484 рядки
12 KiB
484 рядки
12 KiB
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmAudioFile.h"
#include "cmVectOpsTemplateMain.h"
#include "cmAudioFileMgr.h"
struct cmAfm_str;
typedef struct
cmSample_t* minV; // minV[summN]
cmSample_t* maxV; // maxV[summN]
unsigned summN; // lenght of minV[] and maxV[]
} cmAfmSummary_t;
typedef struct cmAfmFile_str
unsigned id;
cmAudioFileH_t afH;
cmAudioFileInfo_t afInfo;
unsigned smpPerSummPt;
cmAfmSummary_t* summArray; // summArray[ afInfo.chCnt ]
cmSample_t* summMem; // memory used by summArray[] vectors
struct cmAfm_str* p;
struct cmAfmFile_str* next;
struct cmAfmFile_str* prev;
} cmAfmFile_t;
typedef struct cmAfm_str
cmErr_t err;
cmAfmFile_t* list;
} cmAfm_t;
cmAfmH_t cmAfmNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE;
cmAfmFileH_t cmAfmFileNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE;
cmAfm_t* _cmAfmHandleToPtr( cmAfmH_t h )
cmAfm_t* p = (cmAfm_t*)h.h;
return p;
cmAfmFile_t* _cmAfmFileHandleToPtr( cmAfmFileH_t fh )
cmAfmFile_t* fp = (cmAfmFile_t*)fh.h;
return fp;
cmAfmRC_t _cmAfmFileClose( cmAfmFile_t* fp )
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
if( cmAudioFileIsValid( fp->afH ) )
if( cmAudioFileDelete( &fp->afH) != kOkAfRC )
return cmErrMsg(&fp->p->err,kAudioFileFailAfmRC,"Audio file close failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmAudioFileName(fp->afH)));
if( fp->next != NULL )
fp->next->prev = fp->prev;
if( fp->prev != NULL )
fp->prev->next = fp->next;
if( fp->p->list == fp )
fp->p->list = fp->next;
return rc;
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileOpen( cmAfmH_t h, cmAfmFileH_t* fhp, const cmChar_t* audioFn, unsigned id, cmAudioFileInfo_t* afInfo )
cmAfmRC_t rc;
cmRC_t afRC;
if((rc = cmAfmFileClose(fhp)) != kOkAfmRC )
return rc;
cmAfmFile_t* fp = cmMemAllocZ(cmAfmFile_t,1);
fp->p = _cmAfmHandleToPtr(h);
// open the audio file
if( cmAudioFileIsValid(fp->afH = cmAudioFileNewOpen(audioFn, &fp->afInfo, &afRC, fp->p->err.rpt )) == false )
rc = cmErrMsg(&fp->p->err,kAudioFileFailAfmRC,"The audio file '%s' could not be opened.",cmStringNullGuard(audioFn));
goto errLabel;
// prepend the new file to the mgr's file list
if( fp->p->list != NULL )
fp->p->list->prev = fp;
fp->next = fp->p->list;
fp->p->list = fp;
fp->id = id;
fhp->h = fp;
if( afInfo != NULL )
*afInfo = fp->afInfo;
if( rc != kOkAfmRC )
return rc;
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileClose( cmAfmFileH_t* fhp )
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
if( fhp==NULL || cmAfmFileIsValid(*fhp)==false)
return rc;
cmAfmFile_t* fp = _cmAfmFileHandleToPtr( *fhp );
if((rc = _cmAfmFileClose(fp)) != kOkAfmRC )
return rc;
fhp->h = NULL;
return rc;
bool cmAfmFileIsValid( cmAfmFileH_t fh )
{ return fh.h != NULL; }
unsigned cmAfmFileId( cmAfmFileH_t fh )
cmAfmFile_t* fp = _cmAfmFileHandleToPtr( fh );
return fp->id;
cmAudioFileH_t cmAfmFileHandle( cmAfmFileH_t fh )
cmAfmFile_t* fp = _cmAfmFileHandleToPtr( fh );
return fp->afH;
const cmAudioFileInfo_t* cmAfmFileInfo( cmAfmFileH_t fh )
cmAfmFile_t* fp = _cmAfmFileHandleToPtr( fh );
return &fp->afInfo;
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileSummarize( cmAfmFileH_t fh, unsigned smpPerSummPt )
cmAfmFile_t* fp = _cmAfmFileHandleToPtr(fh);
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
unsigned chCnt = fp->afInfo.chCnt;
// summary points per channel per vector
unsigned summN = (unsigned)ceil((double)fp->afInfo.frameCnt / smpPerSummPt );
// total summary points in all channels and vectors
unsigned n = chCnt*2*summN;
// Calc the number of summary points per audio file read
unsigned ptsPerRd = cmMax(1,cmMax(smpPerSummPt,8192) / smpPerSummPt);
// Calc the number samples per audio file read as an integer multiple of ptsPerRd.
