cwtest/cfg : main.cfg, 20221002/ preset_sel/ commits.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
test: {
flow_proc_dict: {
balance: {
vars: {
in: { type:real, value:0.5, doc:"Input vaue" },
out: { type:real, doc:"Ouput value. Same as input value."},
inv_out: { type:real, doc:"1.0 minus output value."}
audio_in: {
vars: {
dev_label: { type:string, doc:"Audio device label." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output" },
audio_out: {
vars: {
dev_label: { type:string, doc:"Audio device label." },
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." }
audioFileIn: {
vars: {
fname: { type:string, doc:"Audio file name." },
out:{ type:audio, doc:"Audio file output" },
eofFl:{ type:bool, eofFl: true, doc:"Set the system 'halt' flag when the audio is completely read."},
audioFileOut: {
vars: {
fname: { type:string, doc:"Audio file name." },
bits: { type:uint, value:32, doc:"Audio file word width. (8,16,24,32,0=float32)."},
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio file input." }
audio_gain: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
gain: { type:real, value:1.0, doc:"Gain coefficient." }
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
audio_split: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
select: { type:bool, doc:"Enable/Disable each channel" }
gain: { type:real, value:1.0, doc:"Audio gain for each selected (output) channel." }
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
mute_off: { gain:1 },
mute_on: { gain:0 },
audio_duplicate: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input."},
duplicate: { type: uint, doc:"Count of times to repeat this channel." },
gain: { type: real, value:1.0, doc:"Audio gain." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output containing repeat * input channel count channels."}
audio_merge: {
vars: {
in0: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"First audio input." },
in1: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Second audio input." },
gain: { type:real, value:1.0, doc:"Audio gain for each selected (output) channel." }
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output. Channel count is the sum of the input channel count." },
audio_mix: {
vars: {
in0: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"First audio input." },
in1: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Second audio input." },
gain0: { type:real, value:0.5, doc:"Audio gain for input 0." },
gain1: { type:real, value:0.5, doc:"Audio gain for input 1." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output. Channel count is the sum of the input channel count." },
audio_delay: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
maxDelayMs: { type:real, value:1000.0 doc:"Maximum possible delay in milliseconds." },
delayMs: { type:real, doc:"Delay in milliseconds." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
sine_tone: {
vars: {
srate: { type:real, value:48000.0, doc:"Sine tone sample rate."}
chCnt: { type:uint, value:2, doc:"Output signal channel count."},
hz: { type:real, value:440.0, doc:"Frequency in Hertz."},
gain: { type:real, value:0.8, doc:"Signal frequency."},
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output" },
presets: {
a: { hz:220 },
b: { hz:880 },
pv_analysis: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
hopSmpN: { type:uint, value: 128, doc:"Hop sample count." },
wndSmpN: { type:uint, value: 512, doc:"Window sample count." },
hzFl: { type:bool, value: false, doc:"Calculate frequency via the method of phase changeof each bin." },
out: { type:spectrum, doc:"Spectrum output." }
pv_synthesis: {
vars: {
in: { type:spectrum, srcFl:true, doc:"Spectrum input." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." }
spec_dist: {
vars: {
in: { type:spectrum, srcFl:true, doc:"Spectrum input." },
ceiling: { type:real, value: 30.0, doc:"Ceiling parameter."},
expo: { type:real, value: 2.0, doc:"Exponent parameter."},
thresh: { type:real, value: 54.0, doc:"Threshold parameter."},
upr: { type:real, value: -0.7, doc:"Upper slope parameter."},
