cmMidiFile.c : Added _cmMidiFileInsertEotMsg(). Fixed bug where _cmMidiFileTrk.cnt was not incremented in cmMidiFileInsertTrkMsg().

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kevin 2016-08-30 16:46:35 -04:00
джерело 4d6bff0ecf
коміт 227bf8954b

@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadChannelMsg( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, cmMidiByte_t* rsPtr, cmM
unsigned byteN = cmMidiStatusToByteCount(tmp->status);
if( byteN==kInvalidMidiByte || byteN > 2 )
return cmErrMsg(&mfp->err,kInvalidStatusMfRC,"Invalid status:0x%x %i.",tmp->status,tmp->status);
return cmErrMsg(&mfp->err,kInvalidStatusMfRC,"Invalid status:0x%x %i byte cnt:%i.",tmp->status,tmp->status,byteN);
unsigned i;
for(i=useRsFl; i<byteN; ++i)
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadTrack( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned short trkIdx )
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead8(mfp,&status)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
//printf("st:%i 0x%x\n",status,status);
//printf("%5i st:%i 0x%x\n",dticks,status,status);
// append a track msg
if((rc = _cmMidiFileAppendTrackMsg( mfp, trkIdx, dticks, status, &tmp )) != kOkMfRC )
@ -677,8 +677,11 @@ cmMfRC_t cmMidiFileOpen( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmMidiFileH_t* hp, const char* fn )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileFailMfRC,"MIDI file close failed.");
if( rc != kOkMfRC )
hp->h = NULL;
return rc;
@ -971,12 +974,75 @@ cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileWriteMetaMsg( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tm
return rc;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileInsertEotMsg( _cmMidiFile_t* p, unsigned trkIdx )
_cmMidiTrack_t* trk = p->trkV + trkIdx;
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* m0 = NULL;
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* m = trk->base;
// locate the current EOT msg on this track
for(; m!=NULL; m=m->link)
if( m->status == kMetaStId && m->metaId == kEndOfTrkMdId )
// If this EOT msg is the last msg in the track ...
if( m->link == NULL )
assert( m == trk->last );
return kOkMfRC; // ... then there is nothing else to do
// If this EOT msg is not the last in the track ...
if( m0 != NULL )
m0->link = m->link; // ... then unlink it
m0 = m;
// if we get here then the last msg in the track was not an EOT msg
// if there was no previously allocated EOT msg
if( m == NULL )
m = _cmMidiFileAllocMsg(p, trkIdx, 1, kMetaStId );
m->metaId = kEndOfTrkMdId;
trk->cnt += 1;
// link an EOT msg as the last msg on the track
// if the track is currently empty
if( m0 == NULL )
trk->base = m;
trk->last = m;
else // link the msg as the last on on the track
assert( m0 == trk->last);
m0->link = m;
m->link = NULL;
trk->last = m;
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileWriteTrack( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned trkIdx )
cmMfRC_t rc = kOkMfRC;
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp = mfp->trkV[trkIdx].base;
cmMidiByte_t runStatus = 0;
// be sure there is a EOT msg at the end of this track
if((rc = _cmMidiFileInsertEotMsg(mfp, trkIdx )) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
for(; tmp != NULL; tmp=tmp->link)
// write the msg tick count
@ -1379,7 +1445,8 @@ cmMfRC_t cmMidiFileInsertTrackMsg( cmMidiFileH_t h, unsigned trkIdx, const cmMi
assert( m1->atick >= m->atick );
m1->dtick = m1->atick - m->atick;
p->trkV[trkIdx].cnt += 1;
p->msgVDirtyFl = true;
return kOkMfRC;
@ -1402,6 +1469,8 @@ cmMfRC_t cmMidiFileInsertTrackChMsg( cmMidiFileH_t h, unsigned trkIdx, unsigned
m.status = status & 0xf0;
m.byteCnt = sizeof(cm);
m.u.chMsgPtr = &cm;
assert( m.status >= kNoteOffMdId && m.status <= kPbendMdId );
return cmMidiFileInsertTrackMsg(h,trkIdx,&m);