
1424 lignes
44 KiB
Brut Vue normale Historique

2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmAudioPort.h"
#include "cmAudioNrtDev.h"
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
#include "cmAudioPortFile.h"
#include "cmApBuf.h"
#include "cmJson.h"
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
#include "cmThread.h"
#include "cmUdpPort.h"
#include "cmUdpNet.h"
#include "cmAudioSysMsg.h"
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
#include "cmAudioSys.h"
#include "cmMidi.h"
#include "cmMidiPort.h"
#include "cmMath.h"
cmAudioSysH_t cmAudioSysNullHandle = { NULL };
struct cmAs_str;
typedef struct
struct cmAs_str* p; // pointer to the audio system instance which owns this sub-system
cmAudioSysSubSys_t ss; // sub-system configuration record
cmAudioSysCtx_t ctx; // DSP context
cmAudioSysStatus_t status; // current runtime status of this sub-system
cmThreadH_t threadH; // audio system thread
cmTsMp1cH_t htdQueueH; // host-to-dsp thread safe msg queue
cmThreadMutexH_t engMutexH; // thread mutex and condition variable
cmUdpNetH_t netH;
bool enableFl; // application controlled pause flag
bool runFl; // false during finalization otherwise true
bool statusFl; // true if regular status notifications should be sent
unsigned audCbLock; //
bool syncInputFl;
double* iMeterArray; //
double* oMeterArray; //
unsigned statusUpdateSmpCnt; // transmit a state update msg every statusUpdateSmpCnt samples
unsigned statusUpdateSmpIdx; // state update phase
} _cmAsCfg_t;
typedef struct cmAs_str
cmErr_t err;
_cmAsCfg_t* ssArray;
unsigned ssCnt;
unsigned waitAsSubIdx; // index of the next sub-system to try with cmAudioSysIsMsgWaiting().
cmTsMp1cH_t dthQueH;
bool initFl; // true if the audio system is initialized
} cmAs_t;
cmAs_t* _cmAsHandleToPtr( cmAudioSysH_t h )
cmAs_t* p = (cmAs_t*)h.h;
assert(p != NULL);
return p;
cmAsRC_t _cmAsError( cmAs_t* p, cmAsRC_t rc, const char* fmt, ... )
va_list vl;
return rc;
// Wrapper function to put msgs into thread safe queues and handle related errors.
cmAsRC_t _cmAsEnqueueMsg( cmAs_t* p, cmTsMp1cH_t qH, const void* msgDataPtrArray[], unsigned msgCntArray[], unsigned segCnt, const char* queueLabel )
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkAsRC;
switch( cmTsMp1cEnqueueSegMsg(qH, msgDataPtrArray, msgCntArray, segCnt) )
case kOkThRC:
case kBufFullThRC:
unsigned i;
unsigned byteCnt = 0;
for(i=0; i<segCnt; ++i)
byteCnt += msgCntArray[i];
rc = _cmAsError(p,kMsgEnqueueFailAsRC,"The %s queue was unable to load a msg containing %i bytes. The queue is currently allocated %i bytes and has %i bytes available.",queueLabel,byteCnt,cmTsMp1cAllocByteCount(qH),cmTsMp1cAvailByteCount(qH));
rc = _cmAsError(p,kMsgEnqueueFailAsRC,"A %s msg. enqueue failed.",queueLabel);
return rc;
// This is the function pointed to by ctx->dspToHostFunc.
// It is called by the DSP proces to pass msgs to the host.
// therefore it is always called from inside of _cmAsDspExecCallback().
cmAsRC_t _cmAsDspToHostMsgCallback(struct cmAudioSysCtx_str* ctx, const void* msgDataPtrArray[], unsigned msgByteCntArray[], unsigned msgSegCnt)
cmAs_t* p = (cmAs_t*)ctx->reserved;
assert( ctx->asSubIdx < p->ssCnt );
//return _cmAsEnqueueMsg(p,p->ssArray[ctx->asSubIdx].dthQueueH,msgDataPtrArray,msgByteCntArray,msgSegCnt,"DSP-to-Host");
return _cmAsEnqueueMsg(p,p->dthQueH,msgDataPtrArray,msgByteCntArray,msgSegCnt,"DSP-to-Host");
cmAsRC_t _cmAsHostInitNotify( cmAs_t* p )
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkAsRC;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->ssCnt; ++i)
cmAudioSysSsInitMsg_t m;
_cmAsCfg_t* cp = p->ssArray + i;
const char* inDevLabel = cp->ss.args.inDevIdx == cmInvalidIdx ? "" : cmApDeviceLabel( cp->ss.args.inDevIdx );
const char* outDevLabel = cp->ss.args.outDevIdx == cmInvalidIdx ? "" : cmApDeviceLabel( cp->ss.args.outDevIdx );
m.asSubIdx = i;
m.selId = kSsInitSelAsId;
m.asSubCnt = p->ssCnt;
m.inDevIdx = cp->ss.args.inDevIdx;
m.outDevIdx = cp->ss.args.outDevIdx;
m.dspFramesPerCycle = cp->ss.args.dspFramesPerCycle;
m.srate = cp->ss.args.srate;
m.inChCnt = cp->status.iMeterCnt;
m.outChCnt = cp->status.oMeterCnt;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
unsigned segCnt = 3;
const void* msgDataPtrArray[] = { &m, inDevLabel, outDevLabel };
unsigned msgByteCntArray[] = { sizeof(m), strlen(cmStringNullGuard(inDevLabel))+1, strlen(cmStringNullGuard(outDevLabel))+1 };
assert( sizeof(msgDataPtrArray)/sizeof(void*) == segCnt);
assert( sizeof(msgByteCntArray)/sizeof(unsigned) == segCnt);
if((rc = _cmAsDspToHostMsgCallback(&cp->ctx, msgDataPtrArray, msgByteCntArray, segCnt)) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
return rc;
cmAsRC_t _cmAsParseNonSubSysMsg( cmAs_t* p, const void* msg, unsigned msgByteCnt )
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkAsRC;
cmAudioSysMstr_t* h = (cmAudioSysMstr_t*)msg;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
unsigned devIdx = cmAudioSysUiInstIdToDevIndex(h->instId);
unsigned chIdx = cmAudioSysUiInstIdToChIndex(h->instId);
unsigned inFl = cmAudioSysUiInstIdToInFlag(h->instId);
unsigned ctlId = cmAudioSysUiInstIdToCtlId(h->instId);
// if the valuu associated with this msg is a mtx then set
// its mtx data area pointer to just after the msg header.
