2024-05-11 Updates

This commit is contained in:
kevin 2024-05-11 18:02:20 -04:00
parent a8fa0b4de3
commit 2e700eb1ba
3 changed files with 427 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
test: {
preset_sel: {
params: {
score_fn: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/score/temp.csv",
perfDirL: [
vel_table: [
{ "device":"piano", "name":"spirio" }, // VSL uses Ivory vel table
{ "device":"sampler", "name":"ivory" }
vel_table: [
{ "device":"piano", "name":"spirio" }, // VSL uses Ivory vel table
{ "device":"sampler", "name":"ivory" }
record_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/gutim_full/preset_select",
record_fn: "m1_458_trans_5_scriabin_1",
record_fn_ext: "txt",
flow_proc_dict_fn: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/gutim_full/flow_proc_dict.cfg",
vel_table_fname: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/gutim_full/vel_table/vel_table_perf.json"
vel_table_backup_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/gutim_full/vel_table/backup"
//crossFadeSrate: 48000.0, // TODO: move to flow cfg. and set via 'system default sample rate'
crossFadeCount: 3,
beg_play_loc: 1, //0, //12431, // coda 11499,
end_play_loc: 16354, //59, //14726, // coda 12426,
live_mode_fl: false,
dflt_perf_label: "beck_1_5",
run_dur_secs: 0,
enable_recording_fl: false,
midi_record_dir: "~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/gutim_full/midi_record",
midi_record_folder: "shiau_uen",
sf_reset_loc: 1,
score_follower: {
enable_flag: false,
score_csv_fname: "/home/kevin/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/gutim_full/temp.csv",
search_area_locN: 10,
key_wnd_locN: 7,
track_print_fl: false, // print output from the sfTrack unit
track_results_backtrack_fl: false,
dyn_ref: [
{ mark: "silent", level:0, vel:1 },
{ mark:"pppp-", level:1, vel:3 },
{ mark:"pppp", level:2, vel:5 },
{ mark:"pppp+", level:3, vel:7 },
{ mark:"ppp-", level:4, vel:10 },
{ mark:"ppp", level:5, vel:15 },
{ mark:"ppp+", level:6, vel:20 },
{ mark:"pp-", level:7, vel:25 },
{ mark:"pp", level:8, vel:30 },
{ mark:"pp+", level:9, vel:35 },
{ mark:"p-", level:10, vel:40 },
{ mark:"p", level:11, vel:45 },
{ mark:"p+", level:12, vel:50 },
{ mark:"mp-", level:13, vel:55 },
{ mark:"mp", level:14, vel:60 },
{ mark:"mp+", level:15, vel:65 },
{ mark:"mf-", level:16, vel:70 },
{ mark:"mf", level:17, vel:75 },
{ mark:"mf+", level:18, vel:80 },
{ mark:"f-", level:19, vel:85 },
{ mark:"f", level:20, vel:90 },
{ mark:"f+", level:21, vel:95 },
{ mark:"ff", level:22, vel:100 },
{ mark:"ff+", level:23, vel:105 },
{ mark:"fff", level:24, vel:115 },
{ mark:"fff+", level:25, vel:120 },
{ mark:"ffff", level:26, vel:125 },
presets: {
preset_labelL: [ "dry", "a", "b", "c", "d", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "g", "ga", "g1a", "g1d" ],
alt_labelL: [ "A","B","C","D","E","F","G" ],
default_gain: 1.0,
default_wet_dry_gain: 0.5,
default_fade_ms: 50.0,
default_preset: "dry",
default_master_wet_in_gain: 1.0,
default_master_wet_out_gain: 1.0,
default_master_dry_gain: 1.0,
default_master_sync_delay_ms: 400, // spirio 400
midi_play_record: {
max_midi_msg_count: 32768,
midi_timer_period_micro_sec: 15000,
all_off_delay_ms: 2500, // delay after stop time to turn off all notes
