57 строки
1.5 KiB
57 строки
1.5 KiB
#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmFileSys.h"
#include "cmFileSysLinux.h"
#include <glob.h>
cmChar_t* _cmCreatePathByExpandingTildePath( _cmFsLinux_t* p, const char* path )
glob_t globbuf;
char **v;
char *expandedPath = NULL, *result = NULL;
assert(path != NULL);
if (glob(path, GLOB_TILDE, NULL, &globbuf) == 0) //success
v = globbuf.gl_pathv; //list of matched pathnames
expandedPath = v[0]; //number of matched pathnames, gl_pathc == 1
result = cmLhAllocZ(p->lhH,cmChar_t,strlen(expandedPath) + 1);
//result = (char*)calloc(1, strlen(expandedPath) + 1); //the extra char is for the null-termination
strncpy(result, expandedPath, strlen(expandedPath) + 1); //copy the null-termination as well
return result;
cmFsRC_t _cmLinuxFileSysInit( _cmFsLinux_t** pp, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmErr_t* err )
_cmFsLinux_t* p = cmLhAllocZ(lhH,_cmFsLinux_t,1);
p->err = err;
p->lhH = lhH;
p->userDir = _cmCreatePathByExpandingTildePath(p,"~");
p->prefDir = p->userDir; // user preferences will be stored invisible files in the home directory
p->rsrcDir = "/usr/share"; // program resources will be stored in /usr/share/app-name
*pp = p;
return kOkFsRC;
cmFsRC_t _cmLinuxFileSysFinalize( _cmFsLinux_t* p )
return kOkFsRC;