//if( cmDsvIsMtx(&h->value) )
// h->value.u.m.u.vp = ((char*)msg) + sizeof(cmDspUiHdr_t);
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
unsigned flags = inFl ? kInApFl : kOutApFl;
switch( ctlId )
case kSliderUiAsId: // slider
cmApBufSetGain(devIdx,chIdx, flags, h->value);
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
case kMeterUiAsId: // meter
case kMuteUiAsId: // mute
flags += h->value == 0 ? kEnableApFl : 0;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
case kToneUiAsId: // tone
flags += h->value > 0 ? kEnableApFl : 0;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
case kPassUiAsId: // pass
flags += h->value > 0 ? kEnableApFl : 0;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
{ assert(0); }
return rc;
// Process a UI msg sent from the host to the audio system
cmAsRC_t _cmAsHandleNonSubSysMsg( cmAs_t* p, const void* msgDataPtrArray[], unsigned msgByteCntArray[], unsigned msgSegCnt )
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkAsRC;
// if the message is contained in a single segment it can be dispatched immediately ...
if( msgSegCnt == 1 )
rc = _cmAsParseNonSubSysMsg(p,msgDataPtrArray[0],msgByteCntArray[0]);
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
// ... otherwise deserialize the message into contiguous memory ....
unsigned byteCnt = 0;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<msgSegCnt; ++i)
byteCnt += msgByteCntArray[i];
char buf[ byteCnt ];
char* b = buf;
for(i=0; i<msgSegCnt; ++i)
memcpy(b, msgDataPtrArray[i], msgByteCntArray[i] );
b += msgByteCntArray[i];
// ... and then dispatch it
rc = _cmAsParseNonSubSysMsg(p,buf,byteCnt);
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
return rc;
cmAsRC_t _cmAsSendStateStatusToHost( _cmAsCfg_t* cp )
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkAsRC;
unsigned hdr[] = { cp->ctx.asSubIdx, kStatusSelAsId };
cmApBufGetStatus( cp->ss.args.inDevIdx, kInApFl, cp->iMeterArray, cp->status.iMeterCnt, &cp->status.overflowCnt );
cmApBufGetStatus( cp->ss.args.outDevIdx, kOutApFl, cp->oMeterArray, cp->status.oMeterCnt, &cp->status.underflowCnt );
unsigned iMeterByteCnt = sizeof(cp->iMeterArray[0]) * cp->status.iMeterCnt;
unsigned oMeterByteCnt = sizeof(cp->oMeterArray[0]) * cp->status.oMeterCnt;
const void* msgDataPtrArray[] = { &hdr, &cp->status, cp->iMeterArray, cp->oMeterArray };
unsigned msgByteCntArray[] = { sizeof(hdr), sizeof(cp->status), iMeterByteCnt, oMeterByteCnt };
unsigned segCnt = sizeof(msgByteCntArray)/sizeof(unsigned);
_cmAsDspToHostMsgCallback(&cp->ctx,msgDataPtrArray,msgByteCntArray, segCnt );
return rc;
// The DSP execution callback happens through this function.
// This function is only called from inside _cmAsThreadCallback() with the engine mutex locked.
void _cmAsDspExecCallback( _cmAsCfg_t* cp )
unsigned i;
// get pointers to a set of audio out buffers - pointers to disabled channels will be set to NULL
cmApBufGet( cp->ss.args.outDevIdx, kOutApFl, cp->ctx.oChArray, cp->ctx.oChCnt );
cmApBufGet( cp->ss.args.inDevIdx, kInApFl, cp->ctx.iChArray, cp->ctx.iChCnt );
// zero the output buffers on all enabled channels
for(i=0; i<cp->ctx.oChCnt; ++i)
if( cp->ctx.oChArray[i] != NULL )
memset( cp->ctx.oChArray[i], 0, cp->ss.args.dspFramesPerCycle * sizeof(cmSample_t));
// Fill iChArray[] and oChArray[] with pointers to the incoming and outgoing sample buffers.
// Notes:
// 1) Buffers associated with disabled input/output channels will be set to NULL in iChArray[]/oChArray[].
// 2) Buffers associated with channels marked for pass-through will be set to NULL in oChArray[].
// 3) All samples returned in oChArray[] buffers will be set to zero.
cmApBufGetIO(cp->ss.args.inDevIdx, cp->ctx.iChArray, cp->ctx.iChCnt, cp->ss.args.outDevIdx, cp->ctx.oChArray, cp->ctx.oChCnt );
// call the application provided DSP process
cp->ctx.audioRateFl = true;
cp->ss.cbFunc( &cp->ctx, 0, NULL );
cp->ctx.audioRateFl = false;
// advance the audio buffer
cmApBufAdvance( cp->ss.args.outDevIdx, kOutApFl );
cmApBufAdvance( cp->ss.args.inDevIdx, kInApFl );
// handle periodic status messages to the host
if( (cp->statusUpdateSmpIdx += cp->ss.args.dspFramesPerCycle) >= cp->statusUpdateSmpCnt )
cp->statusUpdateSmpIdx -= cp->statusUpdateSmpCnt;
if( cp->statusFl )
// Returns true if audio buffer is has waiting incoming samples and
// available outgoing space.
