p->srate / 1000000;
//int begSmpIdx = floor(accum_micros * p->srate / 1000000);
int begSmpIdx = dtick; //floor( dtick * p->srate / 1000000.0 );
int begSmpIdx = mp->dtick;
int durSmpCnt = 0;
unsigned midiTrkMsgByteCnt = cmMidiFilePackTrackMsgBufByteCount( mp );
unsigned recdByteCnt = sizeof(cmTlMidiEvt_t) + midiTrkMsgByteCnt;
@ -680,7 +669,6 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlProcMidiFile( _cmTl_t* p, _cmTlObj_t* op, cmMidiFileH_t mfH )
// count the note-on messages
if( mp->status == kNoteOnMdId )
//durSmpCnt = floor(mp->u.chMsgPtr->durTicks * p->srate / 1000000.0 );
durSmpCnt = mp->u.chMsgPtr->durTicks;
@ -712,9 +700,6 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlProcMidiFile( _cmTl_t* p, _cmTlObj_t* op, cmMidiFileH_t mfH )
// verify that the memory allocation was calculated correctly
assert( cp + recdByteCnt == ((char*)mep->msg) + midiTrkMsgByteCnt);
// notify any listeners that a new midi event was created by sending a kObjTlId msg.
//_cmTlNotifyListener(p, kInsertMsgTlId, meop );
// this midi event is the ref. for the next midi evt
refOp = meop;
@ -741,7 +726,7 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocMidiFileRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmCh
unsigned durSmpCnt = floor(cmMidiFileDurSecs(mfH)*p->srate);
// convert the midi file from ticks to microseconds
// convert the midi file from delta ticks to delta samples
// assign note durations to all note-on msg's
@ -768,9 +753,6 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocMidiFileRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmCh
op->obj->text = mp->fn;
// notifiy any listeners that a midi file object was created
//_cmTlNotifyListener(p, kInsertMsgTlId, op );
// insert the events in the midi file as individual time line objects
if((rc = _cmTlProcMidiFile(p, op, mfH)) != kOkTlRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -790,7 +772,7 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocMidiFileRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmCh
return rc;
cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmChar_t* refIdStr, int begSmpIdx, unsigned durSmpCnt, unsigned seqId, const cmChar_t* text, unsigned bar, const cmChar_t* sectionStr )
cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmChar_t* refIdStr, int begSmpIdx, unsigned durSmpCnt, unsigned seqId, const cmChar_t* text, unsigned bar, const cmChar_t* sectionStr, unsigned markerTypeId, cmTlObj_t* refObjPtr )
cmTlRC_t rc = kOkTlRC;
_cmTlObj_t* op = NULL;
@ -800,8 +782,12 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmChar
// add memory at the end of the the cmTlMarker_t record to hold the text string.
