cmtools is a collection of utilities for generating and processing machine readable musical scores based on MusicXML, MIDI and other data files.
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kevin 2f85922294 : Added common error messages.
cmtoools.c : Changed character flag for 'damperRptFl' to 'u'.
2020-08-04 11:19:08 -04:00
build Initial commit 2020-07-30 10:26:58 -04:00
doc : Added common error messages. 2020-08-04 11:19:08 -04:00
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src/cmtools : Added common error messages. 2020-08-04 11:19:08 -04:00
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fftw fftw-devel atlas atlas-devel alsa-lib alsa-lib-devel fltk fltk-devel

In the 'template generation' mode the program generates a text file that contains information of interest from the MusicXML file. We refer to the text file as the as the 'decoration' file because it allows the score to be further decorated by adding additional information to the score.

In the 'escore generation' mode the program outputs a data file in CSV format which contains the score in a format which is conveniently readable by a score matching program. The program also generates a MIDI file which allows the clarified score to be rendered with a sampler. An additional SVG (scalable vector graphics) file is generated which shows the score in piano roll form along with any problems that the program may have had during the conversion process.

cmtool --score_gen -x <xml_file> -d <dec_fn> {-c <csvOutFn>} {-m <midiOutFn>} {-s <svgOutFn>} {-r report} {-b begMeasNumb} {t begTempoBPM}

Enumerated group: Action selector 

    -S --score_gen  
    Run the score generation tool.

    -T --timeline_gen  
    Run the time line generation tool.

    -M --meas  
    Generate perfomance measurements.

-x --xml_fn <filename> 
    Name of the input MusicXML file.

-d --dec_fn <filename> 
    Name of a score decoration file.

-c --csv_fn <filename> 
    Name of a CSV score file.

-p --pgm_rsrc_fn <filename> 
    Name of program resource file.

-m --midi_out_fn <filename> 
    Name of a MIDI file to generate as output.

-i --midi_in_fn <filename> 
    Name of a MIDI file to generate as output.

-s --svg_fn <filename> 
    Name of a HTML/SVG file to generate as output.

-t --timeline_fn <filename> 
    Name of a timeline to generate as output.

-r --report_fn <filename> 
    Name of a status file to generate as output.

-f --debug_fl  (required)
    Print a report of the score following processing.

-b --beg_meas <int> 
    The first measure the to be written to the output CSV, MIDI and SVG files.

-e --beg_bpm <int> 
    Set to 0 to use the tempo from the score otherwise set to use the tempo at begMeasNumb.
-n --svg_stand_alone_fl 
    Write the SVG output with an HTML wrapper.

-z --svg_pan_zoom_fl
    Include the SVG pan-zoom control (--svg_stand_alone must also be enabled)

-h --help  
    Print this usage information.

-v --version  
    Print version information.

Score Following and Timeline Marker Generator

Perform score following based tasks. Generate the time line marker information used by the performance program resource file.

cmtool --score_follow -c <csv_score_fn> -i <midi_in_fn> -r <report_fn> -s <svg_out_fn> -m <midi_out_fn> -t <timeline_fn>

If <midi_out_fn> is given then the a copy of <midi_in_fn> will be created with note velocities and sostenuto pedal events from the score.

Score match report output snippet:

  Score Score Score MIDI  MIDI MIDI
  Bar   UUID  Pitch UUID  Ptch Vel.
- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ----
m     1     3    B3    19   B3 127
m     1     4   D#4    20  D#4 127
m     1     5   G#5    21  G#5 127
m     1    14    E4    25   E4  29
m     1    15   G#3    27  G#3  36
m     1    16    E4    29   E4  43
m     1    17   G#3    31  G#3  50

TODO: Show errors TODO: Show SVG output

Performance Measurement Generators

Given a performance program resource file generate performance measurements where the internal MIDI file is used as a substitute for a real player.

cmtool --meas_gen -p <pgm_rsrc_fn> -r <report_fn>

Example <pgm_rsrc_fn>:

  timeLineFn:   "kc/data/round2.js"
  tlPrefixPath: "projects/imag_themes/scores/gen"
  scoreFn:      "score.csv"

  //            pppp  ppp pp  p   mp  mf  f   ff  fff 
     dynRef: [   14,  28, 42, 56, 71, 85, 99, 113,128 ]