bool _cmAsBufIsReady( const _cmAsCfg_t* cp )
// if there neither the input or output device is valid
if( cp->ss.args.inDevIdx==cmInvalidIdx && cp->ss.args.outDevIdx == cmInvalidIdx )
return false;
bool ibFl = cmApBufIsDeviceReady(cp->ss.args.inDevIdx, kInApFl);
bool obFl = cmApBufIsDeviceReady(cp->ss.args.outDevIdx, kOutApFl);
bool iFl = (cp->ss.args.inDevIdx == cmInvalidIdx) || ibFl;
bool oFl = (cp->ss.args.outDevIdx == cmInvalidIdx) || obFl;
//printf("br: %i %i %i %i\n",ibFl,obFl,iFl,oFl);
return iFl && oFl;
// This is only called with _cmAsRecd.engMutexH locked
cmAsRC_t _cmAsDeliverMsgsWithLock( _cmAsCfg_t* cp )
int i;
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkThRC;
// as long as their may be a msg wating in the incoming msg queue
for(i=0; rc == kOkThRC; ++i)
// if a msg is waiting transmit it via cfg->cbFunc()
if((rc = cmTsMp1cDequeueMsg(cp->htdQueueH,NULL,0)) == kOkThRC)
return rc;
// This is the main audio system loop (and thread callback function).
// It blocks by waiting on a cond. var (which simultaneously unlocks a mutex).
// With the mutex unlocked messages can pass directly to the DSP process
// via calls to cmAsDeliverMsg().
// When the audio buffers need to be serviced the audio device callback
// signals the cond. var. which results in this thread waking up (and
// simultaneously locking the mutex) as soon as the mutex is available.
bool _cmAsThreadCallback(void* arg)
cmAsRC_t rc;
_cmAsCfg_t* cp = (_cmAsCfg_t*)arg;
// lock the cmAudioSys mutex
if((rc = cmThreadMutexLock(cp->engMutexH)) != kOkAsRC )
_cmAsError(cp->p,rc,"The cmAudioSys thread mutex lock failed.");
return false;
// runFl is always set except during finalization
while( cp->runFl )
// if the buffer is NOT ready or the cmAudioSys is disabled
if(_cmAsBufIsReady(cp) == false || cp->enableFl==false )
// block on the cond var and unlock the mutex
if( cmThreadMutexWaitOnCondVar(cp->engMutexH,false) != kOkAsRC )
_cmAsError(cp->p,rc,"The cmAudioSys cond. var. wait failed.");
return false;
// the cond var was signaled and the mutex is now locked
// be sure we are still enabled and the buffer is still ready
if( cp->enableFl && cp->runFl )
while( _cmAsBufIsReady(cp) )
// calling this function results in callbacks to cmAudDsp.c:_cmAdUdpNetCallback()
// which in turn calls cmAudioSysDeliverMsg() which queues any incoming messages
// which are then transferred to the DSP processes by the the call to
// _cmAsDeliverMsgWithLock() below.
// if there are msgs waiting to be sent to the DSP process send them.
if( cmTsMp1cMsgWaiting(cp->htdQueueH) )
// make the cmAudioSys callback
_cmAsDspExecCallback( cp );
// update the signal time
cp->ctx.begSmpIdx += cp->ss.args.dspFramesPerCycle;
// unlock the mutex
return true;
// This is the audio port callback function.
// _cmAudioSysAudioUpdate() assumes that at most two audio device threads (input and output) may call it.
// cmApBufUpdate() is safe under these conditions since the input and output buffers are updated separately.
// p->audCbLock is used to allow either the input or output thread to signal
// the condition variable. This flag is necessary to prevent both threads from simultaneously
// attempting to signal the condition variable (which will lock the system).
// If more than two audio device threads call the function then this function is not safe.
unsigned phase = 0;
void _cmAudioSysAudioUpdate( cmApAudioPacket_t* inPktArray, unsigned inPktCnt, cmApAudioPacket_t* outPktArray, unsigned outPktCnt )
_cmAsCfg_t* cp = (_cmAsCfg_t*)(inPktArray!=NULL ? inPktArray[0].userCbPtr : outPktArray[0].userCbPtr);
if( cp->runFl )
// transfer incoming/outgoing samples from/to the audio device
//fill output with noise
unsigned i = 0,j =0, k = 0, phs = 0;
for(; i<outPktCnt; ++i)
cmApAudioPacket_t* a = outPktArray + i;
cmApSample_t* dp = (cmApSample_t*)a->audioBytesPtr;
phs = a->audioFramesCnt;
for(j=0; j<a->audioFramesCnt; ++j)
cmApSample_t v = (cmApSample_t)(0.7 * sin(2*M_PI/44100.0 * phase + j ));
for(k=0; k<a->chCnt; ++k,++dp)
*dp = v;
//for(j=0; j<a->audioFramesCnt*a->chCnt; ++j,++dp)
// *dp = (cmApSample_t)(rand() - (RAND_MAX/2))/(RAND_MAX/2);
phase += phs;
bool testBufFl = (cp->syncInputFl==true && inPktCnt>0) || (cp->syncInputFl==false && outPktCnt>0);
//printf("%i %i %i %i\n",testBufFl,cp->syncInputFl,inPktCnt,outPktCnt);
// if the input/output buffer contain samples to be processed then signal the condition variable
// - this will cause the audio system thread to unblock and the used defined DSP process will be called.
if( testBufFl && _cmAsBufIsReady(cp) )
if( cmThreadMutexSignalCondVar(cp->engMutexH) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(cp->p,kMutexErrAsRC,"CmAudioSys signal cond. var. failed.");
// Called when MIDI messages arrive from external MIDI ports.
