Debugged cmDspMidiFilePlay and Added cmDspScFol

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kevin 2012-11-17 17:33:10 -08:00
Parent 37c2599982
révision 0f776fb762
2 fichiers modifiés avec 261 ajouts et 61 suppressions

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@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
#include "cmAudioFile.h"
#include "cmMidiFile.h"
#include "cmTimeLine.h"
#include "cmScore.h"
#include "cmProc4.h"
@ -232,6 +234,8 @@ struct cmDspClass_str* cmKrClassCons( cmDspCtx_t* ctx )
// Time Line UI Object
@ -239,8 +243,11 @@ enum
cmDspClass_t _cmTimeLineDC;
@ -255,23 +262,27 @@ cmDspInst_t* _cmDspTimeLineAlloc(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, unsig
cmDspVarArg_t args[] =
{ "tlfile", kTlFileTlId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kReqArgDsvFl, "Time line file." },
{ "path", kAudPathTlId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kReqArgDsvFl, "Audio path" },
{ "sel", kSelTlId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kInDsvFl | kOutDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Selected marker id."},
{ "afn", kAudFnTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl, "Selected Audio file." },
{ "mfn", kMidiFnTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl, "Selected MIDI file." },
{ "bsi", kBegSmpIdxTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Begin audio sample index."},
{ "esi", kEndSmpIdxTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "End audio sample index."},
{ "tlfile", kTlFileTlId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kReqArgDsvFl, "Time line file." },
{ "path", kAudPathTlId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kReqArgDsvFl, "Audio path" },
{ "sel", kSelTlId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kInDsvFl | kOutDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Selected marker id."},
{ "afn", kAudFnTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl, "Selected Audio file." },
{ "mfn", kMidiFnTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl, "Selected MIDI file." },
{ "absi", kBegAudSmpIdxTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kIntDsvFl, "Begin audio sample index."},
{ "aesi", kEndAudSmpIdxTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kIntDsvFl, "End audio sample index."},
{ "mbsi", kBegMidiSmpIdxTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kIntDsvFl, "Begin MIDI sample index."},
{ "mesi", kEndMidiSmpIdxTlId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kIntDsvFl, "End MIDI sample index."},
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
cmDspTimeLine_t* p = cmDspInstAlloc(cmDspTimeLine_t,ctx,classPtr,args,instSymId,id,storeSymId,va_cnt,vl);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kSelTlId, 0, cmInvalidId);
cmDspSetDefaultStrcz( ctx, &p->inst, kAudFnTlId, NULL, "");
cmDspSetDefaultStrcz( ctx, &p->inst, kMidiFnTlId, NULL, "");
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kBegSmpIdxTlId, 0, cmInvalidIdx);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kEndSmpIdxTlId, 0, cmInvalidIdx);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kSelTlId, 0, cmInvalidId);
cmDspSetDefaultStrcz(ctx, &p->inst, kAudFnTlId, NULL, "");
cmDspSetDefaultStrcz(ctx, &p->inst, kMidiFnTlId, NULL, "");
cmDspSetDefaultInt( ctx, &p->inst, kBegAudSmpIdxTlId, 0, cmInvalidIdx);
cmDspSetDefaultInt( ctx, &p->inst, kEndAudSmpIdxTlId, 0, cmInvalidIdx);
cmDspSetDefaultInt( ctx, &p->inst, kBegMidiSmpIdxTlId, 0, cmInvalidIdx);
cmDspSetDefaultInt( ctx, &p->inst, kEndMidiSmpIdxTlId, 0, cmInvalidIdx);
// create the UI control
@ -328,8 +339,8 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspTimeLineRecv(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_
assert(op->typeId == kMarkerTlId);
cmDspSetUInt(ctx, inst, kBegSmpIdxTlId, op->begSmpIdx );
cmDspSetUInt(ctx, inst, kEndSmpIdxTlId, op->begSmpIdx + op->durSmpCnt );
cmDspSetInt(ctx, inst, kBegAudSmpIdxTlId, op->begSmpIdx );
cmDspSetInt(ctx, inst, kEndAudSmpIdxTlId, op->begSmpIdx + op->durSmpCnt );
// locate the audio file assoc'd with the marker
cmTlAudioFile_t* afp;
@ -339,7 +350,12 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspTimeLineRecv(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_
// locate the midi file assoc'd with the marker
cmTlMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = cmTimeLineMidiFileAtTime(p->tlH,op->seqId,op->seqSmpIdx)) != NULL )
cmDspSetInt(ctx, inst, kBegMidiSmpIdxTlId, op->seqSmpIdx - mfp->obj.seqSmpIdx );
cmDspSetInt(ctx, inst, kEndMidiSmpIdxTlId, op->seqSmpIdx + op->durSmpCnt - mfp->obj.seqSmpIdx );
cmDspSetStrcz(ctx, inst, kMidiFnTlId, mfp->fn );
@ -371,12 +387,7 @@ struct cmDspClass_str* cmTimeLineClassCons( cmDspCtx_t* ctx )
// Read files created by this object with the Octave function cmTextFile().