Example call with output file snippet:

cmtool --meas_gen -g ~/src/cmtools/examples/perf_meas/pgm_rsrc_round2.js -r ~/src/cmtools/examples/perf_meas/perf_meas_out.js

  meas : 
    [  "sec"  "typeLabel"  "val"     "cost" "loc" "evt" "seq" "mark" "typeId" ]
    [  "6002"  "tempo"    34.730932 0.000000  59   76     0    "1"      3 ]
    [  "6002"  "dyn"       0.952381 0.000000  59   76     0    "1"      2 ]
    [  "6002"  "even"      0.600000 0.000000  59   76     0    "1"      1 ]
    [  "6002"  "dyn"       1.000000 0.142857  59   76     0    "2"      2 ]

Column Descriptions:

Column Description
sec Score section to which this measurement will be applied.
typeLabel Measurement type
value Measurement value
cost Score follower error value (0= perfect match)
loc Score location index where this measurement will be applied
evt Score event index where this measurement will be applied
seq Sequence id.
mark Time line marker label from which the measurements were made
typeId Measurement type id (numeric id associated with typeLabel)

Note that the event indexes and score locations are best seen in the score report (as generated by cmtool --score_report) NOT by directly referencing the score CSV file.

Score Report

Generate a human readable score report from a score CSV file.

cmtool --score_report -c <csvScoreFn> -r <scoreRptFn>"

Example report file snippet:

evnt  CSV             bar
index line  loctn bar idx type  pitch ETD Dynamic
----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- -------
    0     2   1 bar 
    1     3     0   1   0 non    B3               section:6001 
    2     4     0   1   1 non   D#4               
    3     5     0   1   2 non   G#5               
    4     6     1   1   3 ped    dn               
    5     7     2   1   3 ped    dn               
    6     8     3   1   3 non    E4               
    7     9     4   1   4 non   G#3    td ppp     
    8    10     5   1   5 non    E4    td pp      
    9    11     6   1   6 non   G#3    td pp      
   10    12     7   1   7 non   C#2    td p       
   11    13     8   1   8 non    C4    td mp      
   12    14     9   1   9 non   G#3    td mp      
   13    15    10   1  10 non   C#2    td mf      
   14    16    11   1  11 non   A#2    td f       
   15    17    12   1  12 non    C4    td f       
   16    18    13   1  13 non   A#2    td f       
   17    19    14   1  14 non   C#1               

MIDI File Reports

Generate a MIDI file report and optional SVG piano roll image."

cmtool --midi_report -i <midiInFn> -r <midiRptFn> {-s <svgOutFn> {--svg_stand_alone_fl} {--svg_pan_zoom_fl}  }

Timeline Report

Generate human readable report from a time line setup file.

cmtool --timeline_report -t <timelineInFn> -l <tlPrefix> -r <rptOutFn>

tlPrefix is the folder where data files for this timeline are stored.

Score Follow Report

cmtool  --score_follow -c round2.csv -i new_round2.mid -r report.txt -s report_svg.html

SVG Description

  • Red borders around score events that were not matched.
  • Red borders around MIDI events that did not match.
  • Line is drawn to MIDI events that matched to multiple score events. The lines are drawn to all score events after the first match.

Audio Device Test

Real-time audio port test.

This test also excercises the real-time audio buffer which implements most of the global audio control functions.

-s --srate <real>     Audio system sample rate.
-z --hz <real>     Tone frequency in Hertz.
-x --ch_index <uint>     Index of first channel index.
-c --ch_cnt <uint>     Count of audio channels.
-b --buf_cnt <uint>     Count of audio buffers. (e.g. 2=double buffering, 3=triple buffering)
-f --frames_per_buf <uint>     Count of audio channels.
-i --in_dev_index <uint>     Input device index as taken from the audio device report.
-o --out_dev_index <uint>     Output device index as taken from the audio device report.
-r --report_flag     Print a report of the score following processing.
-h --help      Print this usage information.
-v --version      Print version information.
-p --parms      Print the arguments.

MIDI Audio Sync (MAS)

  1. Synchronize Audio to MIDI based on onset patterns:

    a. Convert MIDI to audio impulse files:

     mas -m -i <midi_dir | midi_fn >  -o <out_dir> -s <srate>
     * If <midi_dir> is given then use all files in the directory as input otherwise convert a single file.
     * The files written to <out_dir> are audio files with impulses written at the location of note on msg's. The amplitude of the the impulse is velocity/127.

    b. Convert the onsets in audio file(s) to audio impulse file(s).

    mas -a -i <audio_dir | audio_fn > -o <out_dir>
    -w -f -u -r <wnd_frm_cnt> -x -t -z -e

    1. If <audio_dir> is given then use all files in the directory as input otherwise convert a single file.
    2. The onset detector uses a spectral flux based algorithm. See cmOnset.h/.c for an explanation of the onset detection parameters.