void _cmAudioSysMidiCallback( const cmMidiPacket_t* pktArray, unsigned pktCnt )
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<pktCnt; ++i)
const cmMidiPacket_t* pkt = pktArray + i;
_cmAsCfg_t* cp = (_cmAsCfg_t*)(pkt->cbDataPtr);
if( !cp->runFl )
cmAudioSysH_t asH;
asH.h = cp->p;
unsigned selId = kMidiMsgArraySelAsId;
const void* msgPtrArray[] = { &cp->ctx.asSubIdx, &selId, &pkt->devIdx, &pkt->portIdx, &pkt->msgCnt, pkt->msgArray };
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
unsigned msgByteCntArray[] = { sizeof(cp->ctx.asSubIdx), sizeof(selId), sizeof(pkt->devIdx), sizeof(pkt->portIdx), sizeof(pkt->msgCnt), pkt->msgCnt*sizeof(cmMidiMsg) };
unsigned msgSegCnt = sizeof(msgByteCntArray)/sizeof(unsigned);
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysAllocate( cmAudioSysH_t* hp, cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmAudioSysCfg_t* cfg )
cmAsRC_t rc;
if((rc = cmAudioSysFree(hp)) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
cmAs_t* p = cmMemAllocZ( cmAs_t, 1 );
cmErrSetup(&p->err,rpt,"Audio System");
hp->h = p;
if( cfg != NULL )
if((rc = cmAudioSysInitialize( *hp, cfg )) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysFree( cmAudioSysH_t* hp )
cmAsRC_t rc;
if( hp == NULL || hp->h == NULL )
return kOkAsRC;
if((rc = cmAudioSysFinalize(*hp)) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(*hp);
hp->h = NULL;
return rc;
cmAsRC_t _cmAudioSysEnable( cmAs_t* p, bool enableFl )
cmAsRC_t rc;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->ssCnt; ++i)
_cmAsCfg_t* cp = p->ssArray + i;
if( enableFl )
//cmApBufPrimeOutput( cp->ss.args.outDevIdx, 2 );
// start the input device
if((rc = cmApDeviceStart( cp->ss.args.inDevIdx )) != kOkAsRC )
return _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevStartFailAsRC,"The audio input device start failed.");
// start the output device
if( cmApDeviceStart( cp->ss.args.outDevIdx ) != kOkAsRC )
return _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevStartFailAsRC,"The audio ouput device start failed.");
// stop the input device
if((rc = cmApDeviceStop( cp->ss.args.inDevIdx )) != kOkAsRC )
return _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevStopFailAsRC,"The audio input device stop failed.");
// stop the output device
if((rc = cmApDeviceStop( cp->ss.args.outDevIdx )) != kOkAsRC )
return _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevStopFailAsRC,"The audio output device stop failed.");
cp->enableFl = enableFl;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
return kOkAsRC;
cmAsRC_t _cmAudioSysFinalize( cmAs_t* p )
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkAsRC;
unsigned i;
// mark the audio system as NOT initialized
p->initFl = false;
// be sure all audio callbacks are disabled before continuing.
if((rc = _cmAudioSysEnable(p,false)) != kOkAsRC )
return _cmAsError(p,rc,"Audio system finalize failed because device halting failed.");
for(i=0; i<p->ssCnt; ++i)
_cmAsCfg_t* cp = p->ssArray + i;
if( cmThreadIsValid( cp->threadH ))
// inform the thread that it should exit
cp->enableFl = false;
cp->runFl = false;
cp->statusFl = false;
// WARNING: be sure that the audio thread cannot simultaneously signal the
// cond variable from _cmAsAudioUpdate() otherwise the system may crash
while( cp->audCbLock != 0 )
{ cmSleepUs(100000); }
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
// signal the cond var to cause the thread to run
if((rc = cmThreadMutexSignalCondVar(cp->engMutexH)) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(p,kMutexErrAsRC,"Finalize signal cond. var. failed.");
// wait to take control of the mutex - this will occur when the thread function exits
if((rc = cmThreadMutexLock(cp->engMutexH)) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(p,kMutexErrAsRC,"Finalize lock failed.");
// unlock the mutex because it is no longer needed and must be unlocked to be destroyed
if((rc = cmThreadMutexUnlock(cp->engMutexH)) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(p,kMutexErrAsRC,"Finalize unlock failed.");
// destroy the thread
if((rc = cmThreadDestroy( &cp->threadH )) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(p,kThreadErrAsRC,"Thread destroy failed.");
// destroy the mutex
if( cmThreadMutexIsValid(cp->engMutexH) )
if((rc = cmThreadMutexDestroy( &cp->engMutexH )) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(p,kMutexErrAsRC,"Mutex destroy failed.");
// remove the MIDI callback
if( cmMpIsInitialized() && cmMpUsesCallback(-1,-1, _cmAudioSysMidiCallback, cp) )
if( cmMpRemoveCallback( -1, -1, _cmAudioSysMidiCallback, cp ) != kOkMpRC )
_cmAsError(p,kMidiSysFailAsRC,"MIDI callback removal failed.");
// destroy the host-to-dsp msg queue
if( cmTsMp1cIsValid(cp->htdQueueH ) )
if((rc = cmTsMp1cDestroy( &cp->htdQueueH )) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(p,kTsQueueErrAsRC,"Host-to-DSP msg queue destroy failed.");
// destroy the dsp-to-host msg queue
if( cmTsMp1cIsValid(p->dthQueH) )
if((rc = cmTsMp1cDestroy( &p->dthQueH )) != kOkThRC )
_cmAsError(p,kTsQueueErrAsRC,"DSP-to-Host msg queue destroy failed.");
cp->ctx.iChCnt = 0;
cp->ctx.oChCnt = 0;
cp->status.iMeterCnt = 0;
cp->status.oMeterCnt = 0;
p->ssCnt = 0;
return rc;
// A given device may be used as an input device exactly once and an output device exactly once.
