test/main.cfg : Initial commit. (Moved here from main.cfg).
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
test: {
test: {
base_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/test",
// Notes:
// 0. Add a new test:
// - Create a function like this: rc_t my_test_func(const test_args_t& args);
// - Add the module name, function pair to the `_test_map[]` in cwTest.cpp.
// - Add an entry to the test parameters cfg. below.
// + Name the test case (e.g. `test_0`) and give the test parameters.
// + On the call to my_test_func() the args.module_args is set to the 'module_args' dictionary defined in the cfg.
// + Likewise args.test_args is set to the 'test_args' dictionary referenced by the test name label 'e.g. test_0:{ my_arg:1 }'.
// - Run the test like this: `cwtest test/main.cfg test /my_module test_0 echo` to see the results of the test run.
// The results of this run will be written into /cur/my_test/test_0/log.txt
// - Once the results have been validated copy the output from 'cur' to the `/ref/my_test/test_0/log.txt.`
// - Verify that the test passes: `cwtest test/main.cfg test /my_module test_0 compare`
// 1. The test spec. is recursive. Modules can be listed
// inside of modules. (e.g. 'lex' and 'flow').
// 2. If a module spec. does not have an embedded
// 'module' or 'module_args' then the cases may
// be listed without a 'cases' label.
// (e.g. 'filesys','object', 'vop')
// 3. Command line args:
// <module_path> | 'all' (required) The module path always begins with a '/'.
// <test_label> | 'all' (required)
// 'gen_report' Print modulue/test label.
// 'compare' Run compare pass.
// 'echo' Print the generated test output to the console.
// 'args' All command line args after 'args' are passed to the tests.
// 4. Example command lines:
// r ~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/test/main.cfg test /lex test_0 compare
// r ~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/test/main.cfg test /flow test_0 compare
test: {
module_args: {}
modules: {
lex:{ module_args:{}, cases: { test_0:{} } },
filesys:{ test_0:{}},
object:{ basic:{}, to_json:{} },
vop:{ test_0:{} },
time:{ test_0:{} },
textBuf: { test_0:{} },
audioBuf:{ test_0:{} }
mtx:{ test_0: {
m0: [ [0,3], [1,4], [2,5] ],
m1: [ [0,1,2],[3,4,5] ],
m2: [ [[0,1],[2,3]], [[4,5],[6,7]], [[8,9],[10,11]] ],
m3: [ 0,1,2 ],
m4: [ [10,13], [11,14], [12,15] ],
y0: [ [5,14],[14,50] ],
y1: [ [9,12,15],[12,17,22],[15,22,29] ],
} },
flow_value:{ test_0:{} },
wt_bank: { test_0: {
audio_transform: { wnd_func:{}, ola:{}, shift_buf:{}, wt_osc:{}, wt_seq_osc:{}, multi_ch_wt_seq_osc:{} },
wt_note: { test_0:{} },
thread_tasks: { test_0:{} },
numeric_convert: { test_0:{} }
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