ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 # use custom macro's in ./m4 lib_LTLIBRARIES= bin_PROGRAMS= include_HEADERS= # C compiler flags # _GNU_SOURCE - turns on GNU specific extensions and gives correct prototype for double log2(double) # -Wall turn on all warnings # -Wno-multichar - turns off multi-character constant warnings from cmAudioFile.c AM_CPPFLAGS = -D _GNU_SOURCE -I.. -I$(srcdir)/src/libcm -I$(srcdir)/src/libcm/dsp -I$(srcdir)/src/libcm/vop -I$(srcdir)/src/libcm/app AM_CPPFLAGS += -I$(srcdir)/src/libcmpp -I$(srcdir)/src/libcmpp/fltk -I$(srcdir)/src/tlCtl AM_CFLAGS = -Wno-multichar AM_CXXFLAGS = AM_LDFLAGS = MYLIBS = -lpthread -lfftw3f -lfftw3 -lfltk -lX11 CMLIBS = src/libcm/ src/libcmpp/ # autoconfig manual recommends storing direct referenes to non-3rd party libraries rather than using -L and -l # debug/release switches if DEBUG AM_CFLAGS += -g AM_CXXFLAGS += -g else AM_CFLAGS += -O3 AM_CXXFLAGS += -O3 endif # NOTE: 10/25/12 The use of -Wl, -Bstatic -Wl, -Bdynamic forces linking # against the static version of 'libasound' and then turns dynamic linking # back on for the other libraries. # For some reason dynamically linking to asound causes runtime problems. # The most notable of which is the inability for ALSA to successfully # return hardware parameter values. # See: # Linux specific if OS_LINUX MYLIBS += -llapack -lcblas -latlas -lgfortran if OS_64 AM_LDFLAGS += -L/usr/lib64/atlas -L/usr/lib64 -Wl,-Bstatic -lasound -Wl,-Bdynamic MYLIBS += -lrt -lm AM_CFLAGS += -m64 endif endif if OS_OSX AM_CPPFLAGS += -I/opt/local/include AM_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib AM_LDFLAGS += -framework Cocoa -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreMIDI -framework Carbon -framework Accelerate -framework vecLib endif include src/libcm/ src_libcm_libcm_la_SOURCES = $(cmSRC) $(cmHDR) include_HEADERS += $(cmHDR) lib_LTLIBRARIES += src/libcm/ include src/libcmpp/ src_libcmpp_libcmpp_la_SOURCES = $(cmppSRC) $(cmppHDR) include_HEADERS += $(cmppHDR) lib_LTLIBRARIES += src/libcmpp/ include src/tlCtl/ src_kc_kc_SOURCES = $(tlCtlSRC) src_kc_kc_SOURCES += src/kc/kcMain.cpp src_kc_kc_SOURCES += src/kc/kcApp.h src/kc/kcApp.cpp src_kc_kc_LDADD = $(CMLIBS) $(MYLIBS) bin_PROGRAMS += src/kc/kc