// When the input to a given device is used by one sub-system and the output is used by another
// then both sub-systems must use the same srate,devFramesPerCycle, audioBufCnt and dspFramesPerCycle.
cmAsRC_t _cmAsSysValidate( cmErr_t* err, const cmAudioSysCfg_t* cfg )
unsigned i,j,k;
for(i=0; i<2; ++i)
// examine input devices - then output devices
bool inputFl = i==0;
bool outputFl = !inputFl;
for(j=0; j<cfg->ssCnt; ++j)
cmAudioSysArgs_t* s0 = &cfg->ssArray[j].args;
unsigned devIdx = inputFl ? s0->inDevIdx : s0->outDevIdx;
for(k=0; k<cfg->ssCnt && devIdx != cmInvalidIdx; ++k)
if( k != j )
cmAudioSysArgs_t* s1 = &cfg->ssArray[k].args;
// if the device was used as input or output multple times then signal an error
if( (inputFl && (s1->inDevIdx == devIdx) && s1->inDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx) || (outputFl && (s1->outDevIdx == devIdx) && s1->outDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx) )
return cmErrMsg(err,kInvalidArgAsRC,"The device %i was used as an %s by multiple sub-systems.", devIdx, inputFl ? "input" : "output");
// if this device is being used by another subsystem ...
if( (inputFl && (s1->outDevIdx == devIdx) && s1->inDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx) || (outputFl && (s1->outDevIdx == devIdx) && s1->outDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx ) )
// ... then some of its buffer spec's must match
if( s0->srate != s1->srate || s0->audioBufCnt != s1->audioBufCnt || s0->dspFramesPerCycle != s1->dspFramesPerCycle || s0->devFramesPerCycle != s1->devFramesPerCycle )
return cmErrMsg(err,kInvalidArgAsRC,"The device %i is used by different sub-system with different audio buffer parameters.",devIdx);
return kOkAsRC;
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysInitialize( cmAudioSysH_t h, const cmAudioSysCfg_t* cfg )
cmAsRC_t rc;
unsigned i;
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
// validate the device setup
if((rc =_cmAsSysValidate(&p->err, cfg )) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
// always finalize before iniitalize
if((rc = cmAudioSysFinalize(h)) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
// create the audio file devices
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
for(i=0; i<cfg->afpCnt; ++i)
const cmAudioSysFilePort_t* afp = cfg->afpArray + i;
cmApFileDeviceCreate( afp->devLabel, afp->inAudioFn, afp->outAudioFn, afp->oBits, afp->oChCnt );
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
p->ssArray = cmMemAllocZ( _cmAsCfg_t, cfg->ssCnt );
p->ssCnt = cfg->ssCnt;
for(i=0; i<p->ssCnt; ++i)
_cmAsCfg_t* cp = p->ssArray + i;
const cmAudioSysSubSys_t* ss = cfg->ssArray + i;
cp->p = p;
cp->ss = *ss; // copy the cfg into the internal audio system state
cp->runFl = false;
cp->enableFl = false;
cp->statusFl = false;
cp->ctx.reserved = p;
cp->ctx.asSubIdx = i;
cp-> = &cp->ss;
cp->ctx.begSmpIdx = 0;
cp->ctx.dspToHostFunc = _cmAsDspToHostMsgCallback;
// validate the input device index
if( ss->args.inDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx && ss->args.inDevIdx >= cmApDeviceCount() )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevSetupErrAsRC,"The audio input device index %i is invalid.",ss->args.inDevIdx);
goto errLabel;
// validate the output device index
if( ss->args.outDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx && ss->args.outDevIdx >= cmApDeviceCount() )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevSetupErrAsRC,"The audio output device index %i is invalid.",ss->args.outDevIdx);
goto errLabel;
// setup the input device
if( ss->args.inDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx )
if((rc = cmApDeviceSetup( ss->args.inDevIdx, ss->args.srate, ss->args.devFramesPerCycle, _cmAudioSysAudioUpdate, cp )) != kOkAsRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevSetupErrAsRC,"Audio input device setup failed.");
goto errLabel;
// setup the output device
if( ss->args.outDevIdx != ss->args.inDevIdx && ss->args.outDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx )
if((rc = cmApDeviceSetup( ss->args.outDevIdx, ss->args.srate, ss->args.devFramesPerCycle, _cmAudioSysAudioUpdate, cp )) != kOkAsRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kAudioDevSetupErrAsRC,"Audio output device setup failed.");
goto errLabel;
// setup the input device buffer
if( ss->args.inDevIdx != cmInvalidIdx )
if((rc = cmApBufSetup( ss->args.inDevIdx, ss->args.srate, ss->args.dspFramesPerCycle, ss->args.audioBufCnt, cmApDeviceChannelCount(ss->args.inDevIdx, true), ss->args.devFramesPerCycle, cmApDeviceChannelCount(ss->args.inDevIdx, false), ss->args.devFramesPerCycle )) != kOkAsRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kAudioBufSetupErrAsRC,"Audio buffer input setup failed.");
goto errLabel;
cmApBufEnableMeter(ss->args.inDevIdx, -1, kInApFl | kEnableApFl );
cmApBufEnableMeter(ss->args.outDevIdx,-1, kOutApFl | kEnableApFl );
// setup the input audio buffer ptr array - used to send input audio to the DSP system in _cmAsDspExecCallback()
if((cp->ctx.iChCnt = cmApDeviceChannelCount(ss->args.inDevIdx, true)) != 0 )
cp->ctx.iChArray = cmMemAllocZ( cmSample_t*, cp->ctx.iChCnt );
// setup the output device buffer
if( ss->args.outDevIdx != ss->args.inDevIdx )
if((rc = cmApBufSetup( ss->args.outDevIdx, ss->args.srate, ss->args.dspFramesPerCycle, ss->args.audioBufCnt, cmApDeviceChannelCount(ss->args.outDevIdx, true), ss->args.devFramesPerCycle, cmApDeviceChannelCount(ss->args.outDevIdx, false), ss->args.devFramesPerCycle )) != kOkAsRC )