lwr: { type:real, value: 2.0, doc:"Lower slope parameter."},
mix: { type:real, value: 0.0, doc:"Basic/Bump Mix parameter."},
out: { type:spectrum, doc:"Spectrum output." },
presets: {
dry: {
kc: {
ceiling: 20.0,
expo: 2.0,
thresh: 65.0,
upr: 0.0,
lwr: 2.0,
mix: 0.0
a: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 60.0
upr: [ -1.1, -0.99],
lwr: 2.0
mix: 0.0
b: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: [ 77.0, 74.0 ],
upr: -0.5
lwr: [ 3.0, 2.0 ],
mix: 0.0
c: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 80.0
upr: -0.5
lwr: 5.0
mix: 0.0
d: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 70.0
upr: [ -3.9, 04.5]
lwr: 4.0
mix: 0.0
f_1: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 50.0
upr: -3.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
f_2: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 60.0
upr: -3.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
f_3: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 55.0
upr: -3.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
f_4: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 55.0
upr: -5.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
g: {
ceiling: 40.0
expo: 8.0
thresh: [60.0 64.0]
upr: -0.7
lwr: 8.0
mix: 1.0
g_a: {
ceiling: 40.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: [50.0 54.0]
upr: -0.7
lwr: 2.0
mix: 1.0
g_1_a: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: [50.0 54.0]
upr: -0.7
lwr: 8.0
mix: 1.0
g_1_d: {
ceiling: [60.0 64.0]
expo: [ 7.0 5.0]
thresh: [40.0 34.0]
upr: [-0.4 -0.3]
lwr: [ 7.0 5.0]
mix: 1.0
compressor: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl: true, doc:"Audio input." },
bypass: { type:bool, value: false, doc:"Bypass the compressor."},
igain: { type:real, value: 1.0, doc:"Input gain."},
thresh: { type:real, value: 0.0, doc:"Attack threshold in dB."},
ratio: { type:real, value: 2.0, doc:"Compression ratio."},
atk_ms: { type:real, value: 20.0, doc:"Attack time in milliseconds."},
rls_ms: { type:real, value: 20.0, doc:"Release time in milliseconds."},
wnd_ms: { type:real, value: 200.0, doc:"RMS calc. window length in milliseconds."},
maxWnd_ms: { type:real, value: 1000.0, doc:"Maximim (allocated) window length in milliseconds."},
ogain: { type:real, value: 1.0, doc:"Output gain."},
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
presets: {
dflt: {
igain: 3.0
thresh: 60.0
ratio: 5.0
atk_ms: 5.0
rls_ms: 20.0
ogain: 1.0
kc: {
bypass: false
igain: 3.0
thresh: 80.0
ratio: 2.0
atk_ms: 20.0
rls_ms: 1000.0
wnd_ms: 200.0
ogain: 1.0
dry: {
a: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
b: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 1.0
c: {
igain: 11.0
ogain: 1.0
d: {
igain: 9.0
ogain: 1.0
f_1: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
f_2: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
f_3: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
f_4: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
g: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
g_a: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
g_1_a: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
g_1_d: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
preset_sel: {
params: {
//score_fn: "~/src/currawong/projects/score_proc/data/play_file.csv",
//score_fn: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/score/20220423/temp.csv",
score_fn: "~/src/currawong/audio/workshop/beck1/record_4/play_score.csv",
record_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/preset_sel_fragments",
//record_fn: "preset_sel_20220423",
//record_fn: "preset_sel_20220507",
record_fn: "workshop_presets",
record_fn_ext: "txt",
crossFadeSrate: 48000.0, // TODO: move to flow cfg. and set via 'system default sample rate'
crossFadeCount: 3,
presets: {
preset_labelL: [ "dry", "a", "b", "c", "d", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "g", "ga", "g1a", "g1d" ],
default_gain: 1.0,
default_wet_dry_gain: 0.5,
default_fade_ms: 500.0,
default_preset: "dry",
default_master_wet_in_gain: 1.0,
default_master_wet_out_gain: 1.0,
default_master_dry_gain: 1.0,
