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2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
#ifndef cmAudioFileMgr_h
#define cmAudioFileMgr_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
kOkAfmRC = cmOkRC,
typedef cmHandle_t cmAfmH_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmAfmFileH_t;
typedef cmRC_t cmAfmRC_t;
extern cmAfmH_t cmAfmNullHandle;
extern cmAfmFileH_t cmAfmFileNullHandle;
// Audio Files
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileOpen( cmAfmH_t h, cmAfmFileH_t* fhp, const cmChar_t* audioFn, unsigned fileId, cmAudioFileInfo_t* afInfo );
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileClose( cmAfmFileH_t* fhp );
bool cmAfmFileIsValid( cmAfmFileH_t fh );
// Return the application supplied file id associated with this file.
// This value was set by the 'fileId' argument to cmAfmFileOpen().
unsigned cmAfmFileId( cmAfmFileH_t fh );
// Return the file handle associated with this file.
cmAudioFileH_t cmAfmFileHandle( cmAfmFileH_t fh );
// Return a pointer to the information record associated with this file.
const cmAudioFileInfo_t* cmAfmFileInfo( cmAfmFileH_t fh );
// Summarize min and max values of the downSampled audio file.
// The summary is kept in an internal cache which is used to
// optimize the time required to complete later calls to cmAfmFileGetSummary().
// 'downSampleFactor' is the count of samples per summary point.
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileSummarize( cmAfmFileH_t fh, unsigned downSampleFactor );
// Return a summary of the samples in the range audio file range
// begSmpIdx:begSmpIdx+smpCnt-1 reduced or expanded to 'outCnt' values
// in minV[outCnt] and maxV[outCnt].
// If 'outCnt' is equal to 'smpCnt' then the actual sample values are returned.
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmFileGetSummary( cmAfmFileH_t fh, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned smpCnt, cmSample_t* minV, cmSample_t* maxV, unsigned outCnt );
// Audio File Manager
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmCreate( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmAfmH_t* hp );
cmAfmRC_t cmAfmDestroy( cmAfmH_t* hp );
bool cmAfmIsValid( cmAfmH_t h );
cmAfmFileH_t cmAfmIdToHandle( cmAfmH_t h, unsigned fileId );
#ifdef __cplusplus