// MIDI File Player
@ -395,9 +406,10 @@ typedef struct
cmDspInst_t inst;
cmMidiFileH_t mfH;
unsigned msgIdx; // current midi file msg index
unsigned bsi;
unsigned esi;
unsigned curMsgIdx; // current midi file msg index
int csi; // current sample index
int bsi; // starting sample index
int esi; // ending sample index
unsigned startSymId;
unsigned stopSymId;
unsigned contSymId;
@ -416,11 +428,11 @@ cmDspInst_t* _cmDspMidiFilePlayAlloc(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, u
cmDspVarArg_t args[] =
{ "fn", kFnMfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kReqArgDsvFl, "File name"},
{ "fn", kFnMfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl, "File name"},
{ "sel", kSelMfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kSymDsvFl, "start | stop | continue" },
{ "bsi", kBsiMfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Starting sample." },
{ "esi", kEsiMfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Ending sample."},
{ "status", kStatusMfId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Status value output" },
{ "bsi", kBsiMfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kIntDsvFl, "Starting sample." },
{ "esi", kEsiMfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kIntDsvFl, "Ending sample."},
{ "status", kStatusMfId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kIntDsvFl, "Status value output" },
{ "d0", kD0MfId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Data byte 0" },
{ "d1", kD1MfId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Data byte 1" },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
@ -428,14 +440,19 @@ cmDspInst_t* _cmDspMidiFilePlayAlloc(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, u
cmDspMidiFilePlay_t* p = cmDspInstAlloc(cmDspMidiFilePlay_t,ctx,classPtr,args,instSymId,id,storeSymId,va_cnt,vl);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kStatusMfId, 0, 0);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kD0MfId, 0, 0);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kD1MfId, 0, 0);
p->startSymId = cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol(ctx->stH,"start");
p->stopSymId = cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol(ctx->stH,"stop");
p->contSymId = cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol(ctx->stH,"continue");
p->mfH = cmMidiFileNullHandle;
cmDspSetDefaultStrcz( ctx, &p->inst, kFnMfId, NULL, "");
cmDspSetDefaultSymbol(ctx, &p->inst, kSelMfId, p->stopSymId);
cmDspSetDefaultInt( ctx, &p->inst, kBsiMfId, 0, 0);
cmDspSetDefaultInt( ctx, &p->inst, kEsiMfId, 0, 0);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kStatusMfId, 0, 0);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kD0MfId, 0, 0);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kD1MfId, 0, 0);
return &p->inst;
@ -453,10 +470,9 @@ unsigned _cmDspMidiFilePlaySeekMsgIdx( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspMidiFilePlay_t* p,
unsigned i;
unsigned n = cmMidiFileMsgCount(p->mfH);
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t** a = cmMidiFileMsgArray(p->mfH);
double srate = cmDspSampleRate(ctx);
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
if( floor(a[i]->dtick*srate) > smpIdx )
if( a[i]->dtick > smpIdx )
return i==n ? cmInvalidIdx : i;
@ -464,18 +480,27 @@ unsigned _cmDspMidiFilePlaySeekMsgIdx( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspMidiFilePlay_t* p,
cmDspRC_t _cmDspMidiFilePlayOpen(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
const cmChar_t* fn = cmDspStrcz(inst,kFnMfId);
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
const cmChar_t* fn = cmDspStrcz(inst,kFnMfId);
cmDspMidiFilePlay_t* p = (cmDspMidiFilePlay_t*)inst;
if( fn==NULL || strlen(fn)==0 )
return rc;
if( cmMidiFileOpen( fn, &p->mfH, ctx->cmCtx ) != kOkFileRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&inst->classPtr->err, kInstResetFailDspRC, "MIDI file open failed.");
p->msgIdx = 0;
p->bsi = cmDspUInt(inst,kBsiMfId);
p->esi = cmDspUInt(inst,kEsiMfId);
p->curMsgIdx = 0;
p->bsi = cmDspInt(inst,kBsiMfId);
p->esi = cmDspInt(inst,kEsiMfId);
p->csi = 0;
// force the first msg to occurr one quarter note into the file
cmMidiFileSetDelay(p->mfH, cmMidiFileTicksPerQN(p->mfH) );
// convert midi msg times to absolute time in samples
return rc;
@ -489,16 +514,32 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspMidiFilePlayReset(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDs
cmDspRC_t _cmDspMidiFilePlayExec(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
cmDspMidiFilePlay_t* p = (cmDspMidiFilePlay_t*)inst;
double srate = cmDspSampleRate(ctx);
unsigned sPc = cmDspSamplesPerCycle(ctx);
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
cmDspMidiFilePlay_t* p = (cmDspMidiFilePlay_t*)inst;
unsigned sPc = cmDspSamplesPerCycle(ctx);
if( cmDspSymbol(inst,kSelMfId) != p->stopSymId )
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t** mpp = cmMidiFileMsgArray(p->mfH);
unsigned msgN = cmMidiFileMsgCount(p->mfH);
for(; p->curMsgIdx < msgN && p->csi <= mpp[p->curMsgIdx]->dtick && mpp[p->curMsgIdx]->dtick < (p->csi + sPc); ++p->curMsgIdx )
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = mpp[p->curMsgIdx];
switch( mp->status )
case kNoteOnMdId:
case kCtlMdId:
cmDspSetUInt(ctx,inst, kD1MfId, mp->u.chMsgPtr->d1);
cmDspSetUInt(ctx,inst, kD0MfId, mp->u.chMsgPtr->d0);
cmDspSetUInt(ctx,inst, kStatusMfId, mp->status);
p->csi += sPc;
return rc;
@ -518,12 +559,13 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspMidiFilePlayRecv(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDsp
if( cmDspSymbol(inst,kSelMfId)==p->startSymId )
_cmDspMidiFilePlaySeekMsgIdx(ctx, p, cmDspUInt(inst,kBsiMfId) );
p->csi = cmDspInt(inst,kBsiMfId);
p->curMsgIdx = _cmDspMidiFilePlaySeekMsgIdx(ctx, p, p->csi );
return kOkDspRC;
@ -541,3 +583,142 @@ struct cmDspClass_str* cmMidiFilePlayClassCons( cmDspCtx_t* ctx )
return &_cmMidiFilePlayDC;
cmDspClass_t _cmScFolDC;
typedef struct
cmDspInst_t inst;
cmScFol* sfp;
cmScH_t scH;
} cmDspScFol_t;
cmDspInst_t* _cmDspScFolAlloc(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, unsigned storeSymId, unsigned instSymId, unsigned id, unsigned va_cnt, va_list vl )
cmDspVarArg_t args[] =
{ "fn", kFnSfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kStrzDsvFl | kReqArgDsvFl, "Score file." },
{ "wndcnt",kWndCntSfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Event window element count." },
{ "wndms", kWndMsSfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Event window length milliseconds."},
{ "index", kIndexSfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "Tracking start location."},
{ "status",kStatusSfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "MIDI status byte"},
{ "d0", kD0SfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "MIDI data byte 0"},
{ "d1", kD1SfId, 0, 0, kInDsvFl | kUIntDsvFl, "MIDI data byte 1"},
{ "out", kOutSfId, 0, 0, kOutDsvFl| kUIntDsvFl, "Current score index."},
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL }
cmDspScFol_t* p;
if((p = cmDspInstAlloc(cmDspScFol_t,ctx,classPtr,args,instSymId,id,storeSymId,va_cnt,vl)) == NULL )
return NULL;
p->sfp = cmScFolAlloc(ctx->cmProcCtx, NULL, 0, 0, 0, cmScNullHandle );
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kWndCntSfId, 0, 10);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kWndMsSfId, 0, 5000);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kIndexSfId, 0, 0);
cmDspSetDefaultUInt( ctx, &p->inst, kOutSfId, 0, 0);
return &p->inst;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspScFolFree(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt )
cmDspScFol_t* p = (cmDspScFol_t*)inst;
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspScFolOpenScore( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst )
const cmChar_t* fn;
cmDspScFol_t* p = (cmDspScFol_t*)inst;
if((fn = cmDspStrcz(inst,kFnSfId)) == NULL || strlen(fn)==0 )
return cmErrMsg(&inst->classPtr->err, kInvalidArgDspRC, "No score file name supplied.");
if( cmScoreInitialize(ctx->cmCtx, &p->scH, fn, NULL, NULL ) != kOkScRC )
return cmErrMsg(&inst->classPtr->err, kSubSysFailDspRC, "Unable to open the score '%s'.",fn);
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspScFolReset(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
cmDspScFol_t* p = (cmDspScFol_t*)inst;
rc = cmDspApplyAllDefaults(ctx,inst);
if((rc = _cmDspScFolOpenScore(ctx,inst)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
if( cmScoreIsValid(p->scH) )
if( cmScFolInit(p->sfp, cmDspSampleRate(ctx), cmDspUInt(inst,kWndCntSfId), cmDspUInt(inst,kWndMsSfId), p->scH) != cmOkRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&inst->classPtr->err, kSubSysFailDspRC, "Internal score follower allocation failed.");
