
394 righe
9.4 KiB

2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmStack.h"
typedef struct cmStkBlk_str
char* base;
unsigned curEleCnt;
unsigned maxEleCnt;
struct cmStkBlk_str* link;
} cmStkBlk_t;
typedef struct
cmErr_t err;
unsigned expandBlkEleCnt; // count of ele's in all blocks after the first block
unsigned cnt; // cur total count of elements in all blocks
cmStkBlk_t* baseBlkPtr; // first block
cmStkBlk_t* curBlkPtr; // current block - all blocks are always full except for the current block
unsigned eleByteCnt; // bytes per element
} cmStack_t;
cmStackH_t cmStackNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE;
cmStack_t* _cmStHandleToPtr( cmStackH_t h )
cmStack_t* p = (cmStack_t*)h.h;
assert( p != NULL );
return p;
cmStkBlk_t* _cmStkAllocBlk( cmStack_t* p, unsigned blkEleCnt )
cmStkBlk_t* blkPtr;
// if a next block has already been created (because an earlier stack was cleared (w/o release)
if( p->curBlkPtr != NULL && p->curBlkPtr->link != NULL )
blkPtr = p->curBlkPtr->link;
// ... otherwise allocate a new next block
char* cp = cmMemAllocZ(char,sizeof(cmStkBlk_t) + p->eleByteCnt * blkEleCnt );
blkPtr = (cmStkBlk_t*)cp;
blkPtr->base = cp + sizeof(cmStkBlk_t);
blkPtr->curEleCnt = 0;
blkPtr->maxEleCnt = blkEleCnt;
if( p->curBlkPtr != NULL )
p->curBlkPtr->link = blkPtr;
if( p->baseBlkPtr == NULL )
p->baseBlkPtr = blkPtr;
p->curBlkPtr = blkPtr;
return blkPtr;
cmStkBlk_t* _cmStackClear( cmStack_t* p, bool releaseFl )
cmStkBlk_t* bp = p->baseBlkPtr;
while( bp != NULL )
cmStkBlk_t* nbp = bp->link;
bp->curEleCnt = 0;
if( releaseFl )
bp = nbp;
p->cnt = 0;
if( releaseFl )
p->curBlkPtr = NULL;
p->baseBlkPtr = NULL;
p->curBlkPtr = p->baseBlkPtr;
return bp;
cmStRC_t _cmStackFree( cmStack_t* p )
cmStRC_t rc = kOkStRC;
return rc;
cmStRC_t cmStackAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmStackH_t* hp, unsigned initCnt, unsigned expandCnt, unsigned eleByteCnt )
cmStRC_t rc = kOkStRC;
if((rc = cmStackFree(hp)) != kOkStRC )
return rc;
cmStack_t* p = cmMemAllocZ(cmStack_t,1);
p->expandBlkEleCnt = expandCnt;
p->eleByteCnt = eleByteCnt;
_cmStkAllocBlk(p,initCnt); // allocate the initial block
hp->h = p;
return rc;
cmStRC_t cmStackFree( cmStackH_t* hp )
cmStRC_t rc = kOkStRC;
if( hp==NULL || cmStackIsValid(*hp) == false )
return kOkStRC;
cmStack_t* p = _cmStHandleToPtr(*hp);
if((rc = _cmStackFree(p)) != kOkStRC )
goto errLabel;
hp->h = NULL;
return rc;
cmStRC_t cmStackIsValid( cmStackH_t h )
{ return h.h != NULL; }
unsigned cmStackCount( cmStackH_t h )
cmStack_t* p = _cmStHandleToPtr(h);
return p->cnt;
void cmStackClear( cmStackH_t h, bool releaseFl )
if( cmStackIsValid(h) == false )
cmStack_t* p = _cmStHandleToPtr(h);
cmStRC_t cmStackPush( cmStackH_t h, const void* data, unsigned dataEleCnt )
cmStRC_t rc = kOkStRC;
cmStack_t* p = _cmStHandleToPtr(h);
while( dataEleCnt )
if( p->curBlkPtr == NULL || p->curBlkPtr->curEleCnt >= p->curBlkPtr->maxEleCnt )
_cmStkAllocBlk(p, p->expandBlkEleCnt );
// calc the count of ele's to copy into this block
unsigned en = cmMin(dataEleCnt, p->curBlkPtr->maxEleCnt - p->curBlkPtr->curEleCnt );
// calc the count of source bytes to copy into this block
unsigned bn = en * p->eleByteCnt;
// copy the source bytes into the block
memcpy( p->curBlkPtr->base + (p->curBlkPtr->curEleCnt * p->eleByteCnt), data, bn );
p->curBlkPtr->curEleCnt += en; // incr block element count
p->cnt += en; // incr the total element count
data = ((char*)data) + bn; // incr the source pointer
dataEleCnt -= en; // decr the source ele count
return rc;
// Return the block and local index of the element at index *idxPtr.
