# __caw__ audio processing program __caw__ is an interactive, real-time audio processing environment configured by a declarative language for describing data flow programs based on the [libcw](https://gitea.currawongproject.org/cml/libcw). The best introduction to the language is [__caw__ by Example](https://gitea.currawongproject.org/cml/caw/src/branch/master/examples/examples.md) This tutorial steps through the basic language constructs and theory of operation. # Installation ## Prerequisites: Fedora ``` sudo dnf install autoconf autoconf-archive automake libtool gcc-c++ gdb fftw-devel alsa-lib-devel libwebsockets-devel libubsan ``` Ubuntu ``` sudo apt install autoconf libtool fftw-dev libwebsockets-dev libatlas-base-dev libasound2-dev libubsan1 ``` ## Build Get the project code ``` cd ~/src git clone http://gitea.larke.org/kevin/caw.git cd caw/src git clone http://gitea.larke.org/kevin/libcw.git cd libcw ``` Debug Build ``` cd caw/build/linux/debug ./build.sh # Generates and runs caw/configure make make install # installs into caw/build/linux/debug/bin ``` Release Build ``` cd caw/build/linux/release ./build.sh # generates and runs caw/configure make make install # installs into caw/build/linux/release/bin ``` ## Command Line ``` caw ui {} : Run with a GUI. caw exec : Run without a GUI. caw hw_report : Print the hardware details and exit. caw test ( | all) ( | all) (compare | echo | gen_report )* {args ...} caw test_stub ... ``` Test Example Command line ``` caw test ~/src/cwtest/src/cwtest/cfg/main.cfg /time all echo ```