log_in_flag: false,
log_out_flag: false,
half_pedal_flag: false,
min_damper_down_time_ms: 0,
midi_device_list: [
enableFl: true,
label: "sampler",
//midi_out_device: "Fastlane",
//midi_out_port: "Fastlane MIDI B",
//midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
//midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 1",
midi_out_device: "Scarlett 18i20 USB",
midi_out_port: "Scarlett 18i20 USB MIDI 1",
//midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event",
//midi_out_port: "input",
force_damper_down_fl: false,
force_damper_down_threshold: 35,
force_damper_down_velocity: 80,
scale_chord_notes_enable_fl: false,
scale_chord_notes_factor: 0.05,
enableFl: true,
label: "piano",
//midi_out_device: "Fastlane",
//midi_out_port: "Fastlane MIDI A",
//midi_out_device: "MIDIFACE 2x2",
//midi_out_port: "MIDIFACE 2x2 Midi Out 2",
midi_out_device: "iRig MIDI 2",
midi_out_port: "iRig MIDI 2 MIDI 1",
//midi_out_device: "PC-300",
//midi_out_port: "PC-300 MIDI 1",
//midi_out_device: "PipeWire-RT-Event",
//midi_out_port: "input",
// pedal down velocity input/output mapping
pedal: {
up_id: 0,
up_vel: 0,
down_id: 127,
down_vel: 0,
half_down_id: 64,
half_down_vel: 43,
half_up_id: 63,
half_up_vel: 43
force_damper_down_fl: false,
force_damper_down_threshold: 35,
force_damper_down_velocity: 80,
scale_chord_notes_enable_fl: false,
scale_chord_notes_factor: 0.5,
io: {
callbackMutexTimeOutMs: 100,
ui: {
enableFl: true,
physRootDir: "~/src/cwtest/src/libcw/html/preset_sel",
dfltPageFn: "index.html",
port: 5687,
rcvBufByteN: 2048,
xmtBufByteN: 2048,
fmtBufByteN: 4096,
websockTimeOutMs: 25, // max time out while blocking for a websock event
queueBlkCnt: 8,
queueBlkByteCnt: 32768,
idleMsgPeriodMs: 50, // period without messages before an idle message is generated
uiCfgFn: "ui.cfg", // default UI resource description
asyncFl: false
serial: {
enableFl: false,
pollPeriodMs: 50,
recvBufByteN: 512,
array: [
enableFl: false,
asyncFl: false,
label: "port1", // User label
device: "/dev/ttyUSB0", // Serial device name
baud: 115200,
bits: 8,
stop: 1,
parity: "no",
midi: {
enableFl: true,
asyncFl: true,
parseBufByteCnt: 1024,
appNameStr: "cwtest",
fileDevName: "file_dev",
fileDevReadAheadMicros: 3000,
testFileLabel: "file_0",
testFileEnableFl: false
file_ports: [
{ "label":"file_0",
//"file": "/home/kevin/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/gutim_full/data1/beck1/record_4/midi.mid",
"enable_fl": false },
audio: {
enableFl: true,
meterMs: 50, // audio meter filter length and meter callback period
threadTimeOutMs: 50, // audio thread cond var time out
groupL: [
enableFl: true, // (req)
asyncFl: true,
label: "main", // (req) User label
id: 0, // (req) User id (can also be set at runtime)
srate: 48000, // (req) Sample rate used by all devices in this group
dspFrameCnt: 64 // (req) Size of DSP processing buffers
deviceL: [
// System device name
device: "Scarlett 18i20 USB USB Audio",
//device: "USB Audio CODEC USB Audio",
//device: "HDA Intel PCH CS4208 Analog",
activeFl: true, // (req)
meterFl: true, // (opt)
label: "main", // (req) User label
userId: 0, // (opt) User id (can also be set at runtime)
framesPerCycle: 512, // (req) Samples per audio device cycle
cycleCnt: 3, // (req) Count of device cycle buffers.