default_master_sync_delay_ms: 0, // spirio 400
midi_play_record: {
max_midi_msg_count: 32768,
midi_timer_period_micro_sec: 15000,
all_off_delay_ms: 2500, // delay after stop time to turn off all notes
log_in_flag: false,
log_out_flag: false,
half_pedal_flag: false,
midi_device_list: [
// piano
enableFl: true,
//midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
//midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 1",
midi_out_device: "Scarlett 18i20 USB",
midi_out_port: "Scarlett 18i20 USB MIDI 1",
//midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event",
//midi_out_port: "input",
// pedal down velocity input/output mapping
pedal: {
down_id: 127,
down_vel: 75,
half_down_id: 64,
half_down_vel: 43,
half_up_id: 63,
half_up_vel: 43
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
// spirio vel_table: [ 1, 4, 10, 12, 12, 18, 24, 24, 30, 36, 36, 44, 48, 52, 58, 64, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94,100,106,112 ]
// vel_table: [ 1, 5 10, 16, 21, 26, 32, 37, 42, 48, 53, 58, 64, 69, 74, 80, 85, 90, 96,101,106,112,117,122,127 ] ,
enableFl: true,
//midi_out_device: "Fastlane",
//midi_out_port: "Fastlane MIDI A",
midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 2",
//midi_out_device: "PC-300",
//midi_out_port: "PC-300 MIDI 1",
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 34
//vel_table: [ 1, 4, 10, 12, 12, 18, 24, 24, 30, 36, 36, 44, 48, 52, 58, 64, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94,100,106,112 ]
//vel_table: [ 1, 5 10, 16, 21, 26, 32, 37, 42, 48, 53, 58, 64, 69, 74, 80, 85, 90, 96,101,106,112,117,122,127 ] ,
//{ midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event", midi_out_port: "input" },
frag_panel: {
panel: {
name: fragPanelId
addClassName: fragPanel
row: {
name: fragPanelRowId
addClassName: fragPanelRow
col: {
numb_disp: { name: fragBegLocId, title:"Beg Loc", value: 0 },
numb_disp: { name: fragEndLocId, title:"End Loc", value: 0 },
number: { name: fragInGainId, title:"In Gain", min:0.0, max:100.0, step:0.1, decpl:1 },
number: { name: fragOutGainId, title:"Out Gain", min:0.0, max:100.0, step:0.1, decpl:1 },
col: {
row: {
name: fragPresetRowId,
addClassName: fragPresetRow,
row: {
string: { name: fragNoteId, addClassName: fragNote, title:"Note" },
col: {
number:{ name: fragWetDryGainId, title:"Wet/Dry", min:0.0, max:1.0, step:0.1, decpl:2 },
number:{ name: fragFadeOutMsId, title:"Fade Ms", min:0.0, max:5000, step:1, decpl:0 },
row: {
button:{ name: fragPlaySeqBtnId, title:"Play Seq" },
button:{ name: fragPlayAllBtnId, title:"Play All" },
col: {
number: { name: fragBegPlayLocId, title:"Begin", min:0, max:1000000, step:1, decpl:0 },
number: { name: fragEndPlayLocId, title:"End", min:0, max:1000000, step:1, decpl:0 },
button: { name: fragPlayBtnId, title:"Play" }
ui: {
physRootDir: "~/src/cwtest/src/libcw/html/preset_sel",
dfltPageFn: "index.html",
port: 5687,
rcvBufByteN: 2048,
xmtBufByteN: 2048,
fmtBufByteN: 4096,
websockTimeOutMs: 50, // max time out while blocking for a websock event
uiCfgFn: "ui.cfg" // default UI resource description
serial: {
pollPeriodMs: 50,
recvBufByteN: 512,
array: [
enable_flag: false,
label: "port1", // User label
device: "/dev/ttyUSB0", // Serial device name
baud: 115200,
bits: 8,
stop: 1,
parity: "no",
midi: {
parserBufByteN: 1024,
audio: {
meterMs: 50, // audio meter filter length and meter callback period
threadTimeOutMs: 50, // audio thread cond var time out
groupL: [
enableFl: true, // (req)
label: "main", // (req) User label
id: 0, // (req) User id (can also be set at runtime)
srate: 48000, // (req) Sample rate used by all devices in this group
dspFrameCnt: 64 // (req) Size of DSP processing buffers
deviceL: [
// System device name
device: "Scarlett 18i20 USB USB Audio",
//device: "USB Audio CODEC USB Audio",
//device: "HDA Intel PCH CS4208 Analog",
enableFl: true, // (req)
label: "main", // (req) User label
userId: 0, // (opt) User id (can also be set at runtime)
framesPerCycle: 512, // (req) Samples per audio device cycle
cycleCnt: 3, // (req) Count of device cycle buffers.