    c) Convolve impulse files created in a) and b) with a Hann window to widen the impulse width.

    mas -c -i <audio_dir | audio_fn > -o <out_dir> -w

    1. If <audio_dir> is given then use all files in the directory as input otherwise convert a single file.
    2. gives the width of the Hann window.

    d) Synchronize MIDI and Audio based convolved impulse files based on their onset patterns.

    mas -y -i <sync_cfg_fn.js> -o <sync_out_fn.js>

    1. The <sync_cfg_fn.js> file has the following format: { ref_dir : "/home/kevin/temp/mas/midi_conv" // location of ref files key_dir : "/home/kevin/temp/mas/onset_conv" // location of key files hop_ms : 25 // sliding window increment

      sync_array : [ // ref_fn wnd_beg_secs wnd_dur_secs key_fn key_beg_secs, key_end_secs [ "1.aif", 678, 113, "Piano 3_01.aif", 239.0, 417.0], [ "3.aif", 524, 61, "Piano 3_06.aif", 556.0, 619.0], ] }

      Notes: a. The 'window' is the section of the reference file which is compared to the key file search area <key_beg_secs> to <key_end_secs> by sliding it in increments of 'hop_ms' samples.

      b. Set 'key_end_secs' to 0 to search to the end of the file.

      c. When one key file matches to multiple reference files the key files sync recd should be listed consecutively. This way the earlier searches can stop when they reach the beginning of the next sync records search region. See sync_files().

      Note that by setting <key_beg_secs> to a non-zero value as occurs in the multi-key-file case has a subtle effect of changing the master-slave relationship between the reference an key file.

      In general the reference file is the master and the key file is the slave. When a non-zero <key_beg_secs> is given however this relationship reverses. See masCreateTimeLine() for how this is used to assign file group id's during the time line creation.

    2. The <sync_out_fn.js> has the following form.

           "sync" : 
             "refDir" : "/home/kevin/temp/mas/midi_conv"     
             "keyDir" : "/home/kevin/temp/mas/onset_conv"     
             "hopMs" : 25.000000     

             "array" : 
               // sync results for "1.aif" to "Piano 3_01.aif"

                 // The following block of fields were copied from  <sync_cfg_fn.js>. 
                 "refFn"         : "1.aif"         
                 "refWndBegSecs" : 678.000000         
                 "refWndSecs"    : 113.000000         
                 "keyFn"         : "Piano 3_01.aif"         
                 "keyBegSecs"    : 239.000000         
                 "keyEndSecs"    : 417.000000 
                 // Sync. location of the 'window' in the key file.
                 // Sample index into the key file which matches to the first sample 
                 // in the reference window.
                 "keySyncIdx" : 25768800     // Offset into the key file of the best match.
                 "syncDist"  : 4184.826108   // Match distance score for the sync location.          
                 "refSmpCnt" : 200112000     // Count of samples in the reference file.       
                 "keySmpCnt" : 161884800     // Count of samples in the key file.        
                 "srate"     : 96000.000000  // Sample rate of the reference and key file.
  1. Create a time line from the results of a synchronization. A time line is a data structure (See cmTimeLine.h/.c) which maintains a time based ordering of Audio files, MIDI files, and arbitrary markers.

    mas -g -i <sync_out_fn.js> -o <time_line_out_fn.js> -R <ref_dir> -K <key_dir> -M <ref_ext> -A <key_ext>

| <sync_out_fn.js> The output file produced as a result of a previous MIDI <-> Audio synchronization. |
| <ref_dir> Location of the reference files (MIDI) used for the synchronization. | <ref_ext> File extension used by the reference files. | <key_dir> Locate of the key files (Audio) used for the synchronization. | <key_ext> File extension used by the key files.

a. The time line 'trackId' assigned to each time line object is based on the files 'groupId'. A common group id is given to sets of files which are locked in time relative to one another. For example if file B and C are synced to master file A and file D is synced to file E which is synced to master file F. Then files A,B,C will be given one group id and files D,E and F will be given another group id. (See masCreateTimeLine()).

b. The time line object 'offset' values gives the offset in samples where the object begins relative to other objects in the group. Note that the master object in the group may not begin at offset 0 if there are slave objects which start before it.


  • replace round2.csv time with the times in the full fragment MIDI file

  • update timeline lite to allow for a synchronized audio file

  • change the build setup to default to getting libcm from the system and allow an option to build it from src/libcm

  • for all svg output create a standalone flag that wraps the output in HTML and another option to load pan-zoom.

  • MIDI report output example and description

  • Timeline report output example and description