inGroup: "main", // (opt) All devices in a group must be 'ready' to source
outGroup: "main", // (opt) or sink data before an audio callback is made for that group
socket: {
enableFl: false,
asyncFl: false,
maxSocketCnt: 10,
recvBufByteCnt: 4096,
threadTimeOutMs: 50,
socketL: [],
flow: {
framesPerCycle: 64, // time-domain audio cycles frame per cycle (must match audio 'dspFrameCnt')
multiPriPresetProbFl: false, // Use probability to select primary multi-preset
multiSecPresetProbFl: false, // Use probability to select secondary multi-preset
multiPresetInterpFl: false, // Interpolate between two selected multi-presets
maxCycleCount: 0, // 0 disables maxCycleCount
printNetworkFl: false, // print the network instance
printClassDictFl: false, // print the class description dictionary
network: {
aud_in: { class: audio_in, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
// select the first six channels: ivory, mic, vsl
split_in: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:aud_in.out } args:{ default:{select[1,1,1,1,1,1 ]}} }
// delay the incoming audio signal to sync it with the piano
sync_delay { class: audio_delay, in: { in:split_in.out }, args:{ default:{ delayMs:400 } }}
// select the first two channels to feed into the transform
sync_split: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:sync_delay.out } args:{ default:{select[1,1]}} }
mstr_wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:sync_split.out } }
// wet signal processing chain
wet_in_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mstr_wet_in_gain.out } },
pva: { class: pv_analysis, in:{ in:wet_in_gain.out }, args:{ default:{ wndSmpN:512, hopSmpN:128, hzFl:false } } },
sd: { class: spec_dist, in:{ in:pva.out }, preset:kc, args:{ bypass:false } },
pvs: { class: pv_synthesis, in:{ in:sd.out } },
cmp: { class: compressor, in:{ in:pvs.out }, preset:kc, args:{ bypass:false } },
wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:cmp.out } },
//wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:pvs.out } },
mute_wet: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_out_gain.out } },
// apply the wet/dry gain balance
wd_bal: { class: balance, args{}},
wet_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:mute_wet.out, gain:wd_bal.out } },
dry_bal_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:sync_split.out, gain:wd_bal.inv_out } },
mstr_wet_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:wet_bal_gain.out } }
mstr_dry_out_gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:dry_bal_gain.out } },
// merge the wet/dry signals into a single 4 channel signal
merge: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:mstr_dry_out_gain.out, in2:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in3:mstr_dry_out_gain.out } },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge.out }, args:{ default:{dev_label:"main"} } },
//af_merge { class: audio_merge, in:{ in0:mstr_wet_out_gain.out, in1:sync_delay.out } },
//af_out: { class: audioFileOut, in:{ in:af_merge.out }, args:{ default:{fname:"/home/kevin/temp/temp.wav"}}},
presets: {
dry: { pva:dry, sd:dry, cmp:dry, mute_wet:{ gain:0.0 } },
a: { pva:a, sd:a, cmp:a, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
b: { pva:b, sd:b, cmp:b, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
c: { pva:c, sd:c, cmp:c, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
d: { pva:d, sd:d, cmp:d, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
f1: { pva:f_1, sd:f_1, cmp:f_1, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
f2: { pva:f_2, sd:f_2, cmp:f_2, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
f3: { pva:f_3, sd:f_3, cmp:f_3, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
f4: { pva:f_4, sd:f_4, cmp:f_4, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
g: { pva:g, sd:g, cmp:g, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
ga: { pva:g_a sd:g_a, cmp:g_a, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
g1a: { pva:g_1_a sd:g_1_a, cmp:g_1_a, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } },
g1d: { pva:g_1_d sd:g_1_d, cmp:g_1_d, mute_wet:{ gain:1.0 } }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def parse_scriabin( ifn ):
return noteL return noteL
def insert_scriabin( scoreL, noteL, src_label, insert_loc, insert_after_fl ): def insert_scriabin( scoreL, noteL, src_label, insert_loc, insert_after_fl, delta_sec ):
status_map = { 'non':144, 'nof':144, 'ped':176, 'ctl':176 } status_map = { 'non':144, 'nof':144, 'ped':176, 'ctl':176 }
type_map = { 'non':'non', 'nof':'nof', 'ped':'ctl', 'ctl':'ctl' } type_map = { 'non':'non', 'nof':'nof', 'ped':'ctl', 'ctl':'ctl' }
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def insert_scriabin( scoreL, noteL, src_label, insert_loc, insert_after_fl ):
for n in noteL: for n in noteL:
d = { f:None for f in fieldL } d = { f:None for f in fieldL }
