980 lignes
29 KiB
980 lignes
29 KiB
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmSymTbl.h"
#include "cmJson.h"
#include "cmFileSys.h"
#include "cmDspValue.h"
#include "cmDspCtx.h"
#include "cmDspClass.h"
#include "cmDspPreset.h"
#include "cmLex.h"
#include "cmCsv.h"
const cmChar_t* _cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, _cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp )
{ return cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,gp->symId)); }
const cmChar_t* _cmDspPresetLabelStr(cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, _cmDspPresetPre_t* pp )
{ return cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,pp->symId)); }
const cmChar_t* _cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, _cmDspPresetInst_t* ip )
{ return cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,ip->symId)); }
const cmChar_t* _cmDspPresetVarLabelStr(cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, _cmDspPresetVar_t* vp )
{ return cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,vp->symId)); }
void _cmDspPresetAlloc( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p )
p->err = NULL;
p->lhH = cmLHeapNullHandle;
p->stH = cmSymTblNullHandle;
p->list = NULL;
p->gp = NULL;
p->dfltPathJsFn = NULL;
p->dfltPathCsvFn = NULL;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetLoad( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, cmErr_t* err, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH, const cmChar_t* fnPrefixStr )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
p->err = err;
p->lhH = lhH;
p->stH = stH;
p->list = NULL;
p->gp = NULL;
p->dfltPathJsFn = NULL;
p->dfltPathCsvFn = NULL;
const cmChar_t* path;
const cmChar_t fnSuffixStr[] = "_preset";
unsigned fnN = strlen(fnPrefixStr) + strlen(fnSuffixStr) + 1;
cmChar_t fn[ fnN ];
assert( strlen(fn) == fnN - 1 );
// form JSON preset file name
if((path = cmFsMakeFn(cmFsPrefsDir(),fn,"js",NULL)) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kFileSysFailDspRC,"Default preset JSON file name formation failed.");
p->dfltPathJsFn = cmLhAllocStr(p->lhH,path);
// form CSV preset file name
if((path = cmFsMakeFn(cmFsPrefsDir(),fn,"csv",NULL)) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kFileSysFailDspRC,"Default preset CSV file name formation failed.");
p->dfltPathCsvFn = cmLhAllocStr(p->lhH,path);
// read JSON preset file
if( cmFsIsFile(p->dfltPathJsFn) )
if((rc = _cmDspPresetRead(p,ctx,p->dfltPathJsFn)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
return kOkDspRC;
bool _cmDspPresetIsInitialized( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p )
return p->err != NULL && cmLHeapIsValid(p->lhH) && cmSymTblIsValid(p->stH);
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetUnload( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx )
cmDspRC_t rc;
if( _cmDspPresetIsInitialized(p) )
if((rc = _cmDspPresetWrite(p,ctx,p->dfltPathJsFn)) != kOkDspRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,rc,"DSP Preset JSON write on unload failed.");
if((rc = _cmDspPresetWriteCsv(p,ctx,p->dfltPathCsvFn)) != kOkDspRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,rc,"DSP Preset CSV write on unload failed.");
return kOkDspRC;
group: "myGroup"
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetRdErr( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmJsRC_t jsRC, const cmChar_t* errLabel, const cmChar_t* msg )
if( jsRC == kNodeNotFoundJsRC )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"The JSON node '%s' could not be found while reading the preset %s.",cmStringNullGuard(errLabel),cmStringNullGuard(msg));
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset read failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(msg));
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetRead( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
cmJsonH_t jsH = cmJsonNullHandle;
cmJsonNode_t* pga, *pa, *ia, *va;
unsigned gi,pi,ii,vi;
cmJsRC_t jsRC;
const cmChar_t* errLabelPtr = NULL;
if( cmJsonInitializeFromFile(&jsH,fn,ctx) != kOkJsRC )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"The JSON preset file '%s' could not be opened.",cmStringNullGuard(fn));
if((pga = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,"presetGroupArray",NULL,kArrayTId)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset read failed. The 'presetGroupArray' could not be found.");
goto errLabel;
// for each group
for(gi=0; gi<cmJsonChildCount(pga); ++gi)
cmChar_t* groupLabel = NULL;
// read the group header
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues(cmJsonArrayElementC(pga,gi), &errLabelPtr,
"group", kStringTId,&groupLabel,