inGroup: "main", // (opt) All devices in a group must be 'ready' to source
outGroup: "main", // (opt) or sink data before an audio callback is made for that group
socket: {
maxSocketCnt: 10,
recvBufByteCnt: 4096,
threadTimeOutMs: 50,
socketL: [],
flow: {
framesPerCycle: 64, // time-domain audio cycles frame per cycle
maxCycleCount: 15000, // 0 disables maxCycleCount
printNetworkFl: false, // print the network instance
printClassDictFl: false, // print the class description dictionary
no_spirio_network: {
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
ivory_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[1,1]}} }
vsl_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[0,0,1,1]}} }
// delay the incoming audio signal to sync it with the piano
sync_delay: { class: audio_delay, in: { in:vsl_in.out }, args:{ default:{ delayMs:0 } }}
mstr_wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:ivory_in.out }, args:{}}
// wet signal processing chain
wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mstr_wet_in_gain.out }, args:{}},
pva: { class: pv_analysis, in:{ in:wet_in_gain.out }, args:{ default:{ wndSmpN:512, hopSmpN:128, hzFl:false } } },
sd: { class: spec_dist, in:{ in:pva.out }, preset:kc },
pvs: { class: pv_synthesis, in:{ in:sd.out }, },
cmp: { class: compressor, in:{ in:pvs.out }, preset:kc },
wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:cmp.out }, args:{}},
mute_wet: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_out_gain.out }, args:{}},
// apply the wet/dry gain balance
wd_bal: { class: balance, args{}},
wet_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_out_gain.out, gain:wd_bal.out }, args:{}},
dry_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:vsl_in.out, gain:wd_bal.inv_out }, args:{}},
mstr_wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_bal_gain.out }, args:{}}
mstr_dry_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:dry_bal_gain.out }, args:{}},
// merge the wet/dry signals into a single 4 channel signal
merge0: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:mstr_dry_out_gain.out }, args:{} },
merge1: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:sync_delay.out }, args:{} },
//merge1: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:ivory_in.out, in1:vsl_in.out }, args:{} },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge1.out }, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
network: {
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
split_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[1,1]}} }
// delay the incoming audio signal to sync it with the piano
sync_delay { class: audio_delay, in: { in:split_in.out }, args:{ default:{ delayMs:400 } }}
mstr_wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:sync_delay.out }, args:{}}
// wet signal processing chain
wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mstr_wet_in_gain.out }, args:{}},
pva: { class: pv_analysis, in:{ in:wet_in_gain.out }, args:{ default:{ wndSmpN:512, hopSmpN:128, hzFl:false } } },
sd: { class: spec_dist, in:{ in:pva.out }, preset:kc },
pvs: { class: pv_synthesis, in:{ in:sd.out }, },
cmp: { class: compressor, in:{ in:pvs.out }, preset:kc },
wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:cmp.out }, args:{}},
mute_wet: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_out_gain.out }, args:{}},
// apply the wet/dry gain balance
wd_bal: { class: balance, args{}},
wet_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mute_wet.out, gain:wd_bal.out }, args:{}},
dry_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:sync_delay.out, gain:wd_bal.inv_out }, args:{}},
mstr_wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_bal_gain.out }, args:{}}
mstr_dry_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:dry_bal_gain.out }, args:{}},
// merge the wet/dry signals into a single 4 channel signal
merge: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:mstr_dry_out_gain.out }, args:{} },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge.out }, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
presets: {
dry: {
mute_wet: { gain:0 },
a: { sd:a, cmp:a, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
b: { sd:b, cmp:b, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
c: { sd:c, cmp:c, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
d: { sd:d, cmp:d, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f1: { sd:f_1, cmp:f_1, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f2: { sd:f_2, cmp:f_2, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f3: { sd:f_3, cmp:f_3, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f4: { sd:f_4, cmp:f_4, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
g: { sd:g, cmp:g, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
ga: { sd:g_a, cmp:g_a, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
g1a: { sd:g_1_a, cmp:g_1_a, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
g1d: { sd:g_1_d, cmp:g_1_d, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
test: {
flow_proc_dict: {
balance: {
vars: {
in: { type:real, value:0.5, doc:"Input vaue" },
out: { type:real, doc:"Ouput value. Same as input value."},
