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2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
#ifndef cmUdpNet_h
#define cmUdpNet_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
A cmUdpNet is a wrapper around a single cmUdpPort. This object
maintains an array of remote nodes which map application defined
node label/id's to IP address/port. This allows the application
to communicate in terms of its own id scheme without having to
consider the IP addr/port of the remote nodes.
kOkUnRC = cmOkRC,
typedef cmRC_t cmUnRC_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmUdpNetH_t;
extern cmUdpNetH_t cmUdpNetNullHandle;
typedef void (*cmUdpNetCallback_t)( void* cbArg, cmUdpNetH_t h, const char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt, unsigned remoteNodeId );
// Allocate a UDP net manager. To use the manager one of the
// initialization functions must be used configure it.
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmUdpNetH_t* hp );
// Allocate and initialize a UDP network manager from
// a JSON script. This function is a simple wrapper for
// calls to cmUdpNetAlloc(), cmUdpNetInitJson(), and
// cmUdpNetEnableListen(h,listenFl).
enum { kListenUnFl=0x01, kNetOptionalUnFl=0x02 };
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetAllocJson(
cmCtx_t* ctx,
cmUdpNetH_t* hp,
cmJsonH_t jsH,
cmUdpNetCallback_t cbFunc,
void* cbArg,
unsigned flags);
// Release a UDP network manager and any resources it may hold.
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetFree( cmUdpNetH_t* hp );
// Initialize a UDP net using a previously allocated handle
2013-04-09 06:09:27 +00:00
// The node information (nodeLabel,nodeId,nodeSocketPort) refers
// to the local node. The callback information (cbFunc,cbArg)
// are used during cmUdpNetReceive() to receive incoming
// information from the local node.
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cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetInit(
cmUdpNetH_t h,
const cmChar_t* nodeLabel,
unsigned nodeId,
cmUdpPort_t nodeSocketPort,
cmUdpNetCallback_t cbFunc,
void* cbArg,
unsigned recvBufByteCnt,
unsigned socketRecvTimeOutMs );
// Initialize a UDP net and register remote nodes using a JSON resource.
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetInitJson(
cmUdpNetH_t h,
cmJsonH_t jsH,
cmUdpNetCallback_t cbFunc,
void* cbArg );
// Return true if the if the network has been initialized.
bool cmUdpNetIsInitialized( cmUdpNetH_t h );
// Finalize a UDP net. This releases any resources allocated
// via one of the above 'init' functions.
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetFinal( cmUdpNetH_t h );
// Enable/disable the networks listening port. While in
// 'listening' mode the network internally queue's all arriving
// messages. Messages are then forwarded to the client via
// calls to cmUdpNetReceive().
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetEnableListen( cmUdpNetH_t h, bool enableFl );
// Return true if the handle is valid.
bool cmUdpNetIsValid( cmUdpNetH_t h );
unsigned cmUdpNetLocalNodeId( cmUdpNetH_t h );
const cmChar_t* cmUdpNetLocalNodeLabel( cmUdpNetH_t h );
// Return the node id associated with a node label or 'cmInvalidId' if the
// label is not found.
unsigned cmUdpNetNodeLabelToId( cmUdpNetH_t h, const cmChar_t* label );
// Return the node label associated with a node id or NULL if the id
// is not found.
const cmChar_t* cmUdpNetNodeIdToLabel( cmUdpNetH_t h, unsigned id );
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// Get the total count of nodes on the network. This count includes the local node.
unsigned cmUdpNetNodeCount( cmUdpNetH_t h );
// Return the node id of each network node.
unsigned cmUdpNetNodeId( cmUdpNetH_t h, unsigned nodeIdx );
// Register a remote node.
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetRegisterRemote(
cmUdpNetH_t h,
const cmChar_t* remoteNodeLabel,
unsigned remoteNodeId,
const char* remoteNodeSockAddr,
cmUdpPort_t remoteNodePort );
// Send a message to a remote network node.
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetSendById( cmUdpNetH_t h, unsigned remoteNodeId, const void* data, unsigned dataByteCnt );
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetSendByLabel( cmUdpNetH_t h, const cmChar_t* remoteNodeLabel, const void* data, unsigned dataByteCnt );
// Transmit any waiting incoming messages to the client via the
2013-04-09 06:09:27 +00:00
// cmUdpNetCallback_t callback function provided
// cmUdpNetInit().
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// On input *msgCntPtr should hold the max. number of
// messages to receive or NULL to receive all available.
// On return *msgCntPtr is set to the actual number of
// messages received.
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetReceive( cmUdpNetH_t h, unsigned* msgCntPtr );
cmUnRC_t cmUdpNetPrintNodes( cmUdpNetH_t h, cmRpt_t* rpt );
void cmUdpNetReport( cmUdpNetH_t h, cmRpt_t* rpt );
cmRC_t cmUdpNetTest( cmCtx_t* ctx, int argc, char* argv[] );
#ifdef __cplusplus
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00