merging recdplay updates from thunk onto mac

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kevin 2014-01-16 16:15:04 -08:00
revize 1d9455e9eb
3 změnil soubory, kde provedl 57 přidání a 0 odebrání

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@ -4352,6 +4352,46 @@ cmRC_t cmRecdPlayEndRecord( cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId )
return cmCtxRtCondition( &p->obj, cmInvalidArgRC, "The fragment label symbol id '%i' not found for 'end record'.",labelSymId);
cmRC_t cmRecdPlayInsertRecord(cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId, const cmChar_t* wavFn )
cmRC_t rc = cmOkRC;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->fragCnt; ++i)
if( p->frags[i].labelSymId == labelSymId )
cmAudioFileH_t afH = cmNullAudioFileH;
cmAudioFileInfo_t afInfo;
cmRC_t afRC = kOkAfRC;
// open the audio file
if( cmAudioFileIsValid( afH = cmAudioFileNewOpen(wavFn, &afInfo, &afRC, p->obj.err.rpt )) == false )
return cmCtxRtCondition( &p->obj, cmInvalidArgRC, "The audio file '%s' could not be opened'.",cmStringNullGuard(wavFn));
// ignore blank
if( afInfo.frameCnt == 0 )
return cmOkRC;
// allocate buffer space
unsigned j;
for(j=0; j<p->chCnt; ++j)
p->frags[i].chArray[j] = cmMemResize(cmSample_t,p->frags[i].chArray[j],afInfo.frameCnt);
p->frags[i].allocCnt = afInfo.frameCnt;
// read samples into the buffer space
unsigned chIdx = 0;
unsigned chCnt = cmMin(p->chCnt,afInfo.chCnt);
unsigned actFrmCnt = 0;
if( cmAudioFileReadSample(afH,afInfo.frameCnt,chIdx,chCnt,&p->frags[i].chArray, &actFrmCnt) != kOkAfRC )
return cmCtxRtCondition(&p->obj, cmSubSysFailRC, "Read failed on the audio file '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(wavFn));
return cmCtxRtCondition( &p->obj, cmInvalidArgRC, "The fragment label symbol id '%i' not found for 'begin record'.",labelSymId);
cmRC_t cmRecdPlayBeginPlay( cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId )
unsigned i;

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@ -688,6 +688,8 @@ extern "C" {
cmRC_t cmRecdPlayBeginRecord( cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId );
cmRC_t cmRecdPlayEndRecord( cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId );
cmRC_t cmRecdPlayInsertRecord(cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId, const cmChar_t* wavFn );
cmRC_t cmRecdPlayBeginPlay( cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId );
cmRC_t cmRecdPlayEndPlay( cmRecdPlay* p, unsigned labelSymId );

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@ -2485,6 +2485,8 @@ enum
@ -2537,6 +2539,15 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspRecdPlayOpenScore( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst )
for(i=0; i<markerCnt; ++i)
cmRecdPlayRegisterFrag(p->rcdply,i, cmScoreMarkerLabelSymbolId(p->scH,i ));
const cmChar_t* segFn = cmDspStrcz(inst,kSegFnPrId);
const cmChar_t* segLbl= cmDspStrcz(inst,kSegLblPrId);
if( cmTextLength(segFn)>0 && cmTextLength(segLbl)>0 )
unsigned segSymId = cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(ctx->stH,segLbl);
return rc;
@ -2565,6 +2576,8 @@ cmDspInst_t* _cmDspRecdPlayAlloc(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, unsig
1, "maxla", kMaxLaSecsPrId, 0,0, kInDsvFl | kDoubleDsvFl | kReqArgDsvFl, "Maximum look-ahead buffer in seconds.",
1, "curla", kCurLaSecsPrId, 0,0, kInDsvFl | kDoubleDsvFl | kOptArgDsvFl, "Current look-head buffer in seconds.",
1, "frate", kFadeRatePrId, 0,0, kInDsvFl | kDoubleDsvFl | kOptArgDsvFl, "Fade rate in dB per second.",
1, "segFn", kSegFnPrId, 0,0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kOptArgDsvFl, "Preload an audio segment.",
1, "segLbl", kSegLblPrId, 0,0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kOptArgDsvFl, "Score symbol of preloaded audio segment.",
1, "index", kScLocIdxPrId, 0,0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Score follower location index.",
1, "cmd", kCmdPrId, 0,0, kInDsvFl | kSymDsvFl, "on=reset off=stop.",
chCnt, "in", kInAudioBasePrId,0,1, kInDsvFl | kAudioBufDsvFl, "Audio input",
@ -2589,6 +2602,8 @@ cmDspInst_t* _cmDspRecdPlayAlloc(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, unsig
printf("1 max la secs:%f\n",cmDspDouble(&p->inst,kMaxLaSecsPrId));
return &p->inst;