return _cmAsError(p,kAudioBufSetupErrAsRC,"Audio buffer ouput device setup failed.");
// setup the output audio buffer ptr array - used to recv output audio from the DSP system in _cmAsDspExecCallback()
if((cp->ctx.oChCnt = cmApDeviceChannelCount(ss->args.outDevIdx, false)) != 0 )
cp->ctx.oChArray = cmMemAllocZ( cmSample_t*, cp->ctx.oChCnt );
// determine the sync source
cp->syncInputFl = ss->args.syncInputFl;
// if sync'ing to an unavailable device then sync to the available device
if( ss->args.syncInputFl && cp->ctx.iChCnt == 0 )
cp->syncInputFl = false;
if( ss->args.syncInputFl==false && cp->ctx.oChCnt == 0 )
cp->syncInputFl = true;
// setup the status record
cp->status.asSubIdx = cp->ctx.asSubIdx;
cp->status.iDevIdx = ss->args.inDevIdx;
cp->status.oDevIdx = ss->args.outDevIdx;
cp->status.iMeterCnt = cp->ctx.iChCnt;
cp->status.oMeterCnt = cp->ctx.oChCnt;
cp->iMeterArray = cmMemAllocZ( double, cp->status.iMeterCnt );
cp->oMeterArray = cmMemAllocZ( double, cp->status.oMeterCnt );
cp->netH = cfg->netH;
// create the audio System thread
if((rc = cmThreadCreate( &cp->threadH, _cmAsThreadCallback, cp, ss->args.rpt )) != kOkThRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kThreadErrAsRC,"Thread create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// create the audio System mutex
if((rc = cmThreadMutexCreate( &cp->engMutexH, ss->args.rpt )) != kOkThRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kMutexErrAsRC,"Thread mutex create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// create the host-to-dsp thread safe msg queue
if((rc = cmTsMp1cCreate( &cp->htdQueueH, ss->args.msgQueueByteCnt, ss->cbFunc, &cp->ctx, ss->args.rpt )) != kOkThRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kTsQueueErrAsRC,"Host-to-DSP msg queue create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// create the dsp-to-host thread safe msg queue
if( cmTsMp1cIsValid( p->dthQueH ) == false )
if((rc = cmTsMp1cCreate( &p->dthQueH, ss->args.msgQueueByteCnt, cfg->clientCbFunc, cfg->clientCbData, ss->args.rpt )) != kOkThRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kTsQueueErrAsRC,"DSP-to-Host msg queue create failed.");
goto errLabel;
//cp->dthQueueH = p->dthQueH;
// install an external MIDI port callback handler for incoming MIDI messages
if( cmMpIsInitialized() )
if( cmMpInstallCallback( -1, -1, _cmAudioSysMidiCallback, cp ) != kOkMpRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kMidiSysFailAsRC,"MIDI system callback installation failed.");
goto errLabel;
// setup the sub-system status notification
cp->statusUpdateSmpCnt = floor(cmApBufMeterMs() * cp->ss.args.srate / 1000.0 );
cp->statusUpdateSmpIdx = 0;
cp->runFl = true;
// start the audio System thread
if( cmThreadPause( cp->threadH, 0 ) != kOkThRC )
rc = _cmAsError(p,kThreadErrAsRC,"Thread start failed.");
goto errLabel;
p->initFl = true;
if( rc != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysFinalize(cmAudioSysH_t h )
cmAsRC_t rc = kOkAsRC;
if( cmAudioSysHandleIsValid(h) == false )
return rc;
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
rc = _cmAudioSysFinalize(p);
h.h = NULL;
return rc;
bool cmAudioSysIsInitialized( cmAudioSysH_t h )
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
return p->initFl;
cmAsRC_t _cmAudioSysVerifyInit( cmAs_t* p )
if( p->initFl == false )
// if the last msg generated was also a not init msg then don't
// generate another message - just return the error
if( cmErrLastRC(&p->err) != kNotInitAsRC )
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNotInitAsRC,"The audio system is not initialized.");
return kNotInitAsRC;
return kOkAsRC;
bool cmAudioSysIsEnabled( cmAudioSysH_t h )
if( cmAudioSysIsInitialized(h) == false )
return false;
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->ssCnt; ++i)
if( p->ssArray[i].enableFl )
return true;
return false;
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysEnable( cmAudioSysH_t h, bool enableFl )
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
return _cmAudioSysEnable(p,enableFl);
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysDeliverSegMsg( cmAudioSysH_t h, const void* msgDataPtrArray[], unsigned msgByteCntArray[], unsigned msgSegCnt, unsigned srcNetNodeId )
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
cmAsRC_t rc;
// the system must be initialized to use this function
if((rc = _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p)) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
if( msgSegCnt == 0 )
return kOkAsRC;
// BUG BUG BUG - there is no reason that both the asSubIdx and the selId must
// be in the first segment but it would be nice.
assert( msgByteCntArray[0] >= 2*sizeof(unsigned) || (msgSegCnt>1 && msgByteCntArray[0]==sizeof(unsigned) && msgByteCntArray[1]>=sizeof(unsigned)) );
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
// The audio sub-system index is always the first field of the msg
// and the msg selector id is always the second field
unsigned* array = (unsigned*)msgDataPtrArray[0];
unsigned asSubIdx = array[0];
unsigned selId = array[1];
if( selId == kUiMstrSelAsId )
return _cmAsHandleNonSubSysMsg( p, msgDataPtrArray, msgByteCntArray, msgSegCnt );
if( selId == kNetSyncSelAsId )
assert( msgSegCnt==1);