unsigned recdByteCnt = sizeof(cmTlMarker_t) + strlen(textStr) + sizeof(bar) + strlen(sectStr) + 2;
if(refIdStr == NULL )
rc = _cmTlAllocRecd2(p,nameStr,(_cmTlObj_t*)refObjPtr->reserved,begSmpIdx,durSmpCnt,kMarkerTlId,seqId,recdByteCnt,&op);
rc = _cmTlAllocRecd(p,nameStr,refIdStr,begSmpIdx,durSmpCnt,kMarkerTlId,seqId,recdByteCnt,&op);
if((rc = _cmTlAllocRecd(p,nameStr,refIdStr,begSmpIdx,durSmpCnt,kMarkerTlId,seqId,recdByteCnt,&op)) != kOkTlRC )
if(rc != kOkTlRC )
goto errLabel;
assert(op != NULL);
@ -819,14 +805,16 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmChar
cmChar_t* sp = tp + strlen(tp) + 1;
// onset markers are generated but not written
if( markerTypeId != kAudioMarkTlId )
mp->obj.flags = cmSetFlag(mp->obj.flags,kNoWriteTlFl);
mp->typeId = markerTypeId;
mp->text = tp;
mp->sectionStr = sp;
mp->bar = bar;
op->obj->text = tp;
// notify listeners
//_cmTlNotifyListener(p, kInsertMsgTlId, op );
if( op != NULL && rc != kOkTlRC )
@ -858,9 +846,6 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocAudioEvtRecd( _cmTl_t* p, const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmCh
mp->text = tp;
op->obj->text = tp;
// notify listeners
//_cmTlNotifyListener(p, kInsertMsgTlId, op );
if( op != NULL && rc != kOkTlRC )
@ -877,7 +862,7 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlAllocRecdFromJson(_cmTl_t* p,const cmChar_t* nameStr, const cmChar
case kAudioFileTlId: rc = _cmTlAllocAudioFileRecd(p,nameStr,refIdStr,begSmpIdx, seqId,textStr); break;
case kMidiFileTlId: rc = _cmTlAllocMidiFileRecd( p,nameStr,refIdStr,begSmpIdx, seqId,textStr); break;
case kMarkerTlId: rc = _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd( p,nameStr,refIdStr,begSmpIdx,durSmpCnt,seqId,textStr,bar,sectionStr); break;
case kMarkerTlId: rc = _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd( p,nameStr,refIdStr,begSmpIdx,durSmpCnt,seqId,textStr,bar,sectionStr,kAudioMarkTlId,NULL); break;
case kAudioEvtTlId: rc = _cmTlAllocAudioEvtRecd( p,nameStr,refIdStr,begSmpIdx,durSmpCnt,seqId,textStr); break;
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kParseFailTlRC,"'%s' is not a valid 'objArray' record type.",cmStringNullGuard(typeIdStr));
@ -902,8 +887,6 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTimeLineFinalize( _cmTl_t* p )
//_cmTlNotifyListener(p, kFinalMsgTlId, NULL );
@ -1345,12 +1328,15 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTlParseErr( cmErr_t* err, const cmChar_t* errLabelPtr, unsigned idx,
return rc;
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineReadJson( cmTlH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* ifn )
cmTlRC_t rc = kOkTlRC;
cmJsRC_t jsRC = kOkJsRC;
cmJsonH_t jsH = cmJsonNullHandle;
cmJsonNode_t* jnp;
const cmChar_t* errLabelPtr;
cmJsonNode_t* jnp = NULL;
cmJsonNode_t* cnp = NULL;
const cmChar_t* errLabelPtr = NULL;
int i;
_cmTl_t* p = _cmTlHandleToPtr(*hp);
@ -1367,13 +1353,39 @@ cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineReadJson( cmTlH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* ifn )
if( cmJsonMemberValues(jnp,&errLabelPtr,
NULL) != kOkJsRC )
if(jsRC == kNodeNotFoundJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kParseFailTlRC,"The JSON 'time_line' header required field:'%s' was not found in '%s'.",errLabelPtr,cmStringNullGuard(ifn));
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kParseFailTlRC,"The JSON 'time_line' object header parse failed in '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(ifn));
goto errLabel;
if((jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues(cnp,&errLabelPtr,
"wndMs", kRealTId, &p->onsetCfg.wndMs,
"hopFact", kIntTId, &p->onsetCfg.hopFact,
"audioChIdx", kIntTId, &p->onsetCfg.audioChIdx,
"wndFrmCnt", kIntTId, &p->onsetCfg.wndFrmCnt,