unsigned frmCnt = ptsPerRd * smpPerSummPt;
unsigned actualFrmCnt = 0;
cmSample_t* chBuf[ chCnt ];
cmSample_t buf[ frmCnt * chCnt ];
unsigned i;
// allocate the summary record array
if( fp->summArray == NULL )
fp->summArray = cmMemAllocZ( cmAfmSummary_t, chCnt );
// allocate the summary vector memory for all channels
fp->summMem = cmMemResizeZ( cmSample_t, fp->summMem, n);
fp->smpPerSummPt = smpPerSummPt;
// setup the summary record array and audio file read buffer
for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i)
// assign memory to the summary vectors
fp->summArray[i].minV = fp->summMem + i * summN * 2;
fp->summArray[i].maxV = fp->summArray[i].minV + summN;
fp->summArray[i].summN = summN;
// setup the audio file reading channel buffer
chBuf[i] = buf + (i*frmCnt);
// read the entire file and calculate the summary vectors
i = 0;
unsigned chIdx = 0;
unsigned j,k;
// read the next frmCnt samples from the
if( cmAudioFileReadSample(fp->afH, frmCnt, chIdx, chCnt, chBuf, &actualFrmCnt ) != kOkAfRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&fp->p->err,kAudioFileFailAfmRC,"Audio file read failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmAudioFileName(fp->afH)));
goto errLabel;
// for each summary point
for(k=0; k<actualFrmCnt && i<summN; k+=smpPerSummPt,++i)
// cnt of samples in this summary report
unsigned m = cmMin(smpPerSummPt,actualFrmCnt-k);
// for each channel
for(j=0; j<chCnt; ++j)
fp->summArray[j].minV[i] = cmVOS_Min(chBuf[j]+k,m,1);
fp->summArray[j].maxV[i] = cmVOS_Max(chBuf[j]+k,m,1);
}while( i<summN && actualFrmCnt==frmCnt );
return rc;
// Downsample the summary data to produce the output.
// There must be 1 or more summary points per output point.
cmAfmRC_t _cmAfmFileGetDownSummary(
cmAfmFile_t* fp,
unsigned chIdx,
unsigned begSmpIdx,
unsigned smpCnt,
cmSample_t* minV,
cmSample_t* maxV,
unsigned outCnt )
assert( smpCnt >= outCnt );
double smpPerOut = (double)smpCnt/outCnt;
double summPerOut = smpPerOut/fp->smpPerSummPt;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<outCnt; ++i)
double fsbi = (begSmpIdx + (i*smpPerOut)) / fp->smpPerSummPt; // starting summary pt index
double fsei = fsbi + summPerOut; // endiing summary pt index
unsigned si = (unsigned)floor(fsbi);
unsigned sn = (unsigned)floor(fsei - fsbi + 1);
if( si > fp->summArray[chIdx].summN )
minV[i] = 0;
maxV[i] = 0;
if( si + sn > fp->summArray[chIdx].summN )
sn = fp->summArray[chIdx].summN - si;
if( sn == 0 )
minV[i] = 0;
maxV[i] = 0;
minV[i] = cmVOS_Min(fp->summArray[chIdx].minV+si,sn,1);
maxV[i] = cmVOS_Max(fp->summArray[chIdx].maxV+si,sn,1);
return kOkAfmRC;
// Downsample the audio data to produce the output.