inv_out: { type:real, doc:"1.0 minus output value."}
audio_in: {
vars: {
dev_label: { type:string, doc:"Audio device label." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output" },
audio_out: {
vars: {
dev_label: { type:string, doc:"Audio device label." },
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." }
audioFileIn: {
vars: {
fname: { type:string, doc:"Audio file name." },
out:{ type:audio, doc:"Audio file output" },
eofFl:{ type:bool, eofFl: true, doc:"Set the system 'halt' flag when the audio is completely read."},
audioFileOut: {
vars: {
fname: { type:string, doc:"Audio file name." },
bits: { type:uint, value:32, doc:"Audio file word width. (8,16,24,32,0=float32)."},
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio file input." }
audio_gain: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
gain: { type:real, value:1.0, doc:"Gain coefficient." }
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
audio_split: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
select: { type:bool, doc:"Enable/Disable each channel" }
gain: { type:real, value:1.0, doc:"Audio gain for each selected (output) channel." }
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
mute_off: { gain:1 },
mute_on: { gain:0 },
audio_duplicate: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input."},
duplicate: { type: uint, doc:"Count of times to repeat this channel." },
gain: { type: real, value:1.0, doc:"Audio gain." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output containing repeat * input channel count channels."}
audio_merge: {
vars: {
in0: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"First audio input." },
in1: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Second audio input." },
gain: { type:real, value:1.0, doc:"Audio gain for each selected (output) channel." }
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output. Channel count is the sum of the input channel count." },
audio_mix: {
vars: {
in0: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"First audio input." },
in1: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Second audio input." },
gain0: { type:real, value:0.5, doc:"Audio gain for input 0." },
gain1: { type:real, value:0.5, doc:"Audio gain for input 1." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output. Channel count is the sum of the input channel count." },
audio_delay: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
maxDelayMs: { type:real, value:1000.0 doc:"Maximum possible delay in milliseconds." },
delayMs: { type:real, doc:"Delay in milliseconds." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
sine_tone: {
vars: {
srate: { type:real, value:48000.0, doc:"Sine tone sample rate."}
chCnt: { type:uint, value:2, doc:"Output signal channel count."},
hz: { type:real, value:440.0, doc:"Frequency in Hertz."},
gain: { type:real, value:0.8, doc:"Signal frequency."},
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output" },
presets: {
a: { hz:220 },
b: { hz:880 },
pv_analysis: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl:true, doc:"Audio input." },
hopSmpN: { type:uint, value: 128, doc:"Hop sample count." },
wndSmpN: { type:uint, value: 512, doc:"Window sample count." },
hzFl: { type:bool, value: false, doc:"Calculate frequency via the method of phase changeof each bin." },
out: { type:spectrum, doc:"Spectrum output." }
pv_synthesis: {
vars: {
in: { type:spectrum, srcFl:true, doc:"Spectrum input." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." }
spec_dist: {
vars: {
in: { type:spectrum, srcFl:true, doc:"Spectrum input." },
ceiling: { type:real, value: 30.0, doc:"Ceiling parameter."},
expo: { type:real, value: 2.0, doc:"Exponent parameter."},
thresh: { type:real, value: 54.0, doc:"Threshold parameter."},
upr: { type:real, value: -0.7, doc:"Upper slope parameter."},
lwr: { type:real, value: 2.0, doc:"Lower slope parameter."},
mix: { type:real, value: 0.0, doc:"Basic/Bump Mix parameter."},
out: { type:spectrum, doc:"Spectrum output." },
presets: {
dry: {
kc: {
ceiling: 20.0,
expo: 2.0,
thresh: 65.0,
upr: 0.0,
lwr: 2.0,
mix: 0.0
a: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 60.0
upr: [ -1.1, -0.99],
lwr: 2.0
mix: 0.0
b: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: [ 77.0, 74.0 ],
upr: -0.5
lwr: [ 3.0, 2.0 ],
mix: 0.0
c: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 80.0
upr: -0.5
lwr: 5.0
mix: 0.0
d: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 70.0
upr: [ -3.9, 04.5]
lwr: 4.0
mix: 0.0
f_1: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 50.0
upr: -3.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
f_2: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 60.0
upr: -3.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
f_3: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 55.0
upr: -3.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
f_4: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: 55.0
upr: -5.0
lwr: 1.0
mix: 0.0
g: {
ceiling: 40.0
expo: 8.0
thresh: [60.0 64.0]
upr: -0.7
lwr: 8.0
mix: 1.0
g_a: {
ceiling: 40.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: [50.0 54.0]
upr: -0.7
lwr: 2.0
mix: 1.0
g_1_a: {
