31 рядки
900 B
31 рядки
900 B
#ifndef cmDspStore_h
#define cmDspStore_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern cmDspStoreH_t cmDspStoreNullHandle;
cmDspRC_t cmDspStoreAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmDspStoreH_t* hp, unsigned initStoreCnt, unsigned growStoreCnt );
cmDspRC_t cmDspStoreFree( cmDspStoreH_t *hp );
bool cmDspStoreIsValid( cmDspStoreH_t h );
unsigned cmDspStoreSymToId( cmDspStoreH_t h, unsigned symId );
unsigned cmDspStoreIdToSym( cmDspStoreH_t h, unsigned id );
const cmDspValue_t* cmDspStoreIdToValue( cmDspStoreH_t h, unsigned id );
cmDspRC_t cmDspStoreSetValueViaId( cmDspStoreH_t h, unsigned id, const cmDspValue_t* val );
// Sets the variable to the value (and creates it if it does not exist).
// Returns the 'id' of the variable.
unsigned cmDspStoreSetValueViaSym( cmDspStoreH_t h, unsigned symId, const cmDspValue_t* val );
#ifdef __cplusplus