cmAfmRC_t _cmAfmFileGetDownAudio(
cmAfmFile_t* fp,
unsigned chIdx,
unsigned begSmpIdx,
unsigned smpCnt,
cmSample_t* minV,
cmSample_t* maxV,
unsigned outCnt )
assert( smpCnt >= outCnt );
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
unsigned actualFrmCnt = 0;
unsigned chCnt = 1;
unsigned i;
cmSample_t buf[ smpCnt ];
cmSample_t* chBuf[] = { buf };
// seek to the read location
if( cmAudioFileSeek( fp->afH, begSmpIdx ) != kOkAfRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&fp->p->err,kAudioFileFailAfmRC,"Audio file seek failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmAudioFileName(fp->afH)));
goto errLabel;
// read 'smpCnt' samples into chBuf[][]
if( cmAudioFileReadSample(fp->afH, smpCnt, chIdx, chCnt, chBuf, &actualFrmCnt ) != kOkAfRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&fp->p->err,kAudioFileFailAfmRC,"Audio file read failed on '%s' durnig upsample.",cmStringNullGuard(cmAudioFileName(fp->afH)));
goto errLabel;
double smpPerOut = (double)smpCnt/outCnt;
for(i=0; i<outCnt; ++i)
double fsbi = i*smpPerOut;
double fsei = fsbi + smpPerOut;
unsigned si = (unsigned)floor(fsbi);
unsigned sn = (unsigned)floor(fsei - fsbi + 1);
if( si > smpCnt )
minV[i] = 0;
maxV[i] = 0;
if( si + sn > smpCnt )
sn = smpCnt - si;
minV[i] = cmVOS_Min(chBuf[chIdx]+si,sn,1);
maxV[i] = cmVOS_Max(chBuf[chIdx]+si,sn,1);
return rc;
// If there is one or less summary points per output
cmAfmRC_t _cmAfmFileGetUpSummary(
cmAfmFile_t* fp,
unsigned chIdx,
unsigned begSmpIdx,
unsigned smpCnt,
cmSample_t* minV,
cmSample_t* maxV,
unsigned outCnt )
assert( outCnt >= smpCnt );
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
unsigned actualFrmCnt = 0;
unsigned chCnt = 1;
unsigned i;
cmSample_t buf[ smpCnt ];
cmSample_t* chBuf[] = { buf };
if( cmAudioFileSeek( fp->afH, begSmpIdx ) != kOkAfRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&fp->p->err,kAudioFileFailAfmRC,"Audio file seek failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmAudioFileName(fp->afH)));
goto errLabel;
if( cmAudioFileReadSample(fp->afH, smpCnt, chIdx, chCnt, chBuf, &actualFrmCnt ) != kOkAfRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&fp->p->err,kAudioFileFailAfmRC,"Audio file read failed on '%s' durnig upsample.",cmStringNullGuard(cmAudioFileName(fp->afH)));
goto errLabel;
for(i=0; i<outCnt; ++i)
unsigned si = cmMin(smpCnt-1, (unsigned)floor(i * smpCnt / outCnt));
cmSample_t v = buf[si];
minV[i] = v;
maxV[i] = v;
return rc;
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileGetSummary( cmAfmFileH_t fh, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned smpCnt, cmSample_t* minV, cmSample_t* maxV, unsigned outCnt )
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
cmAfmFile_t* fp = _cmAfmFileHandleToPtr(fh);
double maxHiResDurSecs = 20.0;
if( smpCnt <= outCnt )
rc = _cmAfmFileGetUpSummary( fp, chIdx, begSmpIdx, smpCnt, minV, maxV, outCnt );
if( smpCnt/fp->afInfo.srate < maxHiResDurSecs )
rc = _cmAfmFileGetDownAudio( fp, chIdx, begSmpIdx, smpCnt, minV, maxV, outCnt );
rc = _cmAfmFileGetDownSummary( fp, chIdx, begSmpIdx, smpCnt, minV, maxV, outCnt );
return rc;
// Audio File Manager
cmAfmRC_t _cmAfmDestroy( cmAfm_t* p )
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
while( p->list != NULL )
if((rc = _cmAfmFileClose(p->list)) != kOkAfmRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmCreate( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmAfmH_t* hp )
cmAfmRC_t rc;
if((rc = cmAfmDestroy(hp)) != kOkAfmRC )
return rc;
cmAfm_t* p = cmMemAllocZ(cmAfm_t,1);
cmErrSetup(&p->err,&ctx->rpt,"Audio File Mgr");
hp->h = p;
return rc;
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmDestroy( cmAfmH_t* hp )
cmAfmRC_t rc = kOkAfmRC;
if( hp==NULL || cmAfmIsValid(*hp)==false)
return rc;
cmAfm_t* p = _cmAfmHandleToPtr(*hp);
if((rc = _cmAfmDestroy(p)) != kOkAfmRC )
return rc;
hp->h = NULL;
return rc;
bool cmAfmIsValid( cmAfmH_t h )
{ return h.h != NULL; }
cmAfmFileH_t cmAfmIdToHandle( cmAfmH_t h, unsigned fileId )
cmAfm_t* p = _cmAfmHandleToPtr(h);
cmAfmFile_t* fp = p->list;
cmAfmFileH_t fh = cmAfmFileNullHandle;
for(; fp!=NULL; fp=fp->next)
if( fp->id == fileId )
fh.h = fp;
return fh;