assert( asSubIdx < p->ssCnt );
p->ssArray[asSubIdx].ctx.srcNetNodeId = srcNetNodeId;
return kOkAsRC;
return _cmAsEnqueueMsg(p,p->ssArray[asSubIdx].htdQueueH,msgDataPtrArray,msgByteCntArray,msgSegCnt,"Host-to-DSP");
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysDeliverMsg( cmAudioSysH_t h, const void* msgPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt, unsigned srcNetNodeId )
const void* msgDataPtrArray[] = { msgPtr };
unsigned msgByteCntArray[] = { msgByteCnt };
return cmAudioSysDeliverSegMsg(h,msgDataPtrArray,msgByteCntArray,1,srcNetNodeId);
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysDeliverIdMsg( cmAudioSysH_t h, unsigned asSubIdx, unsigned id, const void* msgPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt, unsigned srcNetNodeId )
cmAsRC_t rc;
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
// the system must be initialized to use this function
if((rc = _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p)) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
const void* msgDataPtrArray[] = { &asSubIdx, &id, msgPtr };
unsigned msgByteCntArray[] = { sizeof(asSubIdx), sizeof(id), msgByteCnt };
return cmAudioSysDeliverSegMsg(h,msgDataPtrArray,msgByteCntArray,3,srcNetNodeId);
unsigned cmAudioSysIsMsgWaiting( cmAudioSysH_t h )
cmAsRC_t rc;
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
// the system must be initialized to use this function
if((rc = _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p)) != kOkAsRC )
return 0;
unsigned n = 0;
unsigned retByteCnt;
for(n=0; n < p->ssCnt; ++n )
//if( (retByteCnt = cmTsMp1cDequeueMsgByteCount(p->ssArray[p->waitAsSubIdx].dthQueueH)) > 0 )
if( (retByteCnt = cmTsMp1cDequeueMsgByteCount(p->dthQueH)) > 0 )
return retByteCnt;
p->waitAsSubIdx = (p->waitAsSubIdx + 1) % p->ssCnt;
return 0;
cmAsRC_t cmAudioSysReceiveMsg( cmAudioSysH_t h, void* msgDataPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt )
cmAsRC_t rc;
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
// the system must be initialized to use this function
if((rc = _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p)) != kOkAsRC )
return rc;
//switch( cmTsMp1cDequeueMsg(p->ssArray[p->waitAsSubIdx].dthQueueH,msgDataPtr,msgByteCnt) )
switch( cmTsMp1cDequeueMsg(p->dthQueH,msgDataPtr,msgByteCnt) )
case kOkThRC:
p->waitAsSubIdx = (p->waitAsSubIdx + 1) % p->ssCnt;
return kOkAsRC;
case kBufTooSmallThRC:
return kBufTooSmallAsRC;
case kBufEmptyThRC:
return kNoMsgWaitingAsRC;
return _cmAsError(p,kTsQueueErrAsRC,"A deque operation failed on the DSP-to-Host message queue.");
void cmAudioSysStatus( cmAudioSysH_t h, unsigned asSubIdx, cmAudioSysStatus_t* statusPtr )
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
// the system must be initialized to use this function
if( _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p) != kOkAsRC )
if( asSubIdx < p->ssCnt )
*statusPtr = p->ssArray[asSubIdx].status;
void cmAudioSysStatusNotifyEnable( cmAudioSysH_t h, unsigned asSubIdx, bool enableFl )
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
// the system must be initialized to use this function
if( _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p) != kOkAsRC )
unsigned i = asSubIdx == cmInvalidIdx ? 0 : asSubIdx;
unsigned n = asSubIdx == cmInvalidIdx ? p->ssCnt : asSubIdx+1;
for(; i<n; ++i)
p->ssArray[i].statusFl = enableFl;
bool cmAudioSysHandleIsValid( cmAudioSysH_t h )
{ return h.h != NULL; }
cmAudioSysCtx_t* cmAudioSysContext( cmAudioSysH_t h, unsigned asSubIdx )
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
if( _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p) != kOkAsRC )
return NULL;
return &p->ssArray[asSubIdx].ctx;
unsigned cmAudioSysSubSystemCount( cmAudioSysH_t h )
cmAs_t* p = _cmAsHandleToPtr(h);
if( _cmAudioSysVerifyInit(p) != kOkAsRC )
return 0;
return p->ssCnt;
// cmAsTest()
/// [cmAudioSysTest]
typedef struct
double hz; // current synth frq
long phs; // current synth phase
double srate; // audio sample rate
unsigned cbCnt; // DSP cycle count
bool synthFl; // true=synth false=pass through
} _cmAsTestCbRecd;
typedef struct
unsigned asSubIdx; // asSubIdx must always be the first field in the msg
unsigned id; // 0 = set DSP Hz, 1 = report cbCount to host
double hz;
unsigned uint;
} _cmAsTestMsg;
long _cmAsSynthSine( _cmAsTestCbRecd* r, cmApSample_t* p, unsigned chCnt, unsigned frmCnt )
long ph = 0;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i)
unsigned j;
cmApSample_t* op = p + i;
ph = r->phs;
for(j=0; j<frmCnt; j++, op+=chCnt, ph++)
*op = (cmApSample_t)(0.9 * sin( 2.0 * M_PI * r->hz * ph / r->srate ));
return ph;
unsigned _cmAsTestChIdx = 0;
cmRC_t _cmAsTestCb( void* cbPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt, const void* msgDataPtr )
cmRC_t rc = cmOkRC;
cmAudioSysCtx_t* ctx = (cmAudioSysCtx_t*)cbPtr;
cmAudioSysSubSys_t* ss = ctx->ss;
_cmAsTestCbRecd* r = (_cmAsTestCbRecd*)ss->cbDataPtr;
// update the calback counter
// if this is an audio update request
if( msgByteCnt == 0 )
unsigned i;
if( r->synthFl )
long phs = 0;
for(i=0; i<ctx->oChCnt; ++i)
if( ctx->oChArray[i] != NULL )
phs = _cmAsSynthSine(r, ctx->oChArray[i], 1, ss->args.dspFramesPerCycle );
if( _cmAsTestChIdx < ctx->oChCnt )
phs = _cmAsSynthSine(r, ctx->oChArray[_cmAsTestChIdx], 1, ss->args.dspFramesPerCycle );
r->phs = phs;
// BUG BUG BUG - this assumes that the input and output channels are the same.
