
460 linhas
11 KiB
Original Visão normal Histórico

#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmComplexTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmSymTbl.h"
#include "cmJson.h"
#include "cmText.h"
#include "cmDspPgmJsonToDot.h"
#include "cmFile.h"
#include "cmFileSys.h"
struct cmDotProc_str;
typedef struct cmDotPort_str
struct cmDotProc_str* proc;
cmChar_t* labelStr;
unsigned portNo;
unsigned connCnt; // count of connections to this port
struct cmDotPort_str* link;
} cmDotPort_t;
typedef struct cmDotProc_str
cmChar_t* classStr;
cmChar_t* instStr;
cmChar_t* outStr;
unsigned portCnt;
bool skipFl;
cmDotPort_t* ports;
struct cmDotProc_str* link;
} cmDotProc_t;
typedef struct cmDotConn_str
cmDotPort_t* srcPort; // output
cmDotPort_t* dstPort; // input
bool skipFl;
struct cmDotConn_str* link;
} cmDotConn_t;
typedef struct cmDot_str
cmErr_t err;
cmLHeapH_t lH;
cmDotProc_t* procs;
cmDotConn_t* conns;
} cmDot_t;
typedef struct
const cmChar_t* s0;
const cmChar_t* s1;
} cmDotSubst_t;
cmDotSubst_t _cmDotSubstArray[] =
{ "Router", "Rtr" },
{ "Scalar", "Sc" },
{ "ScaleRange", "SR" },
{ "MsgList", "ML" },
{ "Button", "Btn" },
{ "PortToSym", "PtS" },
{ "1ofN", "lOfN"},
const cmChar_t* _cmDotSkipClassArray[] =
void _cmDotReplaceDash( cmChar_t* str )
cmChar_t* s = str;
for(; *s; ++s )
if( *s == '-' )
*s = '_';
cmChar_t* _cmDotSubstitute( cmDot_t* p, const cmChar_t* label )
unsigned i;
cmChar_t* s = cmLhAllocStr(p->lH,label);
for(i=0; _cmDotSubstArray[i].s0 != NULL; ++i)
unsigned n0 = cmTextLength(_cmDotSubstArray[i].s0);
if( cmTextCmpN( _cmDotSubstArray[i].s0, s, n0 ) == 0 )
unsigned n1 = cmTextLength(_cmDotSubstArray[i].s1);
return s;
bool _cmDotIsSkipClass( const cmChar_t* classStr )
unsigned i;
for(i=0; _cmDotSkipClassArray[i]!=NULL; ++i)
if( cmTextCmp(_cmDotSkipClassArray[i],classStr) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
cmDotPort_t* _cmDotFindPort( cmDotProc_t* proc, const cmChar_t* labelStr )
cmDotPort_t* port = proc->ports;
for(; port!=NULL; port=port->link)
if( cmTextCmp(port->labelStr,labelStr) == 0 )
return port;
return NULL;
cmDotProc_t* _cmDotFindProc( cmDot_t* p, const cmChar_t* instStr )
cmDotProc_t* dp = p->procs;
for(; dp!=NULL; dp=dp->link)
if( cmTextCmp(dp->instStr,instStr) == 0 )
return dp;
return NULL;
cmDotPort_t* _cmDotNewPort( cmDot_t* p, cmDotProc_t* proc, const cmChar_t* labelStr )
cmDotPort_t* port = NULL;
if( labelStr==NULL || cmTextLength(labelStr)==0 )
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidArgDotRC,"A blank port label was encountered.");
return NULL;
if((port = _cmDotFindPort(proc,labelStr)) != NULL )
return port;
port = cmLhAllocZ(p->lH,cmDotPort_t,1);
port->proc = proc;
port->labelStr = cmLhAllocStr(p->lH,labelStr);
port->portNo = proc->portCnt;
proc->portCnt += 1;
cmDotPort_t* p0 = NULL;
cmDotPort_t* p1 = proc->ports;
for(; p1!=NULL; p1=p1->link)
p0 = p1;
if( p0 == NULL )
proc->ports = port;
p0->link = port;
return port;
cmDotRC_t _cmDotNewConnection( cmDot_t* p, const cmChar_t* srcProcStr, const cmChar_t* srcPortStr, const cmChar_t* dstProcStr, const cmChar_t* dstPortStr )
cmDotRC_t rc = kOkDotRC;
cmDotProc_t* srcProc;
cmDotProc_t* dstProc;
cmDotPort_t* srcPort;
cmDotPort_t* dstPort;
cmDotConn_t* conn;
cmDotConn_t* c0 = NULL;
cmDotConn_t* c1 = p->conns;
// find the source (output) proc