"presetArray", kArrayTId, &pa,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmDspPresetRdErr(p,jsRC,errLabelPtr,"group object");
goto errLabel;
// for each preset in this group
for(pi=0; pi<cmJsonChildCount(pa); ++pi)
cmChar_t* presetLabel = NULL;
// read the preset header
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues(cmJsonArrayElementC(pa,pi), &errLabelPtr,
"preset", kStringTId, &presetLabel,
"instArray", kArrayTId, &ia,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmDspPresetRdErr(p,jsRC,errLabelPtr,"preset object");
goto errLabel;
// create the preset record
if((rc = _cmDspPresetCreatePreset(p,groupLabel,presetLabel)) != kOkDspRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each instance in this preset
for(ii=0; ii<cmJsonChildCount(ia); ++ii)
cmChar_t* instLabel = NULL;
// read the instance header
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues(cmJsonArrayElementC(ia,ii), &errLabelPtr,
"inst", kStringTId,&instLabel,
"varArray", kArrayTId, &va,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmDspPresetRdErr(p,jsRC,errLabelPtr,"instance object");
goto errLabel;
// create the preset instance record
if(( rc = _cmDspPresetCreateInstance(p, cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(p->stH,instLabel) )) != kOkDspRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each var
for(vi=0; vi<cmJsonChildCount(va); ++vi)
const cmChar_t* varLabel = NULL;
const cmJsonNode_t* vnp;
cmDspValue_t value;
// get the var obj
const cmJsonNode_t* obp = cmJsonArrayElementC(va,vi);
assert( obp->typeId == kObjectTId );
// get the var label
if( cmJsonStringMember(obp,"var",&varLabel) != kOkJsRC || varLabel==NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"A preset var label could not be read in group:%s preset:%s inst:%s var index:%i.",_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,p->gp),_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp),_cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp->ip),vi);
// fine the value node
if(( vnp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,"value",obp,kInvalidTId)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"A preset value label could not be read in group:%s preset:%s inst:%s var index:%i.",_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,p->gp),_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp),_cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp->ip),vi);
switch( vnp->typeId )
case kTrueTId:
case kFalseTId:
case kRealTId:
case kIntTId:
case kStringTId:
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"An invalid JSON type (%i) was encountered while reading preset group:%s preset:%s inst:%s var index:%i.",_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,p->gp),_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp),_cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp->ip),vi);
goto errLabel;
// create the var preset recd
if((rc = _cmDspPresetCreateVar(p,cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(p->stH,varLabel),&value)) != kOkDspRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmJsonFinalize(&jsH) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"The JSON preset tree finalization failed.");
return rc;
// return ptr to array node
cmJsonNode_t* _cmDspPresetWriteArrObj(
cmDspPresetMgr_t* p,
cmJsonH_t jsH,
cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr,
const cmChar_t* label,
const cmChar_t* labelValue,
const cmChar_t* arrLabel )
cmJsonNode_t* obp = NULL;
cmJsonNode_t* anp = NULL;
if( (obp = cmJsonCreateObject(jsH,parentPtr)) == NULL )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON object created failed during preset write of %s:%s.",cmStringNullGuard(label),cmStringNullGuard(labelValue));
goto errLabel;
if( cmJsonInsertPairString(jsH,obp,label,labelValue) != kOkJsRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON pair w/ string create failed during preset write of %s:%s.",cmStringNullGuard(label),cmStringNullGuard(labelValue));
goto errLabel;
if( (anp = cmJsonInsertPairArray(jsH,obp,arrLabel)) == NULL )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON pair w/ array create failed during preset write of %s:%s.",cmStringNullGuard(label),cmStringNullGuard(labelValue));
goto errLabel;
return anp;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetWrite( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
cmJsonH_t jsH = cmJsonNullHandle;
cmJsonNode_t* pga, *pa, *ia, *va;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp;
_cmDspPresetInst_t* ip;
_cmDspPresetVar_t* vp;
if( cmJsonInitialize(&jsH,ctx) != kOkJsRC )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON tree initialization failed during preset writing.");