cmStkBlk_t* _cmStBlockIndex( cmStack_t* p, unsigned* idxPtr )
cmStkBlk_t* blkPtr;
assert( p->baseBlkPtr != NULL);
if( *idxPtr < p->baseBlkPtr->maxEleCnt )
return p->baseBlkPtr;
*idxPtr -= p->baseBlkPtr->maxEleCnt;
unsigned bi = *idxPtr / p->expandBlkEleCnt;
unsigned i;
blkPtr = p->baseBlkPtr->link;
for(i=0; i<bi; ++i)
blkPtr = blkPtr->link;
*idxPtr = *idxPtr - bi * p->expandBlkEleCnt;
return blkPtr;
cmStRC_t cmStackPop( cmStackH_t h, unsigned eleCnt )
cmStRC_t rc = kOkStRC;
cmStack_t* p = _cmStHandleToPtr(h);
if( p->cnt < eleCnt )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUnderflowStRC,"Stack underflow. Cannot pop %i elements off stack with %i elements.", eleCnt, p->cnt );
unsigned idx = p->cnt - eleCnt; // index of the first element to remove
cmStkBlk_t* blkPtr = _cmStBlockIndex(p, &idx ); // get blk and local index of new curBlkPtr
blkPtr->curEleCnt = idx; // update the element cnt for the new curBlkPtr
p->curBlkPtr = blkPtr; // set the new curBlkPtr
blkPtr = blkPtr->link; // for each blk after the current block ...
while( blkPtr != NULL )
blkPtr->curEleCnt = 0; // ... set the block empty
blkPtr = blkPtr->link;
p->cnt -= eleCnt;
return rc;
const void* cmStackTop( cmStackH_t h )
unsigned n = cmStackCount(h);
if( n == 0 )
return NULL;
return cmStackGet(h,n-1);
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
cmStRC_t _cmStackSetGet( cmStack_t* p, unsigned index, char* data, unsigned dataEleCnt, bool setFl )
cmStRC_t rc = kOkStRC;
if( index + dataEleCnt > p->cnt )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidIdxStRC,"The element index range:%i to %i falls outside the current index range:%i to %i of the stack.",index,index+dataEleCnt-1,0,p->cnt-1);
cmStkBlk_t* blkPtr = _cmStBlockIndex(p,&index);
assert( blkPtr != NULL );
while( dataEleCnt )
// calc the count of ele's to copy into this block
unsigned en = cmMin(dataEleCnt, blkPtr->curEleCnt - index );
// calc the count of bytes in en elements
unsigned bn = en * p->eleByteCnt;
char* bp = blkPtr->base + (index * p->eleByteCnt);
// copy the source bytes into the block
memcpy( setFl ? bp:data, setFl ? data:bp, bn );
data = data + bn; // incr the source pointer
dataEleCnt -= en; // decr the source ele count
index = 0; // all blocks after the first use index=0
blkPtr = blkPtr->link;
return rc;
cmStRC_t cmStackSet( cmStackH_t h, unsigned index, const void* data, unsigned dataEleCnt )
{ return _cmStackSetGet( _cmStHandleToPtr(h), index, (char*) data, dataEleCnt,true ); }
cmStRC_t cmStackGetN( cmStackH_t h, unsigned index, void* data, unsigned dataEleCnt )
{ return _cmStackSetGet( _cmStHandleToPtr(h), index, (char*)data, dataEleCnt, false ); }
const void* cmStackGet( cmStackH_t h, unsigned index )
cmStack_t* p = _cmStHandleToPtr(h);
if( index >= p->cnt )
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidIdxStRC,"The index %i is outside the valid range 0:%i.",index,p->cnt-1);
return NULL;
cmStkBlk_t* blkPtr = _cmStBlockIndex(p,&index);
assert( blkPtr != NULL );
return blkPtr->base + (index * p->eleByteCnt);
void* cmStackFlatten( cmStackH_t h )
cmStack_t* p = _cmStHandleToPtr(h);
cmStkBlk_t* bbp = p->baseBlkPtr;
cmStkBlk_t* cbp = p->curBlkPtr;
unsigned cnt = p->cnt;
// pretend the stack is unallocated
p->baseBlkPtr = NULL;
p->curBlkPtr = NULL;
// allocate a new initial block large enough to hold all the data
cmStkBlk_t* nbp = _cmStkAllocBlk(p,cnt);
cmStkBlk_t* bp = bbp;
unsigned n = 0;
// copy the existing stack values into the new initial block
while( bp != NULL && bp->curEleCnt > 0 )
unsigned bn = bp->curEleCnt * p->eleByteCnt;
assert( n < cnt*p->eleByteCnt );
memcpy( nbp->base + n, bp->base, bn );
n += bn;
bp = bp->link;
// restore the stack to it's original state, clear and release
p->baseBlkPtr = bbp;
p->curBlkPtr = cbp;
// setup new stack with the new initial block
// (the data is now linearly arranged in nbp->base)
p->baseBlkPtr = nbp;
p->curBlkPtr = nbp;
p->cnt = cnt;
return p->baseBlkPtr->base;
void cmStackTest( cmCtx_t* ctx )
cmStackH_t h = cmStackNullHandle;
int i;
int v[20];
if( cmStackAlloc(ctx,&h,10,5,sizeof(int)) != kOkStRC )
goto errLabel;
for(i=0; i<9; ++i)
v[i] = i;
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"count:%i %i\n",cmStackCount(h),i);
for(; i<18; ++i)
v[i] = i;
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"count:%i %i\n",cmStackCount(h),i);
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"count:%i %i\n",cmStackCount(h),i);
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"count:%i %i\n",cmStackCount(h),i);
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"count:%i %i\n",cmStackCount(h),i);
for(i=0; i<cmStackCount(h); ++i)
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"%i ",cmStackEle(h,int,i));
int* ip = (int*)cmStackFlatten(h);
for(i=0; i<cmStackCount(h); ++i)
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"%i ",ip[i]);