cmProc4.h/c: Completed tempo and evenness measurement calculations.
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@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ typedef struct
unsigned v[kSmCnt]; // cost for each operation
unsigned flags; // cmSmMatchFl | cmSmTransFl
unsigned scEvtIdx;
} cmScMatchVal_t;
// List record used to track a path through the DP matrix p->m[,]
@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ typedef struct cmScMatchPath_str
unsigned ci; // matrix col index
unsigned flags; // cmSmMatchFl | cmSmTransFl
unsigned locIdx; // p->loc index or cmInvalidIdx
unsigned scEvtIdx; // scScore event index
struct cmScMatchPath_str* next; //
} cmScMatchPath_t;
@ -250,52 +252,70 @@ typedef struct
int barNumb; // bar number of this location
} cmScMatchLoc_t;
typedef struct
unsigned mni; // unique identifier for this MIDI note - used to recognize when the cmScMatcher backtracks.
unsigned smpIdx; // time stamp of this event
unsigned pitch; // MIDI note pitch
unsigned vel; // " " velocity
unsigned locIdx; // location assoc'd with this MIDI evt (cmInvalidIdx if not a matching or non-matching 'substitute')
unsigned scEvtIdx; // cmScore event index assoc'd with this event
} cmScMatchMidi_t;
typedef struct
cmObj obj; //
cmScH_t scH; // cmScore handle
unsigned locN; //
cmScMatchLoc_t* loc; // loc[locN]
unsigned mrn; // max row count (midi)
unsigned rn; // cur row count
unsigned mcn; // max column count (score)
unsigned cn; // cur column count
unsigned mrn; // max m[] row count (midi)
unsigned rn; // cur m[] row count
unsigned mcn; // max m[] column count (score)
unsigned cn; // cur m[] column count
unsigned mmn; // max length of midiBuf[] (mrn-1)
unsigned msn; // max length of score window (mcn-1)
cmScMatchVal_t* m; // m[mrn,mcn] DP matrix
unsigned pn; // mrn+mcn
cmScMatchPath_t* p_mem; // pmem[ 2*pn ];
cmScMatchPath_t* p_mem; // pmem[ 2*pn ] - path memory
cmScMatchPath_t* p_avl; // available path record linked list
cmScMatchPath_t* p_cur; // current path linked list
cmScMatchPath_t* p_opt; // p_opt[pn] current best alignment
double opt_cost; // p_opt cost set by cmScMatchExec()
cmScMatchPath_t* p_opt; // p_opt[pn] - current best alignment as a linked list
double opt_cost; // last p_opt cost set by cmScMatchExec()
} cmScMatch;
1) This matcher cannot handle multiple instances of the same pitch occuring
at the same 'location'.
2) Because each note of a chord is spread out over multiple locations, and
there is no way to indicate that a note in the chord is already 'in-use'.
If a MIDI note which is part of the chord is repeated, in error, it will
apear to be correct (a positive match will be assigned to
the second (and possible successive notes)).
cmScMatch* cmScMatchAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmScMatch* p, cmScH_t scH, unsigned maxScWndN, unsigned maxMidiWndN );
cmRC_t cmScMatchFree( cmScMatch** pp );
cmRC_t cmScMatchInit( cmScMatch* p, cmScH_t scH, unsigned maxScWndN, unsigned maxMidiWndN );
cmRC_t cmScMatchFinal( cmScMatch* p );
// Returns cmEofRC if locIdx + locN > p->locN - note that this is not necessarily an error.
// The optimal path p_opt[] will only be updated if the edit cost is less than min_cost.
// Set min_cost to DBL_MAX to force p_opt[] to be updated.
cmRC_t cmScMatchExec( cmScMatch* p, unsigned locIdx, unsigned locN, const unsigned* midiPitchV, unsigned midiPitchN, double min_cost );
// Locate the position in p->loc[locIdx:locIdx+locN-1] which bests
// matches midiV[midiN].
// The result of this function is to update p_opt[]
// The optimal path p_opt[] will only be updated if the edit_cost associated 'midiV[midiN]'.