// create the root object in the blank tree
if( cmJsonCreateObject(jsH,NULL) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed while creating the root object.");
goto errLabel;
// create the root presetGroupArray
if((pga = cmJsonInsertPairArray(jsH, cmJsonRoot(jsH), "presetGroupArray" )) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed on 'presetGroupArray'.");
goto errLabel;
rc = kJsonFailDspRC;
// for each group
for(gp=p->list; gp!=NULL; gp=gp->link)
// create the group object and presetArray
if((pa = _cmDspPresetWriteArrObj(p,jsH,pga,"group",_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,gp),"presetArray")) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
// for each preset
for(pp=gp->list; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->link)
// create the preset object and instArray
if((ia = _cmDspPresetWriteArrObj(p,jsH,pa,"preset",_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,pp),"instArray")) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
// for each inst
for(ip=pp->list; ip!=NULL; ip=ip->link)
// create the inst object and varArray
if((va = _cmDspPresetWriteArrObj(p,jsH,ia,"inst",_cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(p,ip),"varArray")) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
// for each var
for(vp=ip->list; vp!=NULL; vp=vp->link)
// create the var object
cmJsonNode_t* obp;
if((obp = cmJsonCreateObject(jsH,va)) == NULL )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed during var object create.");
goto errLabel;
// insert the var label
if( cmJsonInsertPairString(jsH,obp,"var",_cmDspPresetVarLabelStr(p,vp)) != kOkJsRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed during var label create.");
goto errLabel;
assert( cmDsvIsMtx(&vp->value) == false && cmDsvIsJson(&vp->value) == false );
// determine the var value type - and write the var value
unsigned tid = cmDsvBasicType(&vp->value);
case kBoolDsvFl:
if( cmJsonInsertPairBool(jsH,obp,"value",cmDsvGetBool(&vp->value)) != kOkJsRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed on 'bool' value.");
goto errLabel;
case kStrzDsvFl:
if( cmJsonInsertPairString(jsH,obp,"value",cmDsvGetStrcz(&vp->value)) != kOkJsRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed on 'string' value.");
goto errLabel;
case kFloatDsvFl:
case kDoubleDsvFl:
case kRealDsvFl:
case kSampleDsvFl:
if( cmJsonInsertPairReal(jsH,obp,"value",cmDsvGetDouble(&vp->value)) != kOkJsRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed on 'double' value.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmDsvCanConvertFlags(kIntDsvFl,tid) )
if( cmJsonInsertPairInt(jsH,obp,"value",cmDsvGetInt(&vp->value)) != kOkJsRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed on 'int' value.");
goto errLabel;
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"Unable to convert DSV type 0x%x to JSON type.",tid);
goto errLabel;
} // switch
// write the JSON tree
if( cmJsonWrite(jsH, cmJsonRoot(jsH), fn ) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON preset write failed.");
goto errLabel;
rc = kOkDspRC;
if( cmJsonFinalize(&jsH) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kJsonFailDspRC,"JSON tree finalization failed during preset writing.");
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetWriteCsv( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
cmCsvH_t csvH = cmCsvNullHandle;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp;
_cmDspPresetInst_t* ip;
_cmDspPresetVar_t* vp;
if( cmCsvInitialize(&csvH,ctx) != kOkCsvRC )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV initialization failed during preset writing.");
// for each group
for(gp=p->list; gp!=NULL; gp=gp->link)
// for each preset
for(pp=gp->list; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->link)
// for each inst
for(ip=pp->list; ip!=NULL; ip=ip->link)
// for each var
for(vp=ip->list; vp!=NULL; vp=vp->link)
assert( cmDsvIsMtx(&vp->value) == false && cmDsvIsJson(&vp->value) == false );
cmCsvCell_t* cellPtr = NULL;
unsigned lexTId = 0;
if( cmCsvAppendRow(csvH, &cellPtr, cmCsvInsertSymText(csvH,_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,gp)), kStrCsvTFl, lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV create failed during 'group' name insertion.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmCsvInsertColAfter(csvH, cellPtr, &cellPtr, cmCsvInsertSymText(csvH,_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,pp)), kStrCsvTFl, lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV create failed during 'Preset' name insertion.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmCsvInsertColAfter(csvH, cellPtr, &cellPtr, cmCsvInsertSymText(csvH,_cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(p,ip)), kStrCsvTFl, lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV create failed during 'inst' name insertion.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmCsvInsertColAfter(csvH, cellPtr, &cellPtr, cmCsvInsertSymText(csvH,_cmDspPresetVarLabelStr(p,vp)), kStrCsvTFl, lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV create failed during 'inst' name insertion.");