if((srcProc = _cmDotFindProc(p,srcProcStr)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidArgDotRC,"The connection source proc instance '%s' could not be found.",cmStringNullGuard(srcProcStr));
goto errLabel;
// find the dest (input) proc
if((dstProc = _cmDotFindProc(p,dstProcStr)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidArgDotRC,"The connection destination proc instance '%s' could not be found.",cmStringNullGuard(dstProcStr));
goto errLabel;
// find the source port
if((srcPort = _cmDotNewPort(p,srcProc,srcPortStr)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidArgDotRC,"The source port %s:%s could not be found or allocated.",cmStringNullGuard(srcProc->instStr),cmStringNullGuard(srcPortStr));
goto errLabel;
// find the dest port
if((dstPort = _cmDotNewPort(p,dstProc,dstPortStr)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidArgDotRC,"The destination port %s:%s could not be found or allocated.",cmStringNullGuard(dstProc->instStr),cmStringNullGuard(dstPortStr));
goto errLabel;
conn = cmLhAllocZ(p->lH,cmDotConn_t,1);
conn->srcPort = srcPort;
conn->dstPort = dstPort;
conn->skipFl = _cmDotIsSkipClass(srcProc->classStr) || _cmDotIsSkipClass(dstProc->classStr);
// track the number of connections to each port
if( !conn->skipFl )
conn->dstPort->connCnt += 1;
conn->srcPort->connCnt += 1;
// set c0 to point to the last connection record
for(; c1!=NULL; c1=c1->link)
c0 = c1;
// make conn the last connection record
if( c0 == NULL )
p->conns = conn;
c0->link = conn;
return rc;
cmDotRC_t _cmDotNewProc( cmDot_t* p, const cmChar_t* classStr, const cmChar_t* instStr )
cmDotRC_t rc = kOkDotRC;
if( instStr==NULL || cmTextLength(instStr)==0 )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidArgDotRC,"A blank or NULL instance label was encountered.");
if( _cmDotFindProc( p, instStr ) )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidArgDotRC,"A duplicate processor instance was encountered ('%s').",instStr);
cmDotProc_t* ndp = cmLhAllocZ(p->lH,cmDotProc_t,1);
ndp->classStr = cmLhAllocStr(p->lH,classStr);
ndp->instStr = cmLhAllocStr(p->lH,instStr);
ndp->outStr = _cmDotSubstitute(p,instStr);
ndp->skipFl = _cmDotIsSkipClass(classStr);
cmDotProc_t* d0p = NULL;
cmDotProc_t* d1p = p->procs;
for(; d1p!=NULL; d1p=d1p->link )
d0p = d1p;
if( d0p == NULL )
p->procs = ndp;
d0p->link = ndp;
return rc;
unsigned _cmDotProcConnCount( cmDotProc_t* proc )
unsigned connN = 0;
cmDotPort_t* port = proc->ports;
for(; port!=NULL; port=port->link)
connN += port->connCnt;
return connN;
cmDotRC_t _cmDotWriteOutput( cmDot_t* p, const cmChar_t* outFn )
cmDotRC_t rc = kOkDotRC;
cmFileH_t fH = cmFileNullHandle;
cmFileSysPathPart_t* pathParts = cmFsPathParts(outFn);
const cmChar_t* fn = NULL;
if( pathParts == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileFailDotRC,"The output file name '%s' could be parsed.",cmStringNullGuard(outFn));
goto errLabel;
if((fn = cmFsMakeFn( pathParts->dirStr, pathParts->fnStr, "dot", NULL )) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileFailDotRC,"The output file name could not be formed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmFileOpen(&fH,fn,kWriteFileFl,p->err.rpt) != kOkFileRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileFailDotRC,"The output file '%s' could not be created.",cmStringNullGuard(outFn));
goto errLabel;
cmFilePrintf(fH,"digraph dsppgm\n{\n node [shape=record]\n");