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspScFolRecv(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
cmDspScFol_t* p = (cmDspScFol_t*)inst;
if((rc = cmDspSetEvent(ctx,inst,evt)) == kOkDspRC && p->sfp != NULL )
switch( evt->dstVarId )
case kIndexSfId:
if( cmScFolReset( p->sfp, cmDspUInt(inst,kIndexSfId) ) != cmOkRC )
cmErrMsg(&inst->classPtr->err, kSubSysFailDspRC, "Score follower reset to score index '%i' failed.");
case kStatusSfId:
unsigned idx = cmScFolExec(p->sfp, ctx->cycleCnt, cmDspUInt(inst,kStatusSfId), cmDspUInt(inst,kD0SfId), cmDspUInt(inst,kD1SfId));
if( idx != cmInvalidIdx )
case kFnSfId:
return rc;
struct cmDspClass_str* cmScFolClassCons( cmDspCtx_t* ctx )
"Score Follower");
return &_cmScFolDC;

Voir le fichier

@ -39,12 +39,19 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_TimeLine(cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
const cmChar_t* tlFn = "/home/kevin/src/cmgv/src/gv/data/tl7.js";
const cmChar_t* audPath = "/home/kevin/media/audio/20110723-Kriesberg/Audio Files";
const cmChar_t* scFn = "/home/kevin/src/cmgv/src/gv/data/mod2.csv";
cmDspInst_t* sci = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "ScIdx", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 10000.0, 1.0, 0.0);
cmDspInst_t* tlp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"TimeLine", "tl", 2, tlFn, audPath );
cmDspInst_t* php = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Phasor", NULL, 0 );
cmDspInst_t* wtp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"WaveTable", NULL, 2, cmDspSysSampleRate(h), 0 );
cmDspInst_t* pts = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"PortToSym", NULL, 1, "start" );
cmDspInst_t* mfp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"MidiFilePlay",NULL, 0 );
cmDspInst_t* sfp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScFol", NULL, 1, scFn );
cmDspInst_t* ao0p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut", NULL, 1, 0 );
cmDspInst_t* ao1p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut", NULL, 1, 1 );
cmDspInst_t* tlp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"TimeLine", "tl", 2, tlFn, audPath );
cmDspInst_t* php = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Phasor", NULL, 0 );
cmDspInst_t* wtp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"WaveTable",NULL, 2, cmDspSysSampleRate(h), 0 );
cmDspInst_t* ao0p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut",NULL, 1, 0 );
cmDspInst_t* ao1p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut",NULL, 1, 1 );
cmDspInst_t* prp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL, 1, ">" );
@ -57,13 +64,25 @@ cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_TimeLine(cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, wtp, "out", ao1p, "in" ); // wt -> aout1
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "afn", prp, "in", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "afn", wtp, "fn", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "bsi", wtp, "beg", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "esi", wtp, "end", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "afn", prp, "in", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", prp, "in", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "sel", prp, "in", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", prp, "in", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "sel", prp, "in", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "absi", wtp, "beg", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "aesi", wtp, "end", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "afn", wtp, "fn", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mbsi", mfp, "bsi", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mesi", mfp, "esi", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", mfp, "fn", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", pts, "start", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "out", mfp, "sel", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "status", sfp, "status", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "d0", sfp, "d0", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "d1", sfp, "d1", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, sci, "val", sfp, "index", NULL );
cmDspSysInstallCb(h, sfp, "out", prp, "in", NULL );
return rc;