// with the best match is less than 'min_cost'.
// Set 'min_cost' to DBL_MAX to force p_opt[] to be updated.
// Returns cmEofRC if locIdx + locN > p->locN - note that this is not
// necessarily an error.
cmRC_t cmScMatchExec( cmScMatch* p, unsigned locIdx, unsigned locN, const cmScMatchMidi_t* midiV, unsigned midiN, double min_cost );
typedef struct
unsigned locIdx; // location assoc'd with this MIDI evt (cmInvalidIdx if not a positive-match)
//unsigned cbCnt; // count of times this event has been sent via the callback
unsigned mni; // unique identifier for this event since previous call to cmScAlignReset().
unsigned smpIdx; // time stamp of this event
unsigned pitch; // MIDI note pitch
unsigned vel; // " " velocity
} cmScMatcherMidi_t;
typedef struct
unsigned locIdx;
unsigned scEvtIdx;
unsigned mni;
unsigned smpIdx;
unsigned pitch;
@ -313,7 +333,7 @@ typedef void (*cmScMatcherCb_t)( struct cmScMatcher_str* p, void* arg, cmScMatch
void* cbArg;
cmScMatch* mp;
unsigned mn;
cmScMatcherMidi_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[mn]
cmScMatchMidi_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[mn]
cmScMatcherResult_t* res; // res[rn]
unsigned rn; // length of res[]
@ -362,21 +382,12 @@ cmRC_t cmScMatcherExec( cmScMatcher* p, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned status, c
typedef struct
unsigned mni;
unsigned scEvtIdx;
unsigned locIdx;
unsigned smpIdx;
unsigned pitch;
unsigned vel;
} cmScMeasMidi_t;
cmScoreSet_t* sp; // ptr to this set in the score
typedef struct
unsigned bsei; // begin score event index
unsigned esei; // end score event index
unsigned bsli; //
unsigned bsli; // beg score loc index
unsigned esli; // end score loc index
unsigned bli; //
@ -387,25 +398,42 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmScMatch* mp;
unsigned mi; // next avail recd in midiBuf[]
cmScMatch* mp; //
unsigned mii; // next avail recd in midiBuf[]
unsigned mn; // length of of midiBuf[]
cmScMeasMidi_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[mn]
cmScMatchMidi_t* midiBuf; // midiBuf[mn]
unsigned sn; // length of set[]
cmScMeasSet_t* set; // set[sn]
unsigned dn; // length of dynRef[]
unsigned* dynRef; // dynRef[dn]
unsigned nsi; // next set index
unsigned nsli; // next score location index
double srate; // sample rate from schore
} cmScMeas;
cmScMeas* cmScMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmScMeas* p, cmScH_t scH );
// Notes:
// 1) midiBuf[] stores all MIDI notes for the duration of the performance
// it is initialized to 2*score_event_count.
// 2) dynRef][ is the gives the MIDI velocity range for each dynamics
// category: pppp-fff
cmScMeas* cmScMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmScMeas* p, cmScH_t scH, double srate, const unsigned* dynRefArray, unsigned dynRefCnt );
cmRC_t cmScMeasFree( cmScMeas** pp );
cmRC_t cmScMeasInit( cmScMeas* p, cmScH_t scH );
cmRC_t cmScMeasInit( cmScMeas* p, cmScH_t scH, double srate, const unsigned* dynRefArray, unsigned dynRefCnt );
cmRC_t cmScMeasFinal( cmScMeas* p );
cmRC_t cmScMeasExec( cmScMeas* p, unsigned mni, unsigned locIdx, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel );
// This function is called for each input MIDI note which is assigned a
// score location by cmScMatcher.
// 'mni' is the MIDI event index which uniquely identifies this MIDI event.
// 'locIdx' is the location index into>loc[] associated with
// this event.
cmRC_t cmScMeasExec( cmScMeas* p, unsigned mni, unsigned locIdx, unsigned scEvtIdx, unsigned flags, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned pitch, unsigned vel );
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