cmtools is a collection of utilities for generating and processing machine readable musical scores based on MusicXML, MIDI and other data files.
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  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. curdir=`pwd`
  3. cd ../../..
  4. autoreconf --force --install
  5. cd ${curdir}
  6. # To Profile w/ gprof:
  7. # 1) Modify configure: ./configure --disable-shared CFLAGS="-pg"
  8. # 2) Run the program. ./foo
  9. # 3) Run gprof /libtool --mode=execute gprof ./foo
  10. ../../../configure --prefix=${curdir} \
  11. CFLAGS="-Wall" \
  12. CXXFLAGS="-Wall" \
  13. CPPFLAGS= \
  14. LDFLAGS= \
  15. LIBS=
  16. #make
  17. #make install