ceiling: 20.0
expo: 2.0
thresh: [50.0 54.0]
upr: -0.7
lwr: 8.0
mix: 1.0
g_1_d: {
ceiling: [60.0 64.0]
expo: [ 7.0 5.0]
thresh: [40.0 34.0]
upr: [-0.4 -0.3]
lwr: [ 7.0 5.0]
mix: 1.0
compressor: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, srcFl: true, doc:"Audio input." },
bypass: { type:bool, value: false, doc:"Bypass the compressor."},
igain: { type:real, value: 1.0, doc:"Input gain."},
thresh: { type:real, value: 0.0, doc:"Attack threshold in dB."},
ratio: { type:real, value: 2.0, doc:"Compression ratio."},
atk_ms: { type:real, value: 20.0, doc:"Attack time in milliseconds."},
rls_ms: { type:real, value: 20.0, doc:"Release time in milliseconds."},
wnd_ms: { type:real, value: 200.0, doc:"RMS calc. window length in milliseconds."},
maxWnd_ms: { type:real, value: 1000.0, doc:"Maximim (allocated) window length in milliseconds."},
ogain: { type:real, value: 1.0, doc:"Output gain."},
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output." },
presets: {
dflt: {
igain: 3.0
thresh: 60.0
ratio: 5.0
atk_ms: 5.0
rls_ms: 20.0
ogain: 1.0
kc: {
bypass: false
igain: 3.0
thresh: 80.0
ratio: 2.0
atk_ms: 20.0
rls_ms: 1000.0
wnd_ms: 200.0
ogain: 1.0
dry: {
a: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
b: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 1.0
c: {
igain: 11.0
ogain: 1.0
d: {
igain: 9.0
ogain: 1.0
f_1: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
f_2: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
f_3: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
f_4: {
igain: 6.0
ogain: 1.0
g: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
g_a: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
g_1_a: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
g_1_d: {
igain: 10.0
ogain: 0.25
preset_sel: {
params: {
//score_fn: "~/src/currawong/projects/score_proc/data/play_file.csv",
score_fn: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/score/20220423/temp.csv",
record_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/preset_sel_fragments",
//record_fn: "preset_sel_20220423",
record_fn: "preset_sel_20220507",
record_fn_ext: "txt",
crossFadeSrate: 48000.0, // TODO: move to flow cfg. and set via 'system default sample rate'
crossFadeCount: 3,
presets: {
preset_labelL: [ "dry", "a", "b", "c", "d", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "g", "ga", "g1a", "g1d" ],
default_gain: 1.0,
default_wet_dry_gain: 0.5,
default_fade_ms: 500.0,
default_preset: "dry",
default_master_wet_in_gain: 1.0,
default_master_wet_out_gain: 1.0,
default_master_dry_gain: 1.0,
default_master_sync_delay_ms: 0, // spirio 400
midi_play_record: {
max_midi_msg_count: 32768,
midi_timer_period_micro_sec: 15000,
all_off_delay_ms: 2500, // delay after stop time to turn off all notes
log_in_flag: false,
log_out_flag: false,
half_pedal_flag: false,
midi_device_list: [
// piano
enableFl: true,
//midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
//midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 1",
midi_out_device: "Scarlett 18i20 USB",
midi_out_port: "Scarlett 18i20 USB MIDI 1",
//midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event",
//midi_out_port: "input",
// pedal down velocity input/output mapping
pedal: {
down_id: 127,
down_vel: 75,
half_down_id: 64,
half_down_vel: 43,
half_up_id: 63,
half_up_vel: 43
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
// spirio vel_table: [ 1, 4, 10, 12, 12, 18, 24, 24, 30, 36, 36, 44, 48, 52, 58, 64, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94,100,106,112 ]
vel_table: [ 1, 5 10, 16, 21, 26, 32, 37, 42, 48, 53, 58, 64, 69, 74, 80, 85, 90, 96,101,106,112,117,122,127 ] ,
enableFl: true,
//midi_out_device: "Fastlane",
//midi_out_port: "Fastlane MIDI A",
midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 2",
//midi_out_device: "PC-300",
//midi_out_port: "PC-300 MIDI 1",
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 34
vel_table: [ 1, 4, 10, 12, 12, 18, 24, 24, 30, 36, 36, 44, 48, 52, 58, 64, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94,100,106,112 ]
//vel_table: [ 1, 5 10, 16, 21, 26, 32, 37, 42, 48, 53, 58, 64, 69, 74, 80, 85, 90, 96,101,106,112,117,122,127 ] ,
//{ midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event", midi_out_port: "input" },
frag_panel: {
panel: {
name: fragPanelId
addClassName: fragPanel
row: {
name: fragPanelRowId
addClassName: fragPanelRow
col: {
numb_disp: { name: fragBegLocId, title:"Beg Loc", value: 0 },
numb_disp: { name: fragEndLocId, title:"End Loc", value: 0 },
number: { name: fragInGainId, title:"In Gain", min:0.0, max:100.0, step:0.1, decpl:1 },
number: { name: fragOutGainId, title:"Out Gain", min:0.0, max:100.0, step:0.1, decpl:1 },
col: {
row: {
name: fragPresetRowId,
addClassName: fragPresetRow,
row: {
string: { name: fragNoteId, addClassName: fragNote, title:"Note" },
col: {
number:{ name: fragWetDryGainId, title:"Wet/Dry", min:0.0, max:1.0, step:0.1, decpl:2 },
number:{ name: fragFadeOutMsId, title:"Fade Ms", min:0.0, max:5000, step:1, decpl:0 },
row: {
button:{ name: fragPlaySeqBtnId, title:"Play Seq" },
button:{ name: fragPlayAllBtnId, title:"Play All" },
col: {
number: { name: fragBegPlayLocId, title:"Begin", min:0, max:1000000, step:1, decpl:0 },