goto errLabel;
// determine the var value type - and write the var value
unsigned tid = cmDsvBasicType(&vp->value);
case kBoolDsvFl:
if( cmCsvInsertIntColAfter( csvH, cellPtr, &cellPtr, cmDsvGetInt(&vp->value), lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV preset write failed on 'bool' value.");
goto errLabel;
case kStrzDsvFl:
if( cmCsvInsertTextColAfter( csvH, cellPtr, &cellPtr, cmDsvGetStrcz(&vp->value), lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV preset write failed on 'string' value.");
goto errLabel;
case kFloatDsvFl:
case kDoubleDsvFl:
case kRealDsvFl:
case kSampleDsvFl:
if( cmCsvInsertDoubleColAfter( csvH, cellPtr, &cellPtr, cmDsvGetDouble(&vp->value), lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV preset write failed on 'double' value.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmDsvCanConvertFlags(kIntDsvFl,tid) )
if( cmCsvInsertIntColAfter( csvH, cellPtr, &cellPtr, cmDsvGetInt(&vp->value), lexTId ) != kOkCsvRC )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV preset write failed on 'int' value.");
goto errLabel;
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"Unable to convert DSV type 0x%x to CSV type.",tid);
goto errLabel;
} // switch
// write the JSON tree
if( cmCsvWrite(csvH, fn ) != kOkCsvRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV preset write failed.");
goto errLabel;
rc = kOkDspRC;
if( cmCsvFinalize(&csvH) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,kCsvFailDspRC,"CSV finalization failed during preset writing.");
return rc;
_cmDspPresetVar_t* _cmDspPresetFindVar( _cmDspPresetInst_t* ip, unsigned varSymId )
_cmDspPresetVar_t* vp = ip->list;
for(; vp!=NULL; vp=vp->link)
if( vp->symId == varSymId )
return vp;
return NULL;
_cmDspPresetInst_t* _cmDspPresetFindInst( _cmDspPresetPre_t* pp, unsigned instSymId )
_cmDspPresetInst_t* ip = pp->list;
for(; ip!=NULL; ip=ip->link)
if( ip->symId == instSymId )
return ip;
return NULL;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* _cmDspPresetFindPreset( _cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp, unsigned preSymId )
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp = gp->list;
for(; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->link)
if( pp->symId == preSymId )
return pp;
return NULL;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* _cmDspPresetFindGroup( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned grpSymId )
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp = p->list;
for(; gp != NULL; gp = gp->link)
if( gp->symId == grpSymId )
return gp;
return NULL;
unsigned _cmDspPresetGroupCount( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p )
unsigned cnt = 0;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp = p->list;
for(; gp!=NULL; gp=gp->link)
return cnt;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* _cmDspPresetGroupFromIndex( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned idx )
unsigned i = 0;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp = p->list;
for(; gp!=NULL; gp=gp->link,++idx)
if( i == idx )
return gp;
unsigned _cmDspPresetGroupSymId( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned groupIdx )
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp;
if((gp = _cmDspPresetGroupFromIndex(p,groupIdx)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidIdx;
return gp->symId;
const cmChar_t* _cmDspPresetGroupLabel( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned groupIdx )
unsigned symId;
if((symId = _cmDspPresetGroupSymId(p,groupIdx)) == cmInvalidId )
return NULL;
return cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,symId);
cmJsonNode_t* _cmDspPresetCreateJsonListHdr( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, const cmChar_t* label )
cmJsonNode_t* anp, *tnp;
cmDspRC_t rc = kJsonFailDspRC;
// create the container array
if((anp = cmJsonInsertPairArray(jsH, cmJsonRoot(jsH), label )) == NULL)
goto errLabel;
// create the title array
if((tnp = cmJsonCreateArray(jsH, anp )) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
if( cmJsonCreateString(jsH,tnp, "label" ) != kOkJsRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmJsonCreateString(jsH,tnp, "sym" ) != kOkJsRC )