cmDotProc_t* proc = p->procs;
for(; proc!=NULL; proc=proc->link )
if( proc->skipFl==false && _cmDotProcConnCount(proc)>0 )
cmFilePrintf(fH,"\"%s\" [label=\"<n> %s",proc->outStr,proc->outStr);
cmDotPort_t* port = proc->ports;
for(; port!=NULL; port=port->link)
if( port->connCnt > 0 )
cmFilePrintf(fH,"|<p%i> %s",port->portNo,port->labelStr);
cmDotConn_t* c = p->conns;
for(; c!=NULL; c=c->link)
if( !c->skipFl )
cmFilePrintf(fH,"\"%s\":p%i -> \"%s\":p%i;\n",
c->dstPort->proc->outStr,c->dstPort->portNo );
return rc;
cmDotRC_t cmDspPgmJsonToDot( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* inFn, const cmChar_t* outFn )
cmDotRC_t rc = kOkDotRC;
cmJsonH_t jsH = cmJsonNullHandle;
cmJsonNode_t* arr = NULL;
cmJsonNode_t* rp = NULL;
const char* errLbl = NULL;
cmDot_t dot;
unsigned i;
cmDot_t* p = &dot;
// open the pgm description json file
if( cmJsonInitializeFromFile( &jsH, inFn, ctx ) != kOkJsRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailDotRC,"The program description file '%s' could not be opened.",cmStringNullGuard(inFn));
// create an lheap to hold internal data objects
if(cmLHeapIsValid( p->lH = cmLHeapCreate( 8192, ctx))==false )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kLHeapFailDotRC,"The internal LHeap could not be created.");
goto errLabel;
// locate the proc instance desc. array in the JSON tree
if((arr = cmJsonFindValue(jsH, "inst_array", NULL, kArrayTId )) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonSyntaxErrDotRC,"The 'inst_array' tag was not found.");
goto errLabel;
// get a count of proc instances
unsigned n = cmJsonChildCount(arr);
// parse each proc instance
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
if((rp = cmJsonArrayElement(arr,i)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonSyntaxErrDotRC,"The 'inst_array' element %i was not found.",i);
goto errLabel;
cmChar_t* classStr = NULL;
cmChar_t* instStr = NULL;
if( cmJsonMemberValues(rp, &errLbl,
"class", kStringTId, &classStr,
"label", kStringTId, &instStr,
NULL ) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonSyntaxErrDotRC,"The 'inst_array' element %i parse failed.",i);
goto errLabel;
// create a proc instance data record
_cmDotNewProc( p, classStr, instStr );
// locate the connection desc array in the JSON tree
if((arr = cmJsonFindValue(jsH, "conn_array", NULL, kArrayTId)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonSyntaxErrDotRC,"The 'conn_array' tag was not found.");
goto errLabel;
// get a count of the connections
n = cmJsonChildCount(arr);
// for each connection
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
if((rp = cmJsonArrayElement(arr,i)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonSyntaxErrDotRC,"The 'conn_array' element %i was not found.",i);
goto errLabel;
cmChar_t* srcStr = NULL;
cmChar_t* srcPortStr = NULL;
cmChar_t* dstStr = NULL;
cmChar_t* dstPortStr = NULL;
if( cmJsonMemberValues(rp, &errLbl,
"sid", kStringTId, &srcStr,
"svar", kStringTId, &srcPortStr,
"did", kStringTId, &dstStr,
"dvar", kStringTId, &dstPortStr,
NULL) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonSyntaxErrDotRC,"The 'conn_array' element %i parse failed.",i);
goto errLabel;
// create a connection data record
_cmDotNewConnection( p, srcStr, srcPortStr, dstStr, dstPortStr );
rc = _cmDotWriteOutput(p, outFn );
return rc;