"preWndMult", kRealTId, &p->onsetCfg.preWndMult,
"threshold", kRealTId, &p->onsetCfg.threshold,
"maxFrqHz", kRealTId, &p->onsetCfg.maxFrqHz,
"filtCoeff", kRealTId, &p->onsetCfg.filtCoeff,
"medFiltWndMs", kRealTId, &p->onsetCfg.medFiltWndMs,
"filterId", kIntTId, &p->onsetCfg.filterId,
"preDelayMs", kRealTId, &p->onsetCfg.preDelayMs,
NULL)) != kOkJsRC )
if(jsRC == kNodeNotFoundJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kParseFailTlRC,"The JSON 'time_line' onset analysizer cfg. required field:'%s' was not found in '%s'.",errLabelPtr,cmStringNullGuard(ifn));
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kParseFailTlRC,"The JSON 'time_line' onset analyzer cfg. in '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(ifn));
goto errLabel;
for(i=0; i<cmJsonChildCount(jnp); ++i)
const cmJsonNode_t* rp = cmJsonArrayElementC(jnp,i);
@ -1444,6 +1456,144 @@ cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineSeqNotify( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId )
return rc;
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineGenOnsetMarks( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId )
cmTlRC_t rc = kOkTlRC;
_cmTl_t* p = _cmTlHandleToPtr(h);
cmTlObj_t* op = NULL;
cmOnH_t onsH = cmOnsetNullHandle;
cmChar_t* textStr = "";
cmChar_t* sectionStr = "";
unsigned bar = cmInvalidIdx;
unsigned i,j;
unsigned smpIdx;
// initialize the audio onset analyzer
if( cmOnsetInitialize(&p->ctx, &onsH ) != kOkOnRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kOnsetFailTlRC,"Audio onset analyzer initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
// for each audio file
for(i=0; (op = cmTimeLineNextTypeObj(h, op, seqId, kAudioFileTlId )) != NULL; ++i)
cmTlAudioFile_t* aop = NULL;
// get a pointer to this audio file object
if((aop = cmTlAudioFileObjPtr(h, op )) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kTypeCvtFailTlRC,"Unexpected audio file object type conversion failure.");
goto errLabel;
// analyze the onsets in this audio file
if( cmOnsetProc(onsH,&p->onsetCfg,aop->fn) != kOkOnRC)
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kOnsetFailTlRC,"Audio onset analyzer failed during processing.");
goto errLabel;
// for each detected onset
for(j=0; (smpIdx = cmOnsetSampleIndex(onsH,j))!=cmInvalidIdx; ++j)
cmChar_t* labelStr = NULL;
labelStr = cmTsPrintfP(labelStr,"a-%i-%i",i,j);
// generate a marker record
rc = _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd(p, labelStr, aop->, smpIdx, cmOnsetHopSampleCount(onsH), seqId, textStr, bar, sectionStr, kAudioOnsetMarkTlId,NULL );
if( rc != kOkTlRC )
goto errLabel;
unsigned intervalSmpCnt = 0;
cmTlMidiEvt_t* max_eop = NULL;
cmTlObj_t* fop = NULL;
unsigned midiFileObjId = cmInvalidId;
op = NULL;
for(i=0; (op = cmTimeLineNextTypeObj(h, op, seqId, kMidiEvtTlId )) != NULL; ++i)
cmTlMidiEvt_t* eop = NULL;
// get a pointer to this event object
if((eop = cmTlMidiEvtObjPtr(h, op )) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kTypeCvtFailTlRC,"Unexpected MIDI event object type conversion failure.");
goto errLabel;
// if this is the first event in a new MIDI file
if(eop->midiFileObjId != midiFileObjId)
// get the MIDI file object
if((fop = cmTimeLineIdToObj(h,seqId,eop->midiFileObjId)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAssertFailTlRC,"The MIDi file associated with a MIDI event could not be found.");
goto errLabel;
midiFileObjId = eop->midiFileObjId;
max_eop = NULL;
intervalSmpCnt = 0;
j = 0;
// if we have reviewed one second of MIDI events
if( intervalSmpCnt > p->srate )
// rewind the interval accumulator to less than one second
while(intervalSmpCnt >= p->srate )
intervalSmpCnt -= p->srate;
// if a max veloctiy event was selected ...