number: { name: fragEndPlayLocId, title:"End", min:0, max:1000000, step:1, decpl:0 },
button: { name: fragPlayBtnId, title:"Play" }
ui: {
physRootDir: "~/src/cwtest/src/libcw/html/preset_sel",
dfltPageFn: "index.html",
port: 5687,
rcvBufByteN: 2048,
xmtBufByteN: 2048,
fmtBufByteN: 4096,
websockTimeOutMs: 50, // max time out while blocking for a websock event
uiCfgFn: "ui.cfg" // default UI resource description
serial: {
pollPeriodMs: 50,
recvBufByteN: 512,
array: [
enable_flag: false,
label: "port1", // User label
device: "/dev/ttyUSB0", // Serial device name
baud: 115200,
bits: 8,
stop: 1,
parity: "no",
midi: {
parserBufByteN: 1024,
audio: {
meterMs: 50, // audio meter filter length and meter callback period
threadTimeOutMs: 50, // audio thread cond var time out
groupL: [
enableFl: true, // (req)
label: "main", // (req) User label
id: 0, // (req) User id (can also be set at runtime)
srate: 48000, // (req) Sample rate used by all devices in this group
dspFrameCnt: 64 // (req) Size of DSP processing buffers
deviceL: [
// System device name
device: "Scarlett 18i20 USB USB Audio",
//device: "USB Audio CODEC USB Audio",
//device: "HDA Intel PCH CS4208 Analog",
enableFl: true, // (req)
label: "main", // (req) User label
userId: 0, // (opt) User id (can also be set at runtime)
framesPerCycle: 512, // (req) Samples per audio device cycle
cycleCnt: 3, // (req) Count of device cycle buffers.
inGroup: "main", // (opt) All devices in a group must be 'ready' to source
outGroup: "main", // (opt) or sink data before an audio callback is made for that group
socket: {
maxSocketCnt: 10,
recvBufByteCnt: 4096,
threadTimeOutMs: 50,
socketL: [],
flow: {
framesPerCycle: 64, // time-domain audio cycles frame per cycle
maxCycleCount: 15000, // 0 disables maxCycleCount
printNetworkFl: false, // print the network instance
printClassDictFl: false, // print the class description dictionary
no_spirio_network: {
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
ivory_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[1,1]}} }
vsl_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[0,0,1,1]}} }
// delay the incoming audio signal to sync it with the piano
sync_delay: { class: audio_delay, in: { in:vsl_in.out }, args:{ default:{ delayMs:0 } }}
mstr_wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:ivory_in.out }, args:{}}
// wet signal processing chain
wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mstr_wet_in_gain.out }, args:{}},
pva: { class: pv_analysis, in:{ in:wet_in_gain.out }, args:{ default:{ wndSmpN:512, hopSmpN:128, hzFl:false } } },
sd: { class: spec_dist, in:{ in:pva.out }, preset:kc },
pvs: { class: pv_synthesis, in:{ in:sd.out }, },
cmp: { class: compressor, in:{ in:pvs.out }, preset:kc },
wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:cmp.out }, args:{}},
mute_wet: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_out_gain.out }, args:{}},
// apply the wet/dry gain balance
wd_bal: { class: balance, args{}},
wet_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_out_gain.out, gain:wd_bal.out }, args:{}},
dry_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:vsl_in.out, gain:wd_bal.inv_out }, args:{}},
mstr_wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_bal_gain.out }, args:{}}
mstr_dry_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:dry_bal_gain.out }, args:{}},
// merge the wet/dry signals into a single 4 channel signal
merge0: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:mstr_dry_out_gain.out }, args:{} },
merge1: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:sync_delay.out }, args:{} },
//merge1: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:ivory_in.out, in1:vsl_in.out }, args:{} },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge1.out }, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
network: {
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
split_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[1,1]}} }
// delay the incoming audio signal to sync it with the piano
sync_delay { class: audio_delay, in: { in:split_in.out }, args:{ default:{ delayMs:400 } }}
mstr_wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:sync_delay.out }, args:{}}
// wet signal processing chain
wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mstr_wet_in_gain.out }, args:{}},
pva: { class: pv_analysis, in:{ in:wet_in_gain.out }, args:{ default:{ wndSmpN:512, hopSmpN:128, hzFl:false } } },
sd: { class: spec_dist, in:{ in:pva.out }, preset:kc },
pvs: { class: pv_synthesis, in:{ in:sd.out }, },
cmp: { class: compressor, in:{ in:pvs.out }, preset:kc },
wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:cmp.out }, args:{}},
mute_wet: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_out_gain.out }, args:{}},
// apply the wet/dry gain balance
wd_bal: { class: balance, args{}},
wet_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mute_wet.out, gain:wd_bal.out }, args:{}},
dry_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:sync_delay.out, gain:wd_bal.inv_out }, args:{}},
mstr_wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_bal_gain.out }, args:{}}