unsigned chCnt = cmMin(ctx->oChCnt,ctx->iChCnt);
for(i=0; i<chCnt; ++i)
else // ... otherwise it is a msg for the DSP process from the host
_cmAsTestMsg* msg = (_cmAsTestMsg*)msgDataPtr;
msg->asSubIdx = ctx->asSubIdx;
case 0:
r->hz = msg->hz;
case 1:
msg->uint = r->cbCnt;
msgByteCnt = sizeof(_cmAsTestMsg);
rc = ctx->dspToHostFunc(ctx,(const void **)&msg,&msgByteCnt,1);
return rc;
// print the usage message for cmAudioPortTest.c
void _cmAsPrintUsage( cmRpt_t* rpt )
char msg[] =
"cmAudioSysTest() command switches:\n"
"-r <srate> -c <chcnt> -b <bufcnt> -f <frmcnt> -i <idevidx> -o <odevidx> -m <msgqsize> -d <dspsize> -t -p -h \n"
"-r <srate> = sample rate (48000)\n"
"-c <chcnt> = audio channels (2)\n"
"-b <bufcnt> = count of buffers (3)\n"
"-f <frmcnt> = count of samples per buffer (512)\n"
"-i <idevidx> = input device index (0)\n"
"-o <odevidx> = output device index (2)\n"
"-m <msgqsize> = message queue byte count (1024)\n"
"-d <dspsize> = samples per DSP frame (64)\n"
"-s = true: sync to input port false: sync to output port\n"
"-t = copy input to output otherwise synthesize a 1000 Hz sine (false)\n"
"-p = report but don't start audio devices\n"
"-h = print this usage message\n";
// Get a command line option.
int _cmAsGetOpt( int argc, const char* argv[], const char* label, int defaultVal, bool boolFl )
int i = 0;
for(; i<argc; ++i)
if( strcmp(label,argv[i]) == 0 )
return 1;
if( i == (argc-1) )
return defaultVal;
return atoi(argv[i+1]);
return defaultVal;
bool _cmAsGetBoolOpt( int argc, const char* argv[], const char* label, bool defaultVal )
{ return _cmAsGetOpt(argc,argv,label,defaultVal?1:0,true)!=0; }
int _cmAsGetIntOpt( int argc, const char* argv[], const char* label, int defaultVal )
{ return _cmAsGetOpt(argc,argv,label,defaultVal,false); }
void cmAudioSysTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, int argc, const char* argv[] )
cmAudioSysCfg_t cfg;
cmAudioSysSubSys_t ss;
cmAudioSysH_t h = cmAudioSysNullHandle;
cmAudioSysStatus_t status;
_cmAsTestCbRecd cbRecd = {1000.0,0,48000.0,0};
cfg.ssArray = &ss;
cfg.ssCnt = 1;
//cfg.afpArray= NULL;
//cfg.afpCnt = 0;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
cfg.meterMs = 50;
cbRecd.srate = _cmAsGetIntOpt(argc,argv,"-r",48000);
cbRecd.synthFl = _cmAsGetBoolOpt(argc,argv,"-t",false)==false;
ss.args.rpt = rpt;
ss.args.inDevIdx = _cmAsGetIntOpt( argc,argv,"-i",0);
ss.args.outDevIdx = _cmAsGetIntOpt( argc,argv,"-o",2);
ss.args.syncInputFl = _cmAsGetBoolOpt(argc,argv,"-s",true);
ss.args.msgQueueByteCnt = _cmAsGetIntOpt( argc,argv,"-m",8192);
ss.args.devFramesPerCycle = _cmAsGetIntOpt( argc,argv,"-f",512);
ss.args.dspFramesPerCycle = _cmAsGetIntOpt( argc,argv,"-d",64);;
ss.args.audioBufCnt = _cmAsGetIntOpt( argc,argv,"-b",3);
ss.args.srate = cbRecd.srate;
ss.cbFunc = _cmAsTestCb; // set the DSP entry function
ss.cbDataPtr = &cbRecd; // set the DSP function argument record
cmRptPrintf(rpt,"in:%i out:%i syncFl:%i que:%i fpc:%i dsp:%i bufs:%i sr:%f\n",ss.args.inDevIdx,ss.args.outDevIdx,ss.args.syncInputFl,
if( cmApNrtAllocate(rpt) != kOkApRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmApFileAllocate(rpt) != kOkApRC )
goto errLabel;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
// initialize the audio device system
if( cmApInitialize(rpt) != kOkApRC )
goto errLabel;
// initialize the audio buffer
if( cmApBufInitialize( cmApDeviceCount(), cfg.meterMs ) != kOkApRC )
goto errLabel;
// initialize the audio system
if( cmAudioSysAllocate(&h,rpt,&cfg) != kOkAsRC )
goto errLabel;
// start the audio system
char c = 0;
printf("q=quit a-g=note n=ch r=rqst s=status\n");
// simulate a host event loop
while(c != 'q')
_cmAsTestMsg msg = {0,0,0,0};
bool fl = true;
// wait here for a key press
c =(char)fgetc(stdin);
case 'c': msg.hz = cmMidiToHz(60); break;
case 'd': msg.hz = cmMidiToHz(62); break;
case 'e': msg.hz = cmMidiToHz(64); break;
case 'f': msg.hz = cmMidiToHz(65); break;
case 'g': msg.hz = cmMidiToHz(67); break;
case 'a': msg.hz = cmMidiToHz(69); break;
case 'b': msg.hz = cmMidiToHz(71); break;
case 'r': = 1; break; // request DSP process to send a callback count
case 'n': ++_cmAsTestChIdx; printf("ch:%i\n",_cmAsTestChIdx); break;
case 's':
// report the audio system status
printf("phs:%li cb count:%i (upd:%i wake:%i acb:%i msgs:%i)\n",cbRecd.phs, cbRecd.cbCnt, status.updateCnt, status.wakeupCnt, status.audioCbCnt, status.msgCbCnt);
//printf("%f \n",status.oMeterArray[0]);
fl = false;
if( fl )
// transmit a command to the DSP process
cmAudioSysDeliverMsg(h,&msg, sizeof(msg), cmInvalidId);
// check if messages are waiting to be delivered from the DSP process
unsigned msgByteCnt;
if((msgByteCnt = cmAudioSysIsMsgWaiting(h)) > 0 )
char buf[ msgByteCnt ];
// rcv a msg from the DSP process
if( cmAudioSysReceiveMsg(h,buf,msgByteCnt) == kOkAsRC )
_cmAsTestMsg* msg = (_cmAsTestMsg*)buf;
case 1:
printf("RCV: Callback count:%i\n",msg->uint);
// report the audio buffer status
// stop the audio system
goto exitLabel;
2012-10-30 03:52:39 +00:00
/// [cmAudioSysTest]