goto errLabel;
rc = kOkDspRC;
return rc == kOkDspRC ? anp : NULL;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetGroupJsonList( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmJsonH_t* jsHPtr )
cmJsonNode_t* anp;
cmDspRC_t rc = kJsonFailDspRC;
unsigned i,n;
// create the container array and title elements in the first row
if((anp = _cmDspPresetCreateJsonListHdr(p,*jsHPtr,"groupArray")) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
// get the count of groups
n = _cmDspPresetGroupCount(p);
// for each group
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
// create the row array
cmJsonNode_t* tnp;
if((tnp = cmJsonCreateArray(*jsHPtr,anp)) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
// insert the group label
if( cmJsonCreateString(*jsHPtr, tnp, cmStringNullGuard( _cmDspPresetGroupLabel(p,i))) != kOkJsRC )
goto errLabel;
// insert the group symbol id
if( cmJsonCreateInt(*jsHPtr, tnp, _cmDspPresetGroupSymId(p,i)) != kOkJsRC )
goto errLabel;
rc = kOkDspRC;
if( rc != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,rc,"Preset group array JSON object create failed.");
return rc;
unsigned _cmDspPresetPresetCount( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned groupIdx )
unsigned cnt = 0;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp;
if((gp = _cmDspPresetGroupFromIndex(p,groupIdx)) == NULL )
return 0;
for(; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->link)
return cnt;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* _cmDspPresetPreFromIndex( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned gi, unsigned pi )
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp;
if((gp = _cmDspPresetGroupFromIndex(p,gi)) == NULL )
return NULL;
unsigned i = 0;
pp = gp->list;
for(; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->link,++i)
if( i == pi )
return pp;
unsigned _cmDspPresetPresetSymId( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned presetIdx )
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp;
if((pp = _cmDspPresetPreFromIndex(p,groupIdx,presetIdx)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidId;
return pp->symId;
const cmChar_t* _cmDspPresetPresetLabel( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned presetIdx )
unsigned symId;
if((symId = _cmDspPresetPresetSymId(p,groupIdx,presetIdx)) == cmInvalidId )
return NULL;
return cmSymTblLabel(p->stH, symId);
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetPresetJsonList( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, cmJsonH_t* jsHPtr, unsigned groupSymId )
cmJsonNode_t* anp;
cmDspRC_t rc = kJsonFailDspRC;
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp;
// find the group containing the preset list
if((gp = _cmDspPresetFindGroup(p, groupSymId )) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kPresetGrpNotFoundDspRC,"The preset JSON list could not be created because the group '%s', was not found.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,groupSymId)));
// create the JSON container array and title element in the first row
if((anp = _cmDspPresetCreateJsonListHdr(p,*jsHPtr,"presetArray")) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
// for each preset in this group
for(pp=gp->list; pp!=NULL; pp=pp->link)
cmJsonNode_t* tnp;
// create the row array
if((tnp = cmJsonCreateArray(*jsHPtr,anp)) == NULL )
goto errLabel;
// write the preset label
if( cmJsonCreateString(*jsHPtr, tnp, cmStringNullGuard( _cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,pp))) != kOkJsRC )
goto errLabel;
// write the preset symbol id
if( cmJsonCreateInt(*jsHPtr, tnp, pp->symId ) != kOkJsRC )
goto errLabel;
rc = kOkDspRC;
if( rc != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(p->err,rc,"Preset array JSON object create failed.");
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetCreatePreset( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, const cmChar_t* groupLabel, const cmChar_t* presetLabel )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
unsigned groupSymId = cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(p->stH,groupLabel);
unsigned preSymId = cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(p->stH,presetLabel);
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp = NULL;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp = NULL;
// if the group does not already exist ...
if((gp = _cmDspPresetFindGroup(p,groupSymId)) != NULL )
p->gp = gp;
{ // ... then create it
gp = cmLhAllocZ(p->lhH,_cmDspPresetGrp_t,1);
gp->symId = groupSymId;
gp->link = p->list;
p->list = gp;
p->gp = gp;
// if the preset does not already exist ...
