doc/notes.txt : Resolved merge conflicts.

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Larke 2015-07-24 10:53:02 -07:00
bovenliggende 3ecc39f089 b27123ed69
commit 901f764d16

Bestand weergeven

@ -730,7 +730,63 @@ Sequence Editor Design
Enable/Disable selected events.
a b
piano --> mic ----> adc --> fbctl --> xform -+-> dac --> spkr --> room --+
^ ^ ^ | |
| | | | |
| | +--------------+ |
fbctl Design:
1. Measure the spectrum of the room impulse response.
a. Generate a sine sweep, or Max. length sequance, s, with a non-symetric envelope.
b. Playback s and record the result N times
using different mic. positions.
c. S = STFT(s)
R = sum(STFT(r_i) / N
d. Align S and R using PHAT.
e. RIR = mean(S - R)
2. Find the delay, d, which minimizes sum(a-b)
a ----------> DFT() --\
- --->
b --> z^d --> DFT() --/
1. Use spectral flux to generate an impulse signal: f.
2. f' = 1-f correlates to the level of time dependency in the signal.
Frames with a high time dependency contain more reberberated signal.
3. Setup a 2xT NMF problem Y = HE
4. Initialize spectrum 1 as the f weighted avg. of all spectra.
5. Initialize spectrum 2 as the f' weighted avg. of all spectra.
6. Initialize env. 1 as f
7. Initialize env. 2 as f'
8. Allow all other variables, other than f', to vary - spectrum 2
is the impulse response.
alternatively use gradient descent, or alternating LS, rather than NMF
New vector library:
1. Use type generic pre-proc feature.
2. Explicit matrix representation.
3. Use BLAS and LAPACK.
@ -748,13 +804,13 @@ OSX - Install Notes
6. sudo port install fftw-3-single
7. port select --list gcc (which gcc is active)
8. sudo port install gcc47
9. sudo port --set gcc mp-gcc47
9. sudo port --set gcc mp-gcc47 (6/15/15 the default, mp-gcc5, works without this stp)
sudo port intsall gdb (then edit /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ <string>s<string> to <string>sp<string>.
10. sudo port install fltk
11. sudo port install xorg-libX11
12.sudo port install git
13.sudo port install emacs +x11
14 install ~/Library/Preferences/org.larke.kc.txt (is this required?)
14 install ~/Library/Preferences/org.larke.kc.txt (this is not required)
15 create ~/Library/Preferences/kc
16 Install ~/Library/Preferences/time_line.js, time_line_preset.js, time_line_preset.csv