if( max_eop != NULL )
cmChar_t* labelStr = NULL;
labelStr = cmTsPrintfP(labelStr,"%i-%i",i,j);
// ... generate a marker record
rc = _cmTlAllocMarkerRecd(p, labelStr, NULL, 0, cmOnsetHopSampleCount(onsH), seqId, textStr, bar, sectionStr, kMidiOnsetMarkTlId, &max_eop->obj );
if( rc != kOkTlRC )
goto errLabel;
max_eop = NULL;
// update the max velocity event
if( max_eop==NULL || (eop->msg->status == kNoteOnMdId && eop->msg->u.chMsgPtr->d1>0 && max_eop->msg->u.chMsgPtr->d1 < eop->msg->u.chMsgPtr->d1) )
max_eop = eop;
// increment the interval accumulator
intervalSmpCnt += eop->obj.begSmpIdx;
if( cmOnsetFinalize(&onsH) != kOkOnRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kOnsetFailTlRC,"Audio onset analyzer finalization failed.");
return rc;
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineDeleteOnsetMarks( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId )
void _cmTimeLinePrintObj(_cmTl_t* p, _cmTlObj_t* op, cmRpt_t* rpt )
@ -1661,48 +1811,8 @@ cmTlRC_t _cmTimeLineDecodeObj( const void* msg, unsigned msgByteCnt, cmTlUiMsg_
r->msgId = kInsertMsgTlId;
r->objId = tp->uid;
//r->parentObjId = *parentIdPtr;
r->seqId = tp->seqId;
//r->typeId = tp->typeId;
//r->begSmpIdx = tp->begSmpIdx;
//r->durSmpCnt = tp->durSmpCnt;
//r->label = strlen(text)==0 ? NULL : text;
r->srate = 0;
//r->midiTrkMsg = NULL;
//r->textStr = NULL;
switch( tp->typeId )
case kMidiFileTlId:
r->textStr = _cmTimeLineMidiFileObjPtr(NULL,tp)->fn;
case kMidiEvtTlId:
cmTlMidiEvt_t* mep;
if((mep = _cmTimeLineMidiEvtObjPtr(NULL,tp)) != NULL )
r->midiFileObjId = mep->midiFileObjId;
r->midiTrkMsg = mep->msg;
case kAudioFileTlId:
r->textStr = _cmTimeLineAudioFileObjPtr(NULL,tp)->fn;
case kAudioEvtTlId:
case kMarkerTlId:
r->textStr = _cmTimeLineMarkerObjPtr(NULL,tp)->text;
{ assert(0); }
return rc;
@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ extern "C" {
typedef enum
@ -41,6 +43,14 @@ extern "C" {
kNoWriteTlFl = 0x02 // do not write this object in cmTimeLineWrite()
// marker types
typedef void (*cmTlCb_t)( void* arg, const void* data, unsigned byteCnt );
typedef struct cmTlObj_str
@ -67,11 +77,15 @@ extern "C" {
cmChar_t* fn;
} cmTlMidiFile_t;
// MIDI events generated from MIDI files reference the previous
// MIDI event and the first event in the file references the
// file object. The 'begSmpIdx' is therefore a delta value
// from the previous event.
typedef struct
cmTlObj_t obj;
cmTlObj_t obj; //
unsigned midiFileObjId;
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* msg; // w/ dticks converted to microsecs
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* msg; // w/ dticks converted to samples
} cmTlMidiEvt_t;
@ -95,6 +109,7 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct
cmTlObj_t obj;
unsigned typeId; // marker type see kXXXMarkTlId above.
const cmChar_t* text;
unsigned bar; // measure (bar) in which this marker starts
const cmChar_t* sectionStr; // the section in which this marker starts
@ -191,6 +206,10 @@ extern "C" {
// Make notifications for all records belonging to the sequence.
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineSeqNotify( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId );
// Create and make notification for audio/MIDI onset marks.
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineGenOnsetMarks( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId );
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineDeleteOnsetMarks( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId );
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineWrite( cmTlH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLinePrint( cmTlH_t h, cmRpt_t* rpt );
Reference in New Issue
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