if((pp = _cmDspPresetFindPreset(gp,preSymId)) != NULL )
cmErrMsg(p->err,kOkDspRC,"The preset label %s is already in use in the group:'%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(presetLabel),cmStringNullGuard(groupLabel));
// ... then create it
pp = cmLhAllocZ(p->lhH,_cmDspPresetPre_t,1);
pp->symId = preSymId;
pp->link = gp->list;
gp->list = pp;
gp->pp = pp;
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetCreateInstance( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned instSymId )
// a current group and preset must exist
assert( p->gp != NULL && p->gp->pp != NULL);
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
_cmDspPresetInst_t* ip;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp = p->gp->pp;
// an instance with the same name should not already exist in this preset
if((ip = _cmDspPresetFindInst(pp,instSymId)) != NULL )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kDuplPresetInstDspRC,"A duplicate preset instance named '%s' was encounted in group:'%s' preset:'%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,instSymId)),_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,p->gp),_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,pp));
ip = cmLhAllocZ(p->lhH,_cmDspPresetInst_t,1);
ip->symId = instSymId;
ip->link = pp->list;
pp->list = ip;
pp->ip = ip;
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetCreateVar( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned varSymId, const cmDspValue_t* valPtr )
assert( p->gp != NULL && p->gp->pp != NULL && p->gp->pp->ip != NULL );
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
_cmDspPresetInst_t* ip = p->gp->pp->ip;
_cmDspPresetVar_t* vp = NULL;
if((vp = _cmDspPresetFindVar(ip,varSymId)) != NULL)
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kDuplPresetVarDspRC,"A duplicate preset var named '%s' was encounted in group:'%s' preset:'%s' inst:'%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,varSymId)),_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,p->gp),_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp),_cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(p,ip));
vp = cmLhAllocZ(p->lhH,_cmDspPresetVar_t,1);
vp->symId = varSymId;
vp->link = ip->list;
ip->list = vp;
// we aren't handling matrices yet
assert( cmDsvIsMtx(valPtr) == false && cmDsvIsJson(valPtr)==false );
if( cmDsvIsStrz(valPtr) )
cmChar_t* str = cmLhAllocStr(p->lhH,cmDsvStrz(valPtr));
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetRecallPreset( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, const cmChar_t* groupLabel, const cmChar_t* presetLabel )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
unsigned groupSymId = cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(p->stH,groupLabel);
unsigned preSymId = cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(p->stH,presetLabel);
_cmDspPresetGrp_t* gp = NULL;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp = NULL;
p->gp = NULL;
if((gp = _cmDspPresetFindGroup(p,groupSymId)) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kPresetGrpNotFoundDspRC,"The preset group '%s' was not found.",cmStringNullGuard(groupLabel));
if((pp = _cmDspPresetFindPreset(gp,preSymId)) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kPresetPreNotFoundDspRC,"The preset '%s' in group '%s' was not found.",cmStringNullGuard(presetLabel),cmStringNullGuard(presetLabel));
p->gp = gp;
p->gp->pp = pp;
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetRecallInstance( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned instSymId )
// a current group and preset must exist
assert( p->gp != NULL && p->gp->pp != NULL);
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
_cmDspPresetInst_t* ip;
_cmDspPresetPre_t* pp = p->gp->pp;
// an instance with the same name should not already exist in this preset
if((ip = _cmDspPresetFindInst(pp,instSymId)) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kPresetInstNotFoundDspRC,"A preset instance named '%s' was not found in group:'%s' preset:'%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,instSymId)),_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,p->gp),_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,pp));
p->gp->pp->ip = ip;
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspPresetRecallVar( cmDspPresetMgr_t* p, unsigned varSymId, cmDspValue_t* valPtr )
assert( p->gp != NULL && p->gp->pp != NULL && p->gp->pp->ip != NULL );
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
_cmDspPresetInst_t* ip = p->gp->pp->ip;
_cmDspPresetVar_t* vp = NULL;
if((vp = _cmDspPresetFindVar(ip,varSymId)) == NULL)
return cmErrMsg(p->err,kPresetVarNotFoundDspRC,"A preset var named '%s' was not found in the group:'%s' preset:'%s' inst:'%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(p->stH,varSymId)),_cmDspPresetGroupLabelStr(p,p->gp),_cmDspPresetLabelStr(p,p->gp->pp),_cmDspPresetInstLabelStr(p,ip));
return rc;