cmtools is a collection of utilities for generating and processing machine readable musical scores based on MusicXML, MIDI and other data files.
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara. 5.2KB

  1. #
  2. # Use "autoreconf --force --install" to update depedent files after changing
  3. # this or any of the files.
  4. #
  5. AC_INIT([cmtools],[1.0],[])
  6. AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) # put aux files in build-aux
  7. AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 -Wall foreign subdir-objects]) # subdir-objects needed for non-recursive make
  8. AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/cmtools/cmtools.c])
  9. AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h])
  11. AM_PROG_AR
  12. LT_INIT
  13. # Check for programs
  14. AC_PROG_CC
  16. # AC_PROG_RANLIB # required for static librarires
  17. AM_PROG_CC_C_O
  18. # Checks for libraries.
  19. # AC_CHECK_LIB([cairo],[cairo_debug_reset_static_data],[AC_MSG_RESULT([The 'cairo' library was found.])],[AC_MSG_ERROR([The 'cairo' library was not found.])])
  20. #TODO: add more library checks
  21. # Checks for header files.
  22. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([arpa/inet.h fcntl.h float.h limits.h mach/mach.h netinet/in.h stdlib.h string.h sys/ioctl.h sys/socket.h sys/time.h termios.h unistd.h])
  23. # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
  28. AC_TYPE_UINT64_T
  29. # Checks for library functions.
  36. AC_CHECK_FUNCS([clock_gettime floor memmove memset mkdir pow rint select socket sqrt strcasecmp strchr strcspn strerror strspn strstr strtol])
  37. # check for he prerequisite libraries
  38. AC_CHECK_LIB([fftw3],[fftw_malloc],[AC_MSG_RESULT([The 'FFTW' library was found.])],[AC_MSG_ERROR([The 'FFTW' library was not found.])])
  39. AC_CHECK_LIB([asound],[snd_asoundlib_version],[AC_MSG_RESULT([The 'ALSA' library was found.])],[AC_MSG_ERROR([The 'ALSA' library was not found.])])
  40. # The following is a custom macro in ./m4/os_type.m4
  41. # be sure to also set "ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4" in ./
  42. # Defines the config.h variable OS_LINUX or OS_OSX
  44. AX_FUNC_OS_64
  45. # ac_cv_os_type is set by AX_FUNC_OS_TYPE
  46. AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_LINUX],[test x"${ax_cv_os_type}" = xLinux])
  47. AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_OSX],[test x"${ax_cv_os_type}" = xDarwin])
  48. echo "OS='${ax_cv_os_type}'"
  49. AM_CONDITIONAL([OS_64],[test x"${ax_cv_os_64}" == xx86_64])
  50. echo "ptr width='${ax_cv_os_64}'"
  51. # check if a request has been made to build libcm
  52. AC_ARG_ENABLE([build_libcm],
  53. [ --enable-build_libcm libcm is included in the local source tree],
  54. [case "${enableval}" in
  55. yes) build_libcm=true ;;
  56. no) build_libcm=false ;;
  57. *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-build_libcm]) ;;
  58. esac],[build_libcm=false])
  59. # check if a nested copy of libcm exists in /src/libcm
  60. AC_CHECK_FILE([${srcdir}/src/libcm/src/cmGlobal.h],[local_libcm=true],[local_libcm=false])
  61. echo "local_libcm=${local_libcm}"
  62. echo "build_libcm=${build_libcm}"
  63. # set BUILD_LIBCM if a libcm build request was set and a nested copy of libcm exists
  64. AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_LIBCM], [test x$build_libcm = xtrue -a x$local_libcm = xtrue ])
  65. # enable debug
  66. AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug],
  67. [ --enable-debug Turn on debugging],
  68. [case "${enableval}" in
  69. yes) debug=true ;;
  70. no) debug=false ;;
  71. *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-debug]) ;;
  72. esac],[debug=false])
  73. echo "debug=${debug}"
  74. AM_CONDITIONAL([DEBUG], [test x$debug = xtrue])
  75. if test x$debug = xfalse; then
  76. AC_DEFINE([NDEBUG], 1,[Debugging off.])
  77. fi
  78. # enable the use of Atlas library
  79. AC_ARG_ENABLE([vectop],
  80. [ --enable-vectop Turn on use of Lapack and Atlas vector/matrix operations. ],
  81. [case "${enableval}" in
  82. yes) vectop=true ;;
  83. no) vectop=false ;;
  84. *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-vectop]) ;;
  85. esac],[vectop=true])
  86. echo "vectop=${vectop}"
  87. # if --enable-vectop then #define CM_VECTOP = 1 in config.h otherwise CM_VECTOP is undefined.
  88. if test x"$vectop" = xtrue; then
  89. AC_DEFINE([CM_VECTOP], 1,[Use Lapack and Atlas.])
  90. fi
  91. # enable memory alignment
  92. AC_ARG_ENABLE([memalign],
  93. [ --enable-memalign Turn on memory alignment on dynamic memory allocations. ],
  94. [case "${enableval}" in
  95. yes) memalign=true ;;
  96. no) memalign=false ;;
  97. *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-memalign]) ;;
  98. esac],[memalign=true])
  99. echo "memalign=${memalign}"
  100. # if --enable-vectop then #define CM_MEMALIGN = 1 in config.h otherwise CM_MEMALIGN is undefined.
  101. if test x"$memalign" = xtrue; then
  102. AC_DEFINE([CM_MEMALIGN], 1,[Turn on dynamic memory alignment.])
  103. fi
  104. # enable sonic arts code inclusion
  105. AC_ARG_ENABLE([sonicart],
  106. [ --enable-sonicart Enable use of Sonic Arts proprietary code. ],
  107. [case "${enableval}" in
  108. yes) sonicart=true ;;
  109. no) sonicart=false ;;
  110. *) AC_MSG_ERROR([bad value ${enableval} for --enable-sonicart]) ;;
  111. esac],[sonicart=false])
  112. echo "sonicart=${sonicart}"
  113. # if --enable-sonicart then #define CM_SONICART = 1 in config.h otherwise CM_SONICART is undefined.
  114. if test x"$sonicart" = xtrue; then
  115. AC_DEFINE([CM_SONICART], 1,[Include Sonic Arts proprietry code.])
  116. fi
  117. AM_CONDITIONAL([INC_SONICART], [test x$sonicart = xtrue])
  118. AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile ])
  119. # if local nested libcm then do recursive configure into subdirs
  120. if test x$build_libcm = xtrue -a x$local_libcm = xtrue; then
  121. AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([src/libcm])
  122. fi
  123. AC_OUTPUT