mstr_dry_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:dry_bal_gain.out }, args:{}},
// merge the wet/dry signals into a single 4 channel signal
merge: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:mstr_dry_out_gain.out }, args:{} },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge.out }, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
presets: {
dry: {
mute_wet: { gain:0 },
a: { sd:a, cmp:a, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
b: { sd:b, cmp:b, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
c: { sd:c, cmp:c, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
d: { sd:d, cmp:d, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f1: { sd:f_1, cmp:f_1, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f2: { sd:f_2, cmp:f_2, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f3: { sd:f_3, cmp:f_3, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
f4: { sd:f_4, cmp:f_4, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
g: { sd:g, cmp:g, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
ga: { sd:g_a, cmp:g_a, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
g1a: { sd:g_1_a, cmp:g_1_a, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } },
g1d: { sd:g_1_d, cmp:g_1_d, mute_wet:{ gain:1 } }
@ -1301,10 +1301,12 @@
params: {
params: {
//score_fn: "~/src/currawong/projects/score_proc/data/play_file.csv",
//score_fn: "~/src/currawong/projects/score_proc/data/play_file.csv",
score_fn: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/score/20220423/temp.csv",
score_fn: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/score/20220423/temp.csv",
//score_fn: "~/src/currawong/audio/workshop/beck1/record_4/play_score.csv",
record_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/preset_sel_fragments",
record_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/preset_sel/preset_sel_fragments",
//record_fn: "preset_sel_20220423",
//record_fn: "preset_sel_20220423",
record_fn: "preset_sel_20220507",
record_fn: "preset_sel_20220507",
//record_fn: "temp_frag",
record_fn_ext: "txt",
record_fn_ext: "txt",
@ -1366,16 +1368,17 @@
enableFl: true,
enableFl: true,
midi_out_device: "Fastlane",
//midi_out_device: "Fastlane",
midi_out_port: "Fastlane MIDI A",
//midi_out_port: "Fastlane MIDI A",
//midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
//midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 2",
midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 2",
//midi_out_device: "PC-300",
//midi_out_device: "PC-300",
//midi_out_port: "PC-300 MIDI 1",
//midi_out_port: "PC-300 MIDI 1",
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 34
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 34
vel_table: [ 1, 5 10, 16, 21, 26, 32, 37, 42, 48, 53, 58, 64, 69, 74, 80, 85, 90, 96,101,106,112,117,122,127 ] ,
vel_table: [ 1, 4, 10, 12, 12, 18, 24, 24, 30, 36, 36, 44, 48, 52, 58, 64, 64, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94,100,106,112 ]
//vel_table: [ 1, 5 10, 16, 21, 26, 32, 37, 42, 48, 53, 58, 64, 69, 74, 80, 85, 90, 96,101,106,112,117,122,127 ] ,
//{ midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event", midi_out_port: "input" },
//{ midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event", midi_out_port: "input" },
@ -1514,7 +1517,7 @@
network: {
no_spirio_network: {
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
@ -1524,9 +1527,9 @@
vsl_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[0,0,1,1]}} }
vsl_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[0,0,1,1]}} }
// delay the incoming audio signal to sync it with the piano
// delay the incoming audio signal to sync it with the piano
sync_delay: { class: audio_delay, in: { in:ivory_in.out }, args:{ default:{ delayMs:0 } }}
sync_delay: { class: audio_delay, in: { in:vsl_in.out }, args:{ default:{ delayMs:0 } }}
mstr_wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:vsl_in.out }, args:{}}
mstr_wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:ivory_in.out }, args:{}}
// wet signal processing chain
// wet signal processing chain
wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mstr_wet_in_gain.out }, args:{}},
wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mstr_wet_in_gain.out }, args:{}},
@ -1552,11 +1555,12 @@
merge0: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:mstr_dry_out_gain.out }, args:{} },
merge0: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:mstr_dry_out_gain.out }, args:{} },
merge1: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:sync_delay.out }, args:{} },
merge1: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:sync_delay.out }, args:{} },
//merge1: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:ivory_in.out, in1:vsl_in.out }, args:{} },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge1.out }, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge1.out }, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
spirio_network: {
network: {
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
// select the first two channels (this reduces the channel count if there are more than 2 incoming channels)
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user