dur_sec = max(dur_sec,n['sec']) dur_sec = max(dur_sec,n['sec'])
d['sec'] = offs_sec + n['sec'] d['sec'] = offs_sec + delta_sec + n['sec']
d['opcode'] = type_map[ n['type'].strip() ] d['opcode'] = type_map[ n['type'].strip() ]
d['status'] = status_map[n['type'].strip()] d['status'] = status_map[n['type'].strip()]
d['d0'] = n['d0'] d['d0'] = n['d0']
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def gen_reference( scoreL, out_dir, out_fn ):
f.write(s) f.write(s)
if r0 and (r0['src'] == 'gutim' and r['src'] != 'gutim'): if r0 and (r0['src'] == 'gutim' and r['src'] != 'gutim'):
print(r['src'],r['oloc'],end=" ") print(r['src'],r['oloc'],meas,end=" ")
if r0 and (r0['src'] != 'gutim' and r['src'] == 'gutim'): if r0 and (r0['src'] != 'gutim' and r['src'] == 'gutim'):
print(r0['oloc']) print(r0['oloc'])
@ -284,11 +284,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
score_fn = "data/score/20231028/temp.csv" score_fn = "data/score/20231028/temp.csv"
ref_fn = "ref.txt" ref_fn = "ref.txt"
out_fn = "temp_with_scriabin_0.csv" out_fn = "temp_with_scriabin_1.csv"
out_dir= "data/score_scriabin/20240428" out_dir= "data/score_scriabin/20240428"
in_preset_fn = "preset_select/m1_458_trans_5.txt" in_preset_fn = "preset_select/m1_458_trans_5.txt"
out_preset_fn = "preset_select/m1_458_trans_5_scriabin.txt" out_preset_fn = "preset_select/m1_458_trans_5_scriabin_1.txt"
score_fn = os.path.join(base_dir, score_fn) score_fn = os.path.join(base_dir, score_fn)
out_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, out_dir) out_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, out_dir)
@ -358,6 +358,44 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
{ "src":"65_3", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op65_3_molta_vivace.csv", "insert_loc": 13848, "after_fl":True, "ofn":"scriabin_65_3", "beg_loc":6740, "end_loc":6741 }, { "src":"65_3", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op65_3_molta_vivace.csv", "insert_loc": 13848, "after_fl":True, "ofn":"scriabin_65_3", "beg_loc":6740, "end_loc":6741 },
fileL = [
# *
{ "src":"74_1", "ifn":"scriabin_prelude_op74_1.csv", "insert_loc": 1229, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_op74_1", "beg_loc":417, "end_loc":418, "delta_sec":0.0 },
# *
{ "src":"74_2", "ifn":"scriabin_prelude_op74_2.csv", "insert_loc": 1867, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_op74_2", "beg_loc":638, "end_loc":639, "delta_sec":0.0 },
# *
{ "src":"74_4", "ifn":"scriabin_prelude_op74_4.csv", "insert_loc": 2909, "after_fl":True, "ofn":"scriabin_op74_4", "beg_loc":1010, "end_loc":1011, "delta_sec":0.0 },
# *
{ "src":"74_3", "ifn":"scriabin_prelude_op74_3.csv", "insert_loc": 4084, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_op74_3", "beg_loc":1383, "end_loc":1384, "delta_sec":0.0 },
#{ "src":"65_1", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op65_1_allegro fantastico.csv", "insert_loc": 6323, "after_fl":True, "ofn":"scriabin_65_1", "beg_loc":2763, "end_loc":2764, "delta_sec":0.0 },
{ "src":"65_1", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op65_1_allegro fantastico.csv", "insert_loc": 6376, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_65_1", "beg_loc":2804, "end_loc":2805, "delta_sec":0.0 },
# *
{ "src":"8_3", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op8_3_b_minor.csv", "insert_loc": 8450, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_8_3", "beg_loc":3832, "end_loc":3883, "delta_sec":0.0 },
# *
{ "src":"74_5", "ifn":"scriabin_prelude_op74_5.csv", "insert_loc": 9567, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_op74_5", "beg_loc":4470, "end_loc":4471, "delta_sec":0.0 },
# *
{ "src":"65_2", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op65_2_allegretto.csv", "insert_loc": 10789, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_65_2", "beg_loc":5440, "end_loc":5441, "delta_sec":0.0 },
# *
{ "src":"42_7", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op42_7_f_minor.csv", "insert_loc":12428, "after_fl":False, "ofn":"scriabin_42_7", "beg_loc":6043, "end_loc":6044, "delta_sec":0.0 },
#{ "src":"65_3", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op65_3_molta_vivace.csv", "insert_loc": 13848, "after_fl":True, "ofn":"scriabin_65_3", "beg_loc":6740, "end_loc":6741, "delta_sec":0.0 },
{ "src":"65_3", "ifn":"scriabin_etude_op65_3_molta_vivace.csv", "insert_loc": 13953, "after_fl":True, "ofn":"scriabin_65_3", "beg_loc":6780, "end_loc":6781, "delta_sec":0.0 },
] ]
scoreL = parse_score(score_fn) scoreL = parse_score(score_fn)
@ -370,7 +408,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
noteL = parse_scriabin(f['ifn']) noteL = parse_scriabin(f['ifn'])
scoreL = insert_scriabin(scoreL, noteL, f['src'], f['insert_loc'], f['after_fl'] ) scoreL = insert_scriabin(scoreL, noteL, f['src'], f['insert_loc'], f['after_fl'], f['delta_sec'] )
assign_loc(